

medulla:[英 [mɪ'dʌlə] 美 [mɪ'dʌlə] ]



medulla 基本解释


medulla 网络解释


1. 髓质:角蛋白质的链状结构,使头发具有可伸缩的特性,不易被拉断. 但头发湿的时候较为脆弱,不当牵拉,容易造成损伤. 皮质内,含有具有凝结力和左右头发色质的黑色素. 毛髓质(MEDULLA)位于头发的中心部位,中间是空心的孔状结构,里面含有空气.

2. 延脑:(1)延脑(medulla) 延脑居于脑的最下部位,与脊髓相连;其主要功能为控制呼吸、心跳、消化等. (2)脑桥(pons) 脑桥位居中脑与延脑之间. 脑桥的白质神经纤维,通到小脑皮质,可将神经冲动自小脑一半球传至另一半球,使之发挥协调身体两侧肌肉活动之功能.

3. medulla什么意思

3. 延髓:1.延髓(medulla)延髓居于脑的最下部,与脊髓相连;其主要功能为控制呼吸、心跳、消化等. 2.脑桥(pons)脑桥位于中脑与延脑之间. 脑桥的白质神经纤维,通到小脑皮质,可将神经冲动自小脑一半球传至另一半球,使之发挥协调身体两侧肌肉活动的功能.

medulla 双语例句

1. MIH is produced in the medulla terminalis of the X-organ and stored in the sinus gland of the eyestalk.


2. In normal group and sham lesion group, BDA positive neurons were distributed symmetrically in the pyramid cells of sensorimotor cortex, and BDA positive fibers of pyramid cells passed through the cerebral cortex, internal capsule, cerebral peduncle of midbrain, basilar portion of pons to the pyramid of medulla oblongata. At the lower part of the medulla oblongata, most of the BDA positive fibers passed through the pyramidal decussation to the contralateral side, continously descended at the ventral part of posterior funiculus just dorsal to the posterior gray commissure and ended at sacral spinal segments.


3. Results There was an extensive staining with both P2X2 and P2X4 receptors positive neurons and nerve fibers localized in medulla oblongata. It was mainly localization in the nucleus tractus solitarius, Ⅻ nucleus and ventrolateral medulla of medulla oblongata. It also scattered throughout rest of medulla.

结果 P2X2和P2X4嘌呤受体的阳性神经元和阳性纤维在新生鼠和成年鼠的延髓都有广泛表达,主要分布在孤束核、Ⅻ颅神经核和延髓腹外侧区,延髓其他区域为散在的分布。

4. I think there is something wrong with his medulla oblongata!!


5. What is the function of the medulla oblongata?


6. Objective To study the expression change of NMDA receptor in medulla oblongata cardiovascular center of the rats after CPR.


7. The respiratory control center lies in the medulla oblongata, at the base of the brain.


8. Objective To investigate the distribution of protein kinase C gamma in medulla oblongata and white matter of the spinal cord in adult rats.

目的 观察蛋白激酶Cγ亚型在成年大鼠延髓和脊髓白质内的分布。

9. medulla的翻译

9. This energy enters the physical system through the medulla oblongata at the base of the neck.


10. Methods The expression of Rhbg in cortex, outer medullar and inner medulla of the kidnty was detected by Western blotting.


11. medulla的解释

11. Glycosides and BioActive Endosperm extracted from the tissue within the seed of a flowering plant into cell endosymbiosis with intramolecular force and rearrangement to sustain dynamic balancing of Baroreceptor Reflexes integrating center in the brainstem medulla oblongata to act as arterial, carotid and cardiopulmonary pressure regulator to modulate age-associated Sympathetic Nerve overactivity to inhibit heartbeat accelerating and maintain Renin as angiotensin system for vasomotor tone to prevent from Encephalitis, Brain Tumor, eurological Hypertension, Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease.

这就像是一个创造奇迹的神经生物学家,从开花植物种子组织内部细胞提取的天然多肚蛋白糖贰和生物活性胚乳,藉由分子内力和重排而形成细胞内共生,在脑脊髓B rainstem Medulla oblongata里,以维持压力感受器反射整合中心的动态平衡,作为动脉,颈动脉及心肺压力[电压]调节器,调节与年龄老化相关的交感神经过度活跃,去抑制心跳加快,和维持作为血管紧张素系统和血管运动性语调的肾素,以防止从脑炎,脑肿瘤,神经性高血压,心血管和脑血管病。

12. medulla的反义词

12. Slightly oval, located in the dorsal pons and medulla oblongata, has one cavity between the fourth ventricle.


13. The trilobed structure of the brain, lying posterior to the pons and medulla oblongata and inferior to the occipital lobes of the cerebral hemispheres, that is responsible for the regulation and coordination of complex voluntary muscular movement as well as the maintenance of posture and balance.



14. The tri lobe d structure of the brain, lying posterior to the pons and medulla oblongata and inferior to the occipital lobe s of the cerebral hemispheres, that is responsible for the regulation and coordination of complex voluntary muscular movement as well as the maintenance of posture and balance.



15. The trilobed structure of the brain, lying posterior to the pons and medulla oblongata and inferior to the occipital lobes of the cerebral hemisphere s, that is responsible for the regulation and coordination of complex voluntary muscular movement as well as the maintenance of posture and balance.


16. The expression of NSE was detected in cortex of adrenal cortical hyperplasia, cortical adenomas and pheochromoeyte carcinoma, hut not in that of pheochromocytoma and normal adrenal. The expression of SYN was detected in cortex of corticohyperplassia, cortical adenomas, medull neoplasm, chromophile tumor and pheochromocyte carcinoma, but not in that of cortical adenocarcinoma and normal adrenal. The expressions of CgA, NSE and SIN were detected in the medulla of all cases. Conclusion The characteristic of CgA, SYN and NSE in cortex and medulla of adrenal are useful in the differential diagnosis of tumor and hyperplasia in the adrenal.

结果 肾上腺皮质腺瘤、皮质腺癌、嗜铬细胞瘤和嗜铬细胞癌的皮质中均可见CgA染色阳性细胞,皮质增生、髓质增生和正常肾上腺病例皮质CgA染色阴性;肾上腺皮质增生、皮质腺瘤、皮质腺癌、髓质增生和嗜铬细胞癌NSE染色呈阳性,嗜铬细胞瘤和正常肾上腺皮质NSE染色呈阴性;皮质增生、皮质腺瘤、髓质增生、嗜铬细胞瘤和嗜铬细胞癌的皮质中SYN染色呈阳性,皮质腺癌和正常肾上腺皮质SYN染色呈阴性;所有病例髓质CgA、NSE和SYN染色均呈强阳性。

17. The objection of this research was to find a better mode to reduce the injury of medulla and spinal cord in the operation.


18. A notable example is the kidney medulla, where extracellular osmolarity may range from isotonicity to more than 1, 500 mOsm during water deprivation.

在我们的实验中,不管是修饰膜骨架,改变离子强度,还是改变红细胞的代谢和年龄状况,Band 3都不对旋转应力产生响应。

19. Chromaffin cell s of the adrenal medulla.


20. Motor and sensory nerve fibres from each hemisphere cross over in the medulla to control the opposite side of the Body.


medulla 英英释义


1. the inner part of an organ or structure in plant or animal

2. lower or hindmost part of the brain

continuous with spinal cord

(`bulb' is an old term for medulla oblongata)

e.g. the medulla oblongata is the most vital part of the brain because it contains centers controlling breathing and heart functioning

Synonym: medulla oblongatabulb

3. a white fatty substance that forms a medullary sheath around the axis cylinder of some nerve fibers

Synonym: myelinmyeline