




1.失心 heart 心脏 Lost heart失心 的意思吧 lost 失去 ...

2.我的心 ... 章节4 [玩的就是二合一] Battle companion 章节5 [对不起,我的心] Lost Heart 章节6 [嘀嘀哒号角吹响] The War ...

3.灰心丧气 lost souls 永坠地狱的灵魂; 堕落的人们 lost heart 灰心丧气 lost opportunities. 失去的机会 ...

4.灰心失去勇气 lost face 丢脸 lost heart 失去勇气; 灰心失去勇气; 灰心 lost his balance 失去平衡, 心慌意乱 ...

5.对不起 ... 章节4 [玩的就是二合一] Battle companion 章节5 [对不起,我的心] Lost Heart 章节6 [嘀嘀哒号角吹响] The War ...


1.Jack lost heart when he was turned down in the interview by the company.在面试中被那家公司拒绝以后,杰克丧失了信心。

2.I used to dig the garden every week, but I lost heart when all the plants died.过去我每星期都要在花园里掘土栽种,但是自从所有的花木都死了后,我也就心灰意冷了。

3.Didn't expect to her mother, when lost heart pke a family heirloom, by vibration, the guilty unceasingly.没想到母亲为了她,当失落了心喜欢的传家宝,深受震动,愧疚不已。

4.I used to dig the garden every week, but I lost heart when the rain washed all the plants away.我以前每周在院子里耕耘,后来一场大雨冲走了所有庄稼,使我失去了信心。

5.A person who has lost heart is just pke a tree without roots. It will be easily blown down by the wind.一个灰心的人,就好像一棵失去根的树,很容易地被风刮倒。

6.LU-Xun answered XU-Guangping' letter seriously. He saw through darkness, yet he never lost heart.可鲁迅先生认真地回答了许广平的信,他看透黑暗,却从未绝望。

7.It is such a long time, one hundred and sixty eight hours without you, I feel so cold with a lost heart and an empty body!它是如此之漫长,整整一千零六十八个小时没有你,我这丢失了灵魂的躯体是如此清冷。

8.Seeing that the enemy was much stronger than themselves, the soldiers lost heart at once.当战士们发现敌军比自己要强大得多时,他们立刻就丧失了勇气。

9.In The Lost Heart of Asia he explores Central Asia at a time of transition and uncertainty.在《亚细亚失落的心》中,他描述了在中亚的过渡和动荡…

10.Moreover, even those who have not lost heart often disagree vehemently about the direction in which they would pke to see globapzation go.而且,即使那些没有失去信心的人,也经常对他们想要看到的全球化前进的方向有非常不同的观点。