

downpour:[英 [ˈdaʊnpɔ:(r)] 美 [ˈdaʊnˌpɔr, -ˌpor] ]



downpour 基本解释



downpour 相关例句


1. downpour在线翻译

1. She was drenched by the sudden downpour.


downpour 网络解释

1. 暴雨:土的渗水性(diminished)越接近饱和时,所以如果暴雨(downpour)维持很长时间就会把土冲. ...

2. 滂沱大雨:雷 thunder | 滂沱大雨 downpour | 炎热 scorching heat

3. 倾盆大雨:ice rain 冻雨 | downpour 倾盆大雨 | storm 暴风雨

4. downpour是什么意思

4. 注下:downhole 向下炮眼 | downpour 注下 | downward 下向的

downpour 双语例句

1. The wind was warm like spring azure us this spring but was so eager to heaven clouds, fog covers, downpour, ...

曾经 喜欢春日天青风暖的我们,这个春天却是那样地渴望老天云遮雾罩,大雨滂沱,。。。

2. The sudden downpour put a chill into the picnicker s.


3. downpour在线翻译

3. Speaking from his: The Qingchengzi downpour, sitting on the shifting mountain when I飞泉1000恍悟, if the rain wall, dry and Run, Run and see bone.



4. The downpour plastered his shirt to his body.


5. Amongst the most outrages things I have done in adventure races was to abseil 2 rope length (that's almost 200meters) in the middle of the heavy downpour looking over the Kinta Valley, Flying Fox inside Gua Kandu at breakneck speed, river boarding down Sungai Kinta with class 3 rapids and hoping no monitor lizards would come nibbling your toes, caving in total darkness and submerging 90% inside the cave's river system to get to the other side.


6. downpour

6. What a downpour!And there is no sign of stopping.


7. downpour在线翻译

7. He was caught in a heavy downpour.


8. downpour的近义词

8. A downpour like this never long here at this time of year.


9. Hopefully, it won't be a downpour.


10. I was caught in the downpour.


11. A downpour like this never lasts long here at this time of year.


12. downpour的翻译

12. For sixteen hours the downpour continued, and when it was dusk I again went out.


13. His hirt attached to his body like plaster because of downpour.


14. downpour的意思

14. Jessa and I walked down to the store near where we live and I got soaked as did Jessa and we got hit with a downpour on the way there.

Jessa 和我近下来走了到商店我们居住的地方并且我像Jessa 得到了浸泡并且我们得到了命中以一场暴雨在途中那里。

15. downpour

15. There was a sudden downpour of rain today, so the smaller elephants had to remain in their stables for the best part of the morning.


16. I don't know how he found his way in the gloom and downpour, but he


17. It cooled off after the downpour last night.


18. I was caught in a sudden downpour/shower without an umbrella.


19. A colossal figure, carved apparently in some white stone, loomed indistinctly beyond the rhododendrons through the hazy downpour.


20. downpour的解释

20. I got off the streetcar in a downpour and thankfully opened the umbrella to protect myself.


downpour 单语例句

1. BEIJING - Hundreds of thousands of Chinese netizens are lamenting the loss of over three dozen lives in Saturday's catastrophic downpour in Beijing.

2. The torrential downpour caused flooding along two rivers on either side of Cincinnati - the Little Miami and the Great Miami.

3. Previous reports had said a heavy downpour triggered the mudslide, but Xinhua citied meteorological experts to question the claim.

4. The downpour caused some vehicles in the tube to collide or skid off the passway, said the spokesman.

5. Not even a sudden downpour and the crackle of lightning can dampen the revellers'spirits.

6. Nearly 200 of Yang's countrymen braved downpour to mourn the businessman, before his remains were sent for cremation.

7. The unexpected downpour acted as a cue for a more attacking spell but the match soon fizzled out after some poor finishing from both sides.

8. BEIJING - New rounds of drenching rain will continue in the capital this week, after a Sunday downpour put an end to the oppressively hot and hazy weather.

9. The downpour began shortly after 7 am, drenching and trapping crowds of people on their way to work.

10. The sky darkened as the susurrus of a drizzle became a roaring downpour accompanied by thunder and lightning.

downpour的反义词downpour 英英释义



1. a heavy rain

Synonym: cloudburstdelugewaterspouttorrentpeltersoaker