

bequeath:[英 [bɪˈkwi:ð] 美 [bɪˈkwið, -ˈkwiθ] ]


过去式:bequeathed;   过去分词:bequeathed;   现在分词:bequeathing;

bequeath 基本解释

及物动词将(财物等)遗赠给; 将(知识等)传给(后人)


bequeath 相关例句


1. bequeath的近义词

1. She bequeathed everything to her son.


2. One age bequeaths its civilization to the next.


3. bequeath

3. She bequeathed him her fortune.



4. He bequeathed his talent to his son.


bequeath 网络解释

1. bequeath的解释

1. 遗赠:bepuzzlement 困惑 | bequeath 遗赠 | bequeathal 遗赠的

2. bequeath的反义词

2. 赠送,把......传给后代:13. annihilate 歼灭 | 14. bequeath 赠送,把......传给后代 | 15. sanity 头脑清醒健全

3. 遗留给,传给:Impute 归咎于,归因于 | Bequeath 遗留给,传给 | Mockingbird 模仿鸟

4. bequeath

4. 禅让:开除 Expel | 禅让 Bequeath | 占领 Occupy

bequeath 双语例句

1. That will be a terrible political legacy for China to bequeath his successor.


2. I bequeath them to you, my children


3. Something that is bequeath ed; a legacy.


4. bequeath在线翻译

4. I bequeath all my worldly goods to my wife.


5. To him I bequeath my collar and leash and my overcoat and my raincoat.


6. bequeath在线翻译

6. To him I bequeath my collar and leash and my overcoat and raincoat.


7. The millinaire will bequeath his colossal fortune to his only son.


8. bequeath的意思

8. There is nothing of value I have to bequeath except my love and my faith.


9. bequeath

9. What worry me are the problems that we will bequeath to our children.


10. Today, we bequeath America`s future into your able hands.



11. Their creations in various verse form all has excellent piece to bequeath to posterity, among them couldst poem although the amount be few but had many good rticles, in the couldst on the decline of night-Tang seem to be difficult.



12. Maybe because he can now bequeath to his successor a political system in which the authoritarian tendencies of Mubarakism survive.


13. bequeath

13. Now, with the generosity of spirit that years of success can bequeath a guy, he has initiated the next decade of his career with a return to roots.


14. I had come to believe that healthy natural ecosystems are the most important legacy we have from the past, above the ocean or below, and their protection is the single most important legacy we can bequeath to those who follow.


15. Because of the patronage and benefits officials can bequeath, their work is lauded as genius, unless they fall from grace, as in Mr Wang`s case.



16. In a similar fashion, two chocolates can only bequeath bb to their puppies, so two chocolates can never produce a black puppy.


17. Via inchoate discovery, inchoate and active cure nurses, cure during 11 be in hospital, after 2 leave hospital, add cure cures afterwards, 2 still bequeath has thrombus sequela, did not produce disease of lobar thrombus embolism. 1.2 clinical expression are inchoate have lower limbs heavy feeling, calorific, mobile inconvenience, suffer from limb durative ache, the limbs strut that accentuates gradually, see shallow varicosity, if be thrombus of crus deep vein, expression aches for crus or can press, the flesh after the crus when sufficient Zhi music group ache is apparent, inchoate can have or did not cave sexual oedema, supersonic much a fair amount of confidence is strapped or vein radiography can be diagnosed clearly further reach thrombus level. 2 nurse after 2.1 functions exercise skill of tumour of department of gynaecology, activity of lower limbs passivity begins namely before anaesthetic effect disappears completely, grant the function practices passivity of ankle, genu, hip joint, complementary massage to the muscle of close end with You Yuanduan reach extruding, time makes an appointment with 5~10min, if make after patient art...


18. " Cultivation and read to bequeath to the family " is a kind of ideal living diagram view that the middle-class family farmer works hard to pursue in Chinese traditional agriculture originally society.


19. Let us resolve to bequeath renewed prosperity to posterity, not a collapse of the global economy we inherited.


20. She said if the world did not act conclusively now, it would only bequeath the problem to future generations


bequeath 词典解释

1. 遗赠

If you bequeath your money or property to someone, you legally state that they should have it when you die.

e.g. Fields's will bequeathed his wife Hattie and son Claude the sum of twenty thousand dollars...


e.g. He bequeathed all his silver to his children.


2. 留下;把…传下去

If you bequeath an idea or system, you leave it for other people to use or develop.


e.g. He bequeaths his successor an economy that is doing quite well...


e.g. It is true that colonialism did not bequeath much to Africa.


bequeath 单语例句

1. He said the Bush administration has been trying to " shore up and store up leverage " to bequeath to the Obama administration.

2. Many Chinese private executives still aim to bequeath their wealth and company leadership to their children and family members.

3. Workers who die before reaching the age of 67 would be able to bequeath their PSS balances to their heirs.

4. Others simply listed an inventory of personal belongings to bequeath them should I fail to return.

bequeath的近义词bequeath 英英释义



1. leave or give by will after one's death

e.g. My aunt bequeathed me all her jewelry

My grandfather left me his entire estate

Synonym: willleave