

schism:[英 [ˈskɪzəm] 美 [ˈsɪzəm, ˈskɪz-] ]



schism 基本解释



schism 网络解释

1. 分裂:西方基督教之于东方基督教的关系就如同透视的象征之于金色背景的象征的关系--而最后的分裂(schism)的发生在教会中和在艺术中几乎是同时的. 风景画背景中所描绘的场景与上帝的动态的无限性也是同时被理解的;还有,与宗教绘画的金色背景一起,

2. schism

2. 分裂;宗派活动;教会的分裂:skepticism 怀疑态度;怀疑主义 | schism 分裂;宗派活动;教会的分裂 | scholasticism 经院哲学


3. 分裂,分歧,不和:Depletion: 竭尽 | Schism: 分裂,分歧,不和 | Contradict: 反驳,否认

schism 双语例句

1. The schism occurred as a result of a second dispute over who should inherit the Imamate.


2. schism

2. Other divisive issues such as the celibacy of the priesthood, use of unleavened bread in the Eucharist, episcopal control over the sacrament of confirmation, and priestly beards and monkish tonsures were the source of conflict but not schism.

其他分歧的问题,如独身的神父,使用酵饼在圣体主教的控制权圣礼的确认,并祭司胡须和monkish tonsures是冲突的根源,而不是分裂。

3. The publication of the ukase was immediately followed by the return to the Catholic Church of many Eastern Catholics who had been forced into schism by persecution.


4. schism什么意思

4. During this time the government, realizing the danger of the disaffection of the frontier provinces, alternated fierce persecution of the heretics with vain attempts to conciliate them by compromises Zeno's Henotikon in 482, the Acacian Schism, 484-519, etc.

在这段时间里政府服务,为实现危险性,就是不满的边疆省份,轮岗激烈迫害的异端,与妄图调解,他们的妥协(芝诺的henotikon在482 ,acacian裂,484-519等),它应实现说,埃及是更为一贯monophysite比叙利亚或巴勒斯坦人。

5. On 11 November, 1417, the assembly elected Odo Colonna, who took the name of Martin V. Thus ended the great schism of the West.

于1417年11月11日,大会选举产生福冈饭店colonna ,人的名字马丁诉从此结束了大分裂的西方国家。

6. In its fourth and fifth sessions it declared that the council represented the Church that every person, no matter of what dignity, even the pope, was bound to obey it in what concerned the extirpation of the schism and the reform of the Church; that even the pope, if he resisted obstinately, might be constrained by process of law to obey It in the above-mentioned points.


7. schism的近义词

7. That was a pro- found mistake, a mistake which produced a greatschism and produced all the collateral, though I amglad to think subordinate, evils which followed onthat great schism.


8. All initiates have arrogances that require transcending; generally the arrogances can cause the most difficulties in ascension, as there will be a tendency to schism over and go blind to that which one is arrogant about within oneself.



9. In his Fourth Book the great iconoclast, to whom in good logic only the Church invisible should have signified anything, makes the visible Church supreme over Christians, assigns to it the prerogatives claimed by Rome, enlarges on the guilt of schism, and upholds the principle, Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus.


10. schism

10. Review the economic system reform that comes 20 years, a lot of problems that are accumulated to rise to be solved hard up to now by historical ground, it is to result from be opposite in the process of reform economic schism and understanding of economic intersected rule are not clear, know to the essence of the market then not clear.


11. schism是什么意思

11. The Conciliar Epoch, which led eventually to the healing of the schism, began in 1409 when the cardinals called the Council of Pisa.

时代的Conciliar ,从而导致最终愈合的分裂,在1409年开始当枢机主教呼吁安理会的比萨。

12. schism

12. This schism alarmed the rest of the society, who became known as Orthodox Friends, and a countermovement was begun to relax the formality and discipline of the society, with a view to making Quakerism more evangelical.


13. Although the aforesaid sanction should clearly be subject to nullity on many counts, and was supporting and preserving open schism, and therefore it could have been declared to be essentially of no effect, null and invalid, without the need for any preceding formal citation, yet, from a great sense of caution, our same predecessor Julius, by a public edict -- which was to be fixed to the church doors of Milan, Asti and Pavia, since there was then no safe access to France -gave warning and summoned the prelates of France, the chapters of churches and monasteries, the parlements and the layfolk supporting them and making use of the said sanction, and each and all of the rest who were thinking that there was some advantage for them in the foregoing individually or collectively, to appear before him and the said council within a fixed period, which was then clearly stated, and to declare the reasons why the aforesaid sanction, and its corruptive and abusive effect in matters touching on the authority of the Roman church and the sacred canons, and on the violation of ecclesiastical liberty should not be declared null and invalid.



14. We are therefore thinking seriously about this Pragmatic Sanction, or rather corruption, as has been stated, which was issued at the time of the schism by those who did not have the necessary power, and which is not at all in accord with the rest of the christian state or with God's holy church.


15. It is hard to say how much say of these bodies are now even conscious of what was once the cardinal issue of their schism.

这很难说有多大的说,这些机构(景教或monophysite ),现在甚至有意识的是什么,一旦红衣主教的问题,他们的分裂。

16. schism的解释

16. The next general was the famous Lorenzo Cozza (1723-27) who, as Custos of the Holy Land, had obviated a schism of the Maronites.

下一般是著名的洛伦佐科扎( 1723年至1727年)谁,作为保管人的圣地,已避免分裂的马龙。

17. The Third Lateran Council ended the schism (1159-77) of the antipope Callistus III and his predecessors.

第三拉特兰会结束分裂( 1159年至1177年)的对立教宗callistus三和他的前任。

18. schism是什么意思

18. That a schism arises in the future in such a way that two or more persons claim to be supreme pontiffs, then the date of the council, if it is more than a year off, is to be brought forward to one year ahead; calculating this from the day on which two or more of them publicly assumed the insignia of their pontificates or on which they began to govern.


19. The fact that the Jacobites as well as the Orthodox have the Jerusalem-Antiochene Liturgy is the chief proof that this had supplanted the older Antiochene use before the schism of the fifth century.


20. schism的翻译

20. They were held associate the battalion of group half above closes with profit, and with mature market (Europe, North America, day, bay, wait newly) apparent schism.


schism 词典解释

1. (由于思想、信仰不同造成的)分裂,分离

When there is a schism, a group or organization divides into two groups as a result of differences in thinking and beliefs.

e.g. ...the great schism which divided the Christian world in the 11th century...

11 世纪划分基督教世界的大规模教会分裂

e.g. The church seems to be on the brink of schism.


schism 单语例句

1. The schism between city and village under capitalism due to the separation of the masses from the soil is one manifestation of this metabolic rift.

2. It was a stark example of the schism between Christians and Muslims that runs through the Middle East and periodically erupts into violence.

3. The pseudo concept of ethnic groups is threatening to create social schism that would lead to the transformation of the current political schism.

4. The two sides had been squared off since Karuna announced the schism on March 3 in a dispute of regional rivalry and political strategy.

5. A damaging schism may be developing in the industry, observers say.

schismschism 英英释义


1. division of a group into opposing factions

e.g. another schism like that and they will wind up in bankruptcy

Synonym: split

2. the formal separation of a church into two churches or the withdrawal of one group over doctrinal differences