

testimony:[英 [ˈtestɪməni] 美 [ˈtestɪmoʊni] ]



testimony 基本解释

名词(法庭上证人的)证词; 证明,证据; 表示,表明; 声明,宣言

testimony 相关词组

1. bear testimony to : 证明..., 证实...;

testimony 相关例句



1. The eyewitness's testimony proved he was guilty.


2. The prize was a tangible testimony that she had got a germ of writing ability.


testimony 网络解释

1. 证词:在希拉克时代,萨科齐就对法国的强硬反美立场时有微词;在大选前出版的书(Testimony)中,萨科齐劝告法国人要维持法美两国的密切关系,两国有共同的民主理想,美国在两次世界大战中为法国而战.

2. testimony的近义词

2. 陈述:相反,它意味着用怀疑的态度来对待专家的陈述(testimony),这有可能是对专家的资格进行质疑,有可能是为任何有异议的主张寻找确证,也有可能是拒绝相信专家,如果他或她的研究是由令人厌恶的产业所资助的,或者他或她的报告显示出磨擦的减少(axe),

testimony 双语例句

1. I searched deeper into the Spirit of Prophecy and discovered that Sister White brought some of the strongest rebukes against those who would not boldly give the straight testimony and call sin by its right name.


2. In prepared testimony to a Senate committee, Gates said the Bush administration sought the money for more training and equipment for the US military, including new armoured vehicles that give extra protection to troops against bomb blasts.


3. There was no room in his system for the ordained and salaried clergy of other religions, Fox proclaiming that every man, woman or child, when moved by the Spirit, had an equal right to prophesy and give testimony for the edification of the brethren.


4. testimony

4. A recent publicly posted testimony by a congregant at the Brownsville Assembly of God, near Pensacola, Fla., seems to confirm his intuition.

最近,一位神召会传道人佛罗里达潘撒克拉的布朗斯维(Brownsville Assembly of God,near Pensacola,Fla。

5. Master Cheng Yen often tells us that you will be happier when your life is simple. Living a frugal existence for 15 years, Li Mingcun and wife are testimony to the Master's wisdom. The couple are both Tzu Chi commissioners, who have recruited more than 400 members.


6. With `You and Me` as a unity, all things in the universe are testimony to our love, but no words come close enough to capture the mesmeric attraction between us in its entirety.


7. This is a testimony in the whole universe that the Lord has a shining golden lampstand in Lexington.


8. testimony的反义词

8. Am an officer of Beijing Frontier Inspection Station of People's Republic of China, authorized by law to take your testimony. Are you willing to answer my questions at this time?


9. After all, did it have pictures and the truth, so you can better evoke romantic memories, but also the future of the records and testimony.


10. testimony

10. The portion of the written records on the testimony of witnesses shall be read out in court or be given to the witnesses to read.


11. The records of testimony of witnesses who are not present in court, the conclusions of the expert witnesses, the records of inquests and other documents serving as evidence shall be read out in court, and the opinions of the parties and the defenders shall be heard.


12. The written records of testimony of the witnesses who are not present in court, the conclusions of the expert witnesses, the written records of inquest and other documents serving as evidence shall be read out in court.



13. The written records of testimony of witnesses who fail to appear before the court, the conclusions of expert witnesses, the written records of inquests as well as other documents serving as evidence shall be read out in court.


14. For the parties to identify; the records of testimony of witnesses who are not present in court, theconclusions of expert witnesses who are not present in court, the records of inquests and other documents serving as evidence shall be read out in court The judges shall heed the opinions of the public prosecutor, the parties, the defenders and the agents ad litem


15. Article 157 The public prosecutor and the defenders shall show the material evidence to the court for the parties to identify; the records of testimony of witnesses who are not present in court, the conclusions of expert witnesses who are not present in court, the records of inquests and other document.


16. testimony的解释

16. We have no other testimony of it.


17. Built over carefully chiseled stone blocks, the ruins bear testimony to the intricate engineering skills of the Incas.


18. testimony

18. For this, they are taking testimony again far go to Beijing to be able to be consulted to Chinese card inspect.


19. But no one is to be put to death on the testimony of only one witness.


20. testimony在线翻译

20. The testimony of an eyewitness can be weighty and convincing. Many a juror has been swayed by the testimony of a creditable witness.


testimony 词典解释

1. (法庭上的)证词

In a court of law, someone's testimony is a formal statement that they make about what they saw someone do or what they know of a situation, after having promised to tell the truth.

e.g. His testimony was an important element of the Prosecution case...


e.g. Prosecutors may try to determine if Robb gave false testimony when he appeared before the grand jury.


2. 证明;证据

If you say that one thing is testimony to another, you mean that it shows clearly that the second thing has a particular quality.

e.g. This book is testimony to a very individual kind of courage.


e.g. Her living room is also her office, filled with desks, books, papers, a testimony to her dedication to her work.


testimony 单语例句

1. Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan seen during testimony on Capitol Hill in this April 21, 2004 file photo.

2. Testimony during the hearing showed she arrived at the jail in near catatonia, but had improved steadily since.

3. It was clear from Campbell's testimony that he played a central role in the Blair administration.

4. Bonds is accused of lying in that testimony, and is charged with four counts of perjury and one count of obstruction of justice.

5. A judge heard three days of testimony and arguments last week over the sale of most of Chrysler's assets to Italian carmaker Fiat SpA.

6. Bush's measure would let coerced testimony be presented at terrorism trials but would deny defendants access to classified evidence in them.

7. But their testimony at the climax of the defense case is a sign that they oppose the government's drive to execute him.

8. The court is in closed session to hear testimony from a protected witness.

9. He also claimed he made his testimony under a coercive interrogation, but prosecutors denied there was misconduct during the investigation.

10. Players have been reluctant to appear before Congressional panels in the past but US lawmakers have subpoena powers to compel testimony.

testimony的近义词testimony 英英释义


1. something that serves as evidence

e.g. his effort was testimony to his devotion

Synonym: testimonial

2. an assertion offering firsthand authentication of a fact

e.g. according to his own testimony he can't do it

3. a solemn statement made under oath