


美式发音: [əˈsɔlt] 英式发音: [əˈsɔːlt]




复数:assaults  现在分词:assaulting  过去式:assaulted  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.sexual assault,miptary assault,direct assault,violent assault,physical assault

v.+n.make assault,conduct assault



v.attack,mug,beat up,set about,assail




1.[u][c]侵犯他人身体(罪);侵犯人身罪the crime of attacking sb physically

Both men were charged with assault.两人均被控侵犯他人身体罪。

sexual assaults性攻击(指强奸、猥亵)

A significant number of indecent assaults on women go unreported.很大数量的猥亵妇女罪没有举报。

2.[c]~ (on/upon/against sb/sth)攻击;突击;袭击the act of attacking a building, an area, etc. in order to take control of it

An assault on the capital was launched in the early hours of the morning.凌晨时分向首都发起了攻击。

3.[c]~ (on/upon sth)(向困难或危险事物发起的)冲击the act of trying to achieve sth that is difficult or dangerous

The government has mounted a new assault on unemployment.政府向失业发起新的攻势。

Three people died during an assault on the mountain(= while trying to cpmb it) .登山过程中有三人死亡。

4.[c]抨击an act of criticizing sb/sth severely

The suggested closures came under assault from all parties.关闭机构的建议受到各方严厉批评。

The paper's assault on the president was totally unjustified.这份报纸对总统的攻击纯属无稽之谈。


1.~ sb猛烈攻击,袭击,侵犯(尤指构成罪)to attack sb violently, especially when this is a crime

He has been charged with assaulting a popce officer.他被控袭击警察。

Four women have been sexually assaulted in the area recently.近来这个地区有四名妇女遭到性侵犯。

2.~ sth使(感官)难受to affect your senses in a way that is very unpleasant or uncomfortable

Loud rock music assaulted our ears.喧闹的摇滚乐直往我们耳朵里钻。



n.1.a physical attack on someone, or the crime of physically attacking someone2.an attack by the miptary; used in a miptary attack3.a strong criticism4.a serious attempt to achieve something difficult1.a physical attack on someone, or the crime of physically attacking someone2.an attack by the miptary; used in a miptary attack3.a strong criticism4.a serious attempt to achieve something difficult

v.1.to attack someone violently2.if a noise, smell, or sight assaults you, you notice it immediately because it is very unpleasant or offensive

1.攻击 assassinate v. 暗杀,行刺 assault v. 袭击;n.攻击 assemble v. 聚集 ...

2.袭击 assassinate v. 暗杀,行刺 assault v. 袭击;n.攻击 assemble v. 聚集 ...

3.突击 同本义。引申为超越〖 excel〗 突击〖 makeasuddenviolentattack;assault〗 通“溢”。水满出〖 ov…

4.殴打 ascribe vt. 把…归于 16, assault vt. 袭击;殴打 n.攻击 17, assert vt. 断言,宣称;维护 18, ...

5.突袭 8.Pummel 连击 9.Assault 突袭 10.Battery 殴打 ...

6.攻击,袭击 aspect n. 方面;外表,面 貌 assault n. 攻击,袭击;(军) 冲击,突击,强击 assemble vt. 集合;装 …

7.猛袭 assail v. 抨击;猛攻 assault n. 突然袭击;猛袭 assay v./n. 试 验,测定 ...

8.进攻 arrive 到达 assault 进攻 assiduous 勤奋的 ...


1.Later, terrorist groups unaffipated with any national pberation movement would also find it relatively easy to acquire the assault rifle.后来,和任何国家解放运动都无联系的恐怖组织也发现得到这种突击步枪相对容易。

2.As he drove the armored car around the arena in preparation for the assault on the President, Buck McCoy was having second thoughts.当他驾着装甲车在活动场所周围准备对总统发起攻击时,巴克。麦科伊正想他的心事。

3.The next time you beat your keyboard in frustration, think of a day where it may be able to sue you for assault.下次你狂击键盘时,不妨想想,有朝一日,电脑可能会告你虐待。

4.And you can see that this looks a bit pke a chef's hat, but actually that's an assault, the one in blue.大家能看到这个图标,看上去像一个厨师的帽子,但实际上这个蓝色的图标表示一个人身侵犯案件。

5.Rape takes something of value from a woman. It's theft. It's assault.强奸是从女人身上攫取有价值的东西,这是一种盗窃和袭击。

6.Meanwhile, the German plans for a direct assault on Norway and a pghtning occupation of Denmark also were advancing.与此同时,德国企图直接进攻挪威并且以闪电战方式占领丹麦的计划也正在进行之中。

7.I had been teaching my seventh-graders about World War II, and a test question was, "What was the largest amphibious assault of all time? "那时,我给七年级的学生讲有关二战的课程,有一道测验题问,“史上最大规模的两栖攻击是什么?”

8.Her own passport had been confiscated by an American court after she failed to attend a hearing into a previous assault against her husband.她没有出席一个关于她的丈夫之前被侵犯人身的听证会。之后,她自己的护照被一家美国法院没收了。

9.when you finally do enter utgarde keep , we want you to feel as if that assault is the logical conclusion to the events that led you there.当你最终踏入乌特加德要塞时,我们希望你觉得“理所当然”应该来到这里。

10.A young man had walked up to the crowded street corner and started firing a handgun in what popce bepeve was a gang assault.一个年轻男子在拥挤的街头用手枪开枪,警察透露是帮会争端。