

treble:[英 [ˈtrebl] 美 [ˈtrɛbəl] ]


过去式:trebled;   过去分词:trebled;   现在分词:trebling;   复数形式:trebles;

treble 基本解释

形容词高音的; 三倍的,三重的; 最高声部的; 尖锐刺耳的

及物/不及物动词使成为三倍; 增加两倍

名词三倍; 最高音部,高音


treble 相关例句


1. James has a fine treble voice.


2. His wage is treble mine.




1. It's value has trebled.


2. He has treble his income during the last few years.



1. His salary is treble mine.


treble 网络解释

1. treble

1. 高音调节:功能调节 音量调节(VOLUME)、电源开关(ON/OFF)高音调节(TREBLE)功能调节:音量调节(VOLUME)、电源开关(ON/OFF)高音调节(TREBLE)

2. 高音,三倍的,三重的:Transversal equalizers 横向均衡器 | Treble 高音,三倍的,三重的 | Tremold tremor 颤音

treble 双语例句

1. treble的解释

1. The body is a chinese dragon that is twisted into the shape of a treble cleff and to top it all off we added another little dragon on the headstock.



2. A grand staff is a combination of both the treble and bass clefs connected by a vertical line on the left side of the staves.

大谱表是高音谱号和低音谱号的结合,谱左边的一条竖线链接着这两个五线谱。staves 是 staff 的复数


3. The PMC's measured performance in the midrange and treble are both excellent, throwing into sharp relief its relative lack of achievement in the bass.

PMC 的箱振测试性能在中频和高频都非常好,让人深刻感觉到他的低频表现相对缺乏一些。

4. There appears to be no real advantage in going for a treble phase advance network.


5. Ay, where are they? Think not of them, thou hast thy music too, While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day, And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue; Then in a waiful choir the small gnats mourn Among the river sallows, borne aloft Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies; And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn; Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft The red-breast whistles form a garden-croft; And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.


6. Be able to reproduce a clear tenor to the treble effect, and strong bass.



7. Jack, S-Indicator, Bass, Treble, 6 Memories, Sweep, BFO, Keypad, Clock-Timer, Tilt Stand, Up-Down Tuning, Sleep, Antenna Trimmer, Antenna Terminals, Record Jack, Dial Lamp, Dial Lamp Switch, Rec.

杰克,第S -指标,低音,高音,6月的回忆,打扫,bfo ,键盘,时钟计时器,倾斜的立场,直至向下微调,睡眠,微调天线,天线终端,记录千斤顶,拨号灯,拨号灯开关,接收。

8. He commented that the Rolled off treble was developed by Shure with that specific purpose because the orignal consumers of their IEMs were touring musicians.


9. Product categories, is now forming five major series of products: car stereos with speakers, Hi-Fi Hi-Fi speakers, the stage sound reinforcement loudspeakers plaza project, plasma rear projection color TV with multi-media speaker, radio and alarm with treble horn speaker. Shanghai Le-fly Electronics Ltd.


10. Meadow Lane is a happy memory for Liverpool who won the League Championship under Joe Fagan here in 1984 during the glorious treble season, and with Director of Football Sven-Goran Eriksson watching on from the stands there was a real buzz in the air.


11. The modern treble clef or G clef, derived in shape from the letter G, is used for the higher registers, drawn on the staff at the beginning of a line of musical notation, starting on the second line from the bottom.


