

default:[英 [dɪˈfɔ:lt] 美 [dɪˈfɔlt] ]


过去式:defaulted;   过去分词:defaulted;   现在分词:defaulting;

default 基本解释

不及物动词未履行任务或责任; 受传唤时未出庭; 由于不到庭而败诉; 弃权

及物动词未履行,拖欠; 未参加或完成(例如,比赛); [法]因未到庭而败(诉)

名词未履行,拖欠; [法]未到庭; 弃权; [计] 缺省,默认


default 相关例句


1. They default ed in the badminton tournament.


2. The player defaulted in the tournament because of her injury.



1. He lost the tennis match by default.


2. default在线翻译

2. The other team didn't arrive, so our team won by default.


default 网络解释

1. default的反义词

1. 默认的:当使用一个数组时,它的键是一个在激活数据库连接时所引用的简洁名称,而它的值就是连接字符串本身. 下面是一个例子,在这里我们声明了两个连接字符串,默认的(default)和遗留的(legacy):

default 双语例句

1. There is also a setting to override the default audio compression setting for higher or lower audio quality and bandwidth usage.


2. default的近义词

2. The default rate, in this case, can be as high as 29%!



3. In case of serious persisting default, the non defaulting party may terminate this Master Agreement by way of registered letter to the defaulting party with immediate effect.


4. It takes time for heat to move inward from the surface to the center, so the default method is to fry or grill or broil and hope that the browning time equals the heat-through time.


5. According to this model, commercial banks can judge whether a target enterprise may default, and the accuracy rate is more than 91%.


6. In the second part, the paper studies how to use the VaR method to measure and control credit risk in terms of default rate and ranks of credit.


7. default

7. How can it reduce default rate and credit stinting?



8. That is because the loan default rate, and the amount of claim and indemnity are higher and higher.


9. High yield is in risk and group expects the default rate will go up still.


10. Because of the limited storage space on mobile devices the default sound and music sampling rate is very low to reduce the install size.



11. He points out that: 1 the credit environments deeply affect the forming of asset pools, 2 in the society of bad credit environments, the banks have their impetuses to make securitization, and the borrowers have their impetuses to default about the mortgage which have been made securitization, so it causes the default rate to increase and the quality to decrease in the evolution of asset pools.


12. Mohist person with a real world beyond the limits of moral courage, by default through the ideals of a country, they have a utopian character is obvious and admirable.


13. You may not have specified a default e-mail client.


14. default的近义词

14. By default, trailing white space is stripped. Use'''|+'''to keep trailing whitespace. Leading whitespace is trimmed to first line's indent. Use'''|8'''to add a leading whitespace indent (where 8 is any number).


15. One further note about the encoder: currently it will drop frames by default, which is incredibly aggravating and may cause serious problems.


16. What rights does he have, by default, to the SYS:PUBLIC directory on WIDGET1? A: ReadB: SupervisorC: Read, WriteD: Read, File ScanE: Read, Write, CreateF: Write, Create, EraseG: Read, Erase, File ScanH: Read, Write, Create, EraseI: Read, Write, Create, Erase, ModifyJ: JJenkins has no rights to


17. Moreover, the author studies the default rules on the development of places of articulation children mastered.


18. While Georgia state law provides some default provisions, custom provisions in the operating agreement can replace them.


19. default的解释

19. It will appear on the bottom of your desktop by default.


20. Use values from 0 to 5, default 4


default 词典解释Pronounced /'diːfɔːlt/ for meaning 2. 义项 2 读作 /'diːfɔːlt/。

1. 不履行;未支付

If a person, company, or country defaults on something that they have legally agreed to do, such as paying some money or doing a piece of work before a particular time, they fail to do it.

e.g. The credit card business is down, and more borrowers are defaulting on loans...


e.g. The first warning signals came in March when the company defaulted on its initial payment of £30 million.


2. 默认的

A default situation is what exists or happens unless someone or something changes it.

e.g. ...default passwords installed on commercial machines...


e.g. Death, not life, is the default state of cells.


3. 默认值;缺省指令

In computing, the default is a particular set of instructions which the computer always uses unless the person using the computer gives other instructions.

e.g. The default is usually the setting that most users would probably choose.


e.g. ...default settings.


4. (事情的发生)自动地(因可能阻止或改变结果之事未发生)

If something happens by default, it happens only because something else which might have prevented it or changed it has not happened.

e.g. Spassky won the first game, and was awarded by the second by default, when Fischer failed to put in an appearance...


e.g. I would rather pay the individuals than let the money go to the State by default.


5. 因…未发生;因…不可能

If something happens in default of something else, it happens because that other thing does not happen or proves to be impossible.

e.g. Malvolio becomes, in default of competition, the play's moral centre.


default 单语例句default是什么意思

1. The stock went into free fall and the cost of buying protection against the default of its bonds soared.

2. Large amounts of cash withdrawn from credit cards through irregular means has also greatly contributed to the sharp rise in default rates.

3. Now some argue that the US government could carry on by going into a " technical " default.

4. ATHENS - The Greek government categorically denied Tuesday persisting rumours of a possible debt default and an exit from the eurozone.

5. More significant than a CCC rating is the looming threat of a default in the United States.

6. And if ECB loans to banks are not treated as senior loans, there is a grave possibility of a central bank default.

7. At current rates investors are pricing in a 48 percent chance of default.

8. Qiu said the regulator might require banks to set aside additional funds to counter rising default risks.

9. Some believe the new system will not root out click default because it doesn't make any difference on the cost per click business model.

10. When a loan payment goes 60 days past due, the website uses part of the closing fee to compensate the lender for the default.

default 英英释义


1. loss due to not showing up

e.g. he lost the game by default

2. an option that is selected automatically unless an alternative is specified

Synonym: default option

3. loss resulting from failure of a debt to be paid

Synonym: nonpaymentnonremittal

4. act of failing to meet a financial obligation

Synonym: nonpaymentnonremittal



1. fail to pay up

Synonym: default on