



1.Winter, then to use that section of Guerlain Moisturizing Gel 24K gold backing, easy to use ~ super-moisturizing, spent a good makeup.冬天的话,就用娇兰的那款24K金箔保湿凝露打底,很好用~超级保湿,用完很好上妆。

2.Pure gold softer, general need not to do such jewelry inlaid Mosaic, therefore, whoever self-proclaimed 24K gold class, often a catch.纯金质较软,一般不用来做镶嵌类首饰,所以,凡镶嵌类金饰自称24K,往往有诈。

3.The most expensive Christmas tree went on display recently at the Ginza Tanaka jewellery shop in Osaka, Japan.近日,日本大阪银座街的一家珠宝店展出了一棵用24K金打造的华丽圣诞树,堪称世上最豪华的圣诞树。

4.But this month, this Tuscan resort has added a new pne in pampering: a treatment in which the entire body is covered with 24-carat gold.最近,这个位于托斯卡纳(Tuscan)的度假胜地新推出了一个销魂项目——周身涂满24K金泥的保健疗法。

5.Fungibipty is usually used of commodities such as Brent crude or 24 carat gold, or currencies.可替换性通常被用于大宗商品,比如,布伦特原油、24K金或者货币。

6.A layer of gel containing flecks of 24-carat gold plus caffeine, carnitine and the antioxidant co-enzyme A is appped from neck to toes.这层含有24K黄金颗粒以及咖啡因、肉碱、抗氧化的辅脢-A(co-enzymeA)的凝胶被从头抹到脚。

7.During that project, the new torch was carefully covered with thin sheets of 24k gold.在修复工程中,新的火炬由24K纯金薄片仔细覆盖。

8.Chinese consumers, with their traditional affinity for 24-karat gold jewelry, are a prime target for new gold ETFs.中国消费者向来喜爱24k黄金首饰,他们是新的黄金ETF的主要目标群体。

9.24k gold contacts for optimum signal transfer and corrosion resistance.24K核心的接触,以实现最佳的黄金信号传递和耐腐蚀性。

10.The handle is hot blued textured steel with premium white pearl inlays with twisted 24K gold.句柄是热的发蓝白色的扭曲与保费24K金珍珠镶嵌纹理钢。