

hatchet:[英 [ˈhætʃɪt] 美 [ˈhætʃɪt] ]



hatchet 基本解释


名词言归于好; 短柄小斧


hatchet 相关词组


1. bury the hatchet : 和解;


hatchet 相关例句


1. hatchet什么意思

1. You will need a hatchet to do the job.


2. Where did you put the hatchet?


hatchet 网络解释

1. 短柄斧:(Hatchet)看过(A Nightmare On Elm Street)及(Friday the 13th)系列电影的人对美国80年代恐怖片里的那一套不厌其烦一再重复的把戏应该不会感到陌生.

2. 斧:它显然不同于常见的弯柄木工斧(hatchet)、北美土著的掷斧(tomahawk)或者中国杀猪刀(cleaver),难不成这就是李逵抡的板斧?那它该是一对儿,可你怎么也看不见另一只的踪影. 你终于想起他的门派了,这群中世纪的北欧混蛋!

hatchet 双语例句

1. I had never handled a Tool in my Life, and yet in time by Labour, Application, and Contrivance, I found at last that I wanted nothing but I could have made it, especially if I had had Tools; however I made abundance of things, even without Tools, and some with no more Tools than an Adze and a Hatchet, which perhaps were never made that way before, and that with infinite Labour: For Example, If I wanted a Board, I had no other Way but to cut down a Tree, set it on an Edge before me, and hew it flat on either Side with my Axe, till I had brought it to be thin as a Plank, and then dubb it smooth with my Adze.


2. hatchet

2. What attracted my attention, however, was not the man himself, but the tools he used, such as the saw with toothed blade, the plane with two ear-like handles, the revolving drill, the hatchet that looked like the broad axe in drawings—things entirely strange to me.


3. hatchet在线翻译

3. Some utilization similar traditional Chinese painting's hatchet divides texture strokes brush mark, during the brush mark change of brush stroke、scratches、stippling、and dyeing, handy, things have their order of priority, the picture has rhythm.


4. hatchet的近义词

4. Molly Hatchet was in ways similar to fellow Southern rockers Lynyrd Skynyrd in that it paired strong guitar work with a pounding boogie beat.

莫莉斧头是类似的方式,向各位南方摇滚乐队 Lynyrd Skynyrd,它搭配强大的冲击布吉吉他工作队。

5. hatchet的翻译

5. Network sale trade is very non-standard, and Internet a lot of information difficult differentiate of true and false, this gives a lot of'the net is black'offerred natural soil, individual opinion is on forum, this also conceals a space to what hatchet man offers.


6. This ruler who could weep for the death of a hatchet man, but could remain unmoved by the killings of professors, is somehow more awful than the most ignorant and bloodthirsty peasant.


7. Do not remove a fly from your friend's forehead with a hatchet.


8. He had with him his clothes and bedding, with a firelock, some powder, bullets and tobacco, a hatchet, a knife, a kettle, a Bible, some practical pieces, and his mathematical instruments and books.


9. You will need a hatchet to do the job.


10. The opposition leader tried to do a hatchet job on the Chancellor's budget plans by claiming that they were inflationary.


11. He was hatchet-faced and not at all handsome.


12. hatchet的解释

12. He was so very slender, keen, hatchet-faced and well-dressed that Clyde was not only impressed but overawed at once



13. He was so very slender, keen, hatchet-faced and well-dressed that Clyde was not only impressed but overawe d at once


14. Hard to believe that this scrawny, hatchet-faced harridan was Lily`s sister, but yes, somehow she bore the traces which marked one who had had the love – however unrequited – of a powerful witch.



15. A few stock images defined the country: a gymnast, a solider, a hatchet-faced member of the Politburo.


16. hatchet的解释

16. I suggest you find a way to bury the hatchet with Michael Scofield's woman.


17. Cao Cao`s another method of appointment is: Zhaoxiangnapan, Jinshi the hatchet.


18. Zhaoxiangnapan, Jinshi the hatchet.


19. I did it with my hatchet.


20. hatchet是什么意思

20. There is no point in burying the hatchet if you're going to remember where you put it.


hatchet 词典解释

1. 短柄小斧

A hatchet is a small axe that you can hold in one hand.

2. (脸)瘦削而棱角分明的

Someone with a hatchet face has a long, narrow face with sharp features.

e.g. ...an old naval sergeant, with a hatchet face and drooping moustaches.


3. (争吵后)和解,言归于好,化干戈为玉帛

If two people bury the hatchet, they become friendly again after a quarrel or disagreement.


hatchet 单语例句

1. If someone does a hatchet job on a solo pianist, his or her personal reputation and business interests are both damaged.

2. Instead of acting as the US'hatchet men, it is more advisable for Japan and the Philippines to manage their domestic problems first.

3. Any peppy business school graduate is knowledgeable enough to wield the cost cutting hatchet.

4. One hatchet man identified as Wu was stabbed to death and the other two were injured.

5. They acted as hatchet men to beat up innocent people at the request of others.

6. Beckham and Donovan later buried the hatchet in a meeting brokered by their manager, former US national team coach Bruce Arena.

7. Both Israeli and Palestinian leaders agreed that peace is the only choice for the region and were committed to bury the hatchet.

hatchet 英英释义


1. a small ax with a short handle used with one hand (usually to chop wood)

2. weapon consisting of a fighting ax

used by North American Indians

Synonym: tomahawk