

husky:[英 [ˈhʌski] 美 [ˈhʌski] ]



husky 基本解释

形容词强壮的; 嗓子哑的; 有壳的

名词哈士奇; 强壮结实的人

husky 相关例句


1. husky

1. He has a husky voice.



1. There I saw a species of husky.


husky 网络解释

1. 雪橇犬(哈士奇):从此以后这些拥有着小而紧凑身材的美丽犬种开始在阿拉斯加被当地人所认可哈士奇(husky)的官方标准:拥有一只正宗的西伯利亚雪橇犬(哈士奇(husky))是每个热爱此狗的人士最幸福的事情所以在选择该犬种时候必须正确认识该品系,

2. husky什么意思

2. 赫斯基:如萨克米(SACMl)、奥克亚(Alcoa)赫斯基:(Husky)、 德马格 (Demag)、 耐驰(Nestal)、恩格尔(Engel)等世界知名的制盖机械均已进人我国. 与此同时,在塑料瓶盖生产领域,注塑和压塑工艺之争也拉开了大幕. 技术创新无疑是塑料防盗盖快速发展的动力

husky 双语例句


1. Sports -汉英 a beefy wrestler; had a tall burly frame; clothing sizes for husky boys; a strapping boy of eighteen; (`buirdly'is a Scottish term; a buirdly lad of twelve).


2. husky

2. You will need a strong, well sunk fence if you want to keep your Siberian Husky at home.


3. He has a husky build (muscular, but also a little overweight) and is extremely strong.


4. His speaking voice, a gruff husky tenor, added to the impression of fractiousness he conveyed


5. husky的近义词

5. Today, the unregistered hybridized Alaskan husky is the preferred choice for dogsled racing.



6. You may try to ride the Canadian symbol animal there– Husky.



7. In this summer, I have a domesticated husky, it's time to four months, and is a small male dogs, I named it gained from its black hair is gray, his eyes large and round, black light, it is not long legs, but running faster than anyone else the past few days, is because it's coming home full of laughter.


8. husky

8. His voice was deeper, but it had the husky tone I remembered.



9. When I heard the soft husky voice and saw the tired sad face of Premier Wen.



10. I have a Shepard/husky mix for a dog that I trained to pull me while country skiing. He goes with me everywhere I go.



11. I wish can buy a house quick, then I can feed a lovely husky with me, like my pang pang (the husky I feed in Beijing, but it leave me too far away now) its clever, obedient and proud.



12. Al Uhalt of Colorado Springs made a bumpy but safe landing in a field Thursday when the single-engine Aviat Husky he and a student were flying ran out of fuel near the end of a 45-minute lesson.

这架由他和一名学生驾驶的单引擎Aviat Husky型飞机在45分钟的课程快结束时汽油用光了。

13. Chicago carl sandburg 芝加哥卡尔·桑德堡 hog-butcher for the world, tool-maker, stacker of wheat, player with railroads and the nation's freight-handler; stormy, husky, brawling, city of the big shoulders; they tell me you are wicked and i believe them, for i have seen your painted women under the gas lamps luring the farm boys.


14. husky的意思

14. Possessing classic beauty and a husky, alluring voice, she was known in her early films for her portrayals of sexual passion.


15. husky的近义词

15. If I were a bird I should sing with my husky throat The land which is being hitted by the storm The river which is always filled with our indignation The wind which blows violently forever And the most tenderness dawn which comes from the forest…… After that I died The feathers corrupted in the earth.


16. Built for hard pulling, the husky had a deep wide chest, thick neck, and iron-hard legs.


17. Built for hard pulling, the Husky has a deep wild chest, thick neck and iron-hard legs.


18. Is a Siberian Husky Right for You?


19. When you play with your Siberian Husky, make sure you end up with possession of the object.


20. husky的翻译

20. My husky is waiting for me...


husky 词典解释

1. (嗓音)沙哑的,深沉的

If someone's voice is husky, it is low and rather rough, often in an attractive way.

e.g. His voice was husky with grief.


e.g. ...Dietrich's deep, husky voice.



'Ready?' I asked huskily.


2. (男人)魁梧健美的,高大英俊的

If you describe a man as husky, you think that he is tall, strong, and attractive.

e.g. ...a very husky young man, built like a football player.


3. (用来拉雪橇的)爱斯基摩犬

A husky is a strong, furry dog, which is used to pull sledges across snow.

husky 单语例句

1. Hutchison doesn't have anything to add to Husky's press release, said spokeswoman Laura Cheung in Hong Kong.

2. Her deep and husky voice fits well with the nostalgic songs that she is best at singing.

3. Husky Oil is partly owned by Husky Energy, also controlled by Li.

4. Police said the dogs - a husky and a mongrel - already had attacked sheep nearby in January.

5. He refused again and was badly beaten by several husky fellows who worked for the inn.

6. He eventually made a date with her but three husky men turned up.

7. The dead animal will undergo a DNA test to see if it is a wolf or a husky.

8. Another analyst said it would be possible for PetroChina to acquire Hutchison Whampoa's 35 per cent stake in Husky's assets.

9. Husky helped bring country music to a national audience after World War II.

10. Husky's stock was halted on the Toronto Stock Exchange after reports on Tuesday.