

memorandum:[英 [ˌmeməˈrændəm] 美 [ˌmɛməˈrændəm] ]


  复数形式:memoranda; memorandums;

memorandum 基本解释

名词[外]照会,备忘录; [商]便笺,函; 记录; [法](契约等条文的)节略

memorandum 相关例句


1. He sent us a memorandum about the meeting.


memorandum 网络解释

1. memorandum

1. 备忘:可以想见,巴塔耶对尼采广征博引--但并未像(Memorandum)所做的那样使自己完全消失在他导师文本的背后,巴塔耶一书也于1944年出版,是巴塔耶为了纪念尼采诞辰所编辑的尼采晚期作品合集.

2. 附註:若损失已达或超过该比率或额度时,则保险人负责补偿全部损失. 劳依兹保单(S.G.Form)中之附注(Memorandum)即为典型之起赔额约定. 在船舶保险实务上,起赔额之约定已被自负额(Deductible)取代.

3. memorandum是什么意思

3. memorandum:memo; 备忘录

memorandum 双语例句


1. A scroll was found in the citadel of Ecbatana in the province of Media, and this was written on it: Memorandum

以斯拉记 CH。61 於是大利乌王降旨、要寻察典籍库内、就是在巴比伦藏宝物之处。

2. memorandum的解释

2. Makoto Nakajima, Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office, and Mr. Sang-Woo Jun, Commissioner of the Korean Intellectual Property Office. A memorandum was signed by the three Commissioners at the end of the Dialogue.


3. I 3 copies of Memorandum and Articles of Association of the club

i 会社的组织章程大纲及章程细则副本 3 份

4. Offset is the business card printing and membership card making business the widely-used business card printing and membership card making to the explanatory memorandum, General collers, pictorialmagazines, pictures, illustrations, and so on., is a non-paper coated paper.


5. Argument: 40The following appeared in a memorandum from the president of Excello Food Markets.


6. Printed copy of the new Memorandum and Articles of Association; and


7. Jerry Yang this week a memorandum with him last week by e-mail formed a sharp contrast.


8. memorandum的意思

8. This insurance shall extend to cover extra charges for airfreight incurred in connection with any claim for loss of or damage to Insured Property recoverable under Section 1 provided that the amount payable under this Memorandum shall not exceed US$ 1, 000, 000 in all during the Period of Insurance.

本保险扩展承保与该部分项下被保险财产的保险损失有关的额外空运运费,但该项扩展在整个保险期间不超过 US$1,000,000。

9. memorandum的反义词

9. After years of acrimony, CARB and the AMA reached, in 1996, a Memorandum of Agreement which seemed to be an amicable solution.


10. Afteryears of acrimony, CARB and the AMA reached, in 1996, a Memorandum ofAgreement which seemed to be an amicable solution.


11. memorandum的意思

11. The above-mentioned terms are to be implemented following the signing of this Memorandum by the authorized officers of both Universities.



12. China and Jordan inked Thursday a Memorandum of Understanding on establishment of the first Confucius Institute in the kingdom.


13. In 2003, China and India signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Opening Border Trade at Nathula.



14. But each in the preparation of a memorandum signed memoranda or signed, and because managers are not recognized replacement in the end.


15. 5 Equipment heat load test of the contract after the success of the 5 working days, buyers and sellers should sign the contract equipment heat load test of the success of the memorandum as part of the supplementary contract.

8.5 合同设备热负荷试车成功后5个工作日内,买卖双方应签署有关合同设备热负荷试车成功的备忘录作为本合同的补充部分。

16. memorandum什么意思

16. Memorandum of Cooperation of Index Futures Research was signed with Xinhua FTSE Index and CITIC Securities Company Limited respectively.


17. In this memorandum two indisputable items figured up over three hundred francs, --one for the doctor, the other for the apothecary who had attended and physicked Eponine and Azelma through two long illnesses.


18. In this memorandum two indisputable items figured up over three hundred francs, --one for the doctor, the other for the apothecary who had attended and physicked Eponine and Azelma through two long illnesses


19. On the afternoon of May 20, after indepth understanding, Mr Hardwick, the headmaster of Beck Primary School in Sheffield, and Ms. Yang, the headmaster of Pao Tong Shu PrimarySchool in Chengdu signed a Cooperation Memorandum of amicable school in the melodious sound of Gu Zheng.

5月18日-20日几天,英国谢菲尔德市贝克小学校长 Hardwick 先生深入我校各校区学校,深入课程,深入学生、深入教师的一系列丰富的参观和交流活动的了解与沟通。20日下午,在悠扬的古筝声中,英国谢菲尔德市贝克小学校长 Hardwick 先生在泡桐树小学西子香荷校区与杨校长签订了友好学校合作备忘录。

20. Earlier, the China Securities Regulatory Commission has issued three memorandum strict audit listed companies equity incentives.


memorandum 词典解释

1. 备忘录

A memorandum is a written report that is prepared for a person or committee in order to provide them with information about a particular matter.

e.g. ...a memorandum from the Ministry of Defence on its role...


e.g. The delegation submitted a memorandum to the Commons on the blatant violations of basic human rights.


2. (外交)备忘录

A memorandum is an informal communication between governments which often states a particular diplomatic purpose or point of view.


e.g. ...a memorandum of understanding for co-operation between our two countries.


3. (公司或组织内部的)公务便条,备忘录

A memorandum is a short official note that is sent by one person to another within the same company or organization.

memorandum 单语例句memorandum的解释

1. Bayer Technology and Engineering Company Ltd signed a memorandum of understanding with the China Europe International Business School this week.

2. China and Japan signed a Chemical Weapons Convention in 1997 and a memorandum two years later.

3. These released criminals were later repatriated by the Chinese Red Cross Society, the memorandum says.

4. The memorandum marks a milestone for Cisco to cooperate with a provincial government on Smart + Connected Communities in China.

5. According to the memorandum of understanding, bar owners are responsible for promoting safe sex among their gay clientele in their venues.

6. China and the US signed a memorandum of understanding encouraging cooperation on climate change and cleaner energy in July.

7. Among them was the memorandum of understanding between Philippine Coco Technologies and China Guangzhou Rivers Enterprise.

8. The memorandum will be tabled at the Legislative Council on November 12 for commencement before the end of 2008.

9. BEIJING - The Dalian Commodity Exchange on Thursday signed a cooperation memorandum with the Korean Exchange in a bid to boost its global presence.

10. Both sides have reached preliminary common ground on the forum arrangements and will possibly sign a memorandum of understanding within this week.

memorandum 英英释义


1. a written proposal or reminder

Synonym: memomemoranda