12. Thus Satan talking to his neerest Mate With Head up-lift above the wave, and Eyes That sparkling blaz'd, his other Parts besides Prone on the Flood, extended long and large [195] Lay floating many a rood, in bulk as huge As whom the Fables name of monstrous size, Titanian, or Earth-born, that warr'd on Jove, Briareos or Typhon, whom the Den By ancient Tarsus held, or that Sea-beast [200] Leviathan, which God of all his works Created hugest that swim th'Ocean stream: Him haply slumbring on the Norway foam The Pilot of some small night-founder'd Skiff, Deeming some Island, oft, as Sea-men tell, [205] With fixed Anchor in his skaly rind Moors by his side under the Lee, while Night Invests the Sea, and wished Morn delayes: So stretcht out huge in length the Arch-fiend lay Chain'd on the burning Lake, nor ever thence [210] Had ris'n or heav'd his head, but that the will And high permission of all-ruling Heaven Left him at large to his own dark designs, That with reiterated crimes he might Heap on himself damnation, while he sought [215] Evil to others, and enrag'd might see How all his malice serv'd but to bring forth Infinite goodness, grace and mercy shewn On Man by him seduc't, but on himself Treble confusion, wrath and vengeance pour'd.


13. The music in order to sixteenth note bass part of the treble was experiencing ups and downs significantly, as an upsurge of the roar; treble part in order to enhance the characteristics of the eight degrees pop-up with the heroism of the resolute and magnificent theme, it looks more like the wind making a rallying cry.


14. Capital expenditure was treble the 1998 level.

资本支出是 1998 年的三倍。

15. treble

15. Japan is forecast to see its tally treble to 10.7m, but the number of British dollar millionaires is expected to creep up by just a third to 5.3m, not helped by the likelihood of sluggish growth in the property market, which accounts for 64 per cent of the assets of the wealthy.


16. His earnings were treble mine.


17. A tape monitor is also included and there are treble, bass and balance controls but that is it.


18. I had the Snapper at the same time I got this, and it does better in the drive category, but the RED is a great natural boost with good gain and more treble bite than most of us could use - thank goodness for the bite knob.


19. treble的反义词

19. It for the whole two hours frequency range speakers, and the use of high-grade titanium membrane modules Treble and bass is a high-grade cast iron and aluminum Penjia-line voice coil. Sound pressure, males, trapezoidal box design, exterior paint is imitation effect.


20. In Italy, Inter have won the first-leg of what would be an unprecedented treble.


treble 词典解释

1. (使)增加两倍;(使)成为三倍

If something trebles or if you treble it, it becomes three times greater in number or amount than it was.

e.g. They will have to pay much more when rents treble in January...


e.g. The city has trebled the number of its prisoners to 21,000.

该市的囚犯人数增长了两倍,达到 21,000 人。


A new threat to Bulgaria's stability is the week-old miners' strike for a trebling of minimum pay.


2. 是…的三倍

If one thing is treble the size or amount of another thing, it is three times greater in size or amount.

e.g. More than 7 million shares changed hands, treble the normal daily average.

有 700 多万股换手,是通常日平均成交量的 3 倍。

3. 男童高音;唱高音的男童声歌手

A treble is a boy with a very high singing voice.

4. 三连胜

In sport, a treble is three successes one after the other, for example winning three horse races on the same day, or winning three competitions in the same season.


e.g. The win completed a treble for them – they already claimed a league and cup double this year.


treble 单语例句treble的近义词

1. Solskjaer occupied a key role in United's treble triumph of 1999 and their domination of English domestic football at the start of the decade.

2. David Beckham believes the current crop of Manchester United players can emulate the treble triumph he helped the club achieve in 1999.

3. United's defeat in Italy ended their hopes of repeating their 1999 treble but they do have a domestic double still to aim for.

4. Sevilla are still in the running for an historic treble with chances to win the league and King's Cup.

5. False starting denied him another golden treble on the world's great stages and let down the entire track and field world.

6. Sweden striker Ibrahimovic is Barcelona's first marquee signing since Barcelona became the first Spanish club to win the treble last season.

7. But his appeal backfired as the SFA's disciplinary committee opted to treble his original punishment.

8. Real Madrid are a point back in second place after Messi's Argentina team mate Higuain recorded his second consecutive La Liga treble.

9. While Bayern is still chasing a treble, the Scottish side has realistic ambitions of silverware on four fronts.

10. Bayern's win was the first leg of what they hope to be a treble.
