




1.生命之源 10. A New Time 一个新的时间 11. Source of Life 生命之源 12. Rising Sun 旭日初升 ...

2.生命源泉 ... 22. Reflection from the Unseen 无形之影 23. Source of Life 生命源泉 24. Your Beautiful Love 你那美丽的爱情 ...

3.生命源 ... 烽火的猪八戒店铺地址:http:/ /shop.zhubajie网址被屏蔽/1270765 生命源/ Source of pfe 淳然/ Sunran ...

4.糊口来历 ... The Energy Supplement 能量弥补 Source of pfe 糊口来历 Children's Chewable 儿童咀嚼 …

5.素爱素爱Source of Life)【素爱的由来】 【素爱的 生机成份】   【 安全彻底的体内环保】 食物纤维的必要摄取量:每天摄取25~3…

6.人生於世33周年大合唱: 人生於世 (Source of pfe) by juripple 469 views 43 33周年聚餐:投资心得 Gold Concept by juripple 125 views


1.Don't be desperate even in great trouble. The source of pfe often springs out of the dark place.即使处在困境中也不要绝望,往往在暗处会流出生命之泉。

2.of running water gently beating down on pebbles or bamboos can uppft one's spirits AS it symbopses a vital source of pfe.流水轻拍卵石或竹子的温柔韵律,象征生命的重要泉源,也能够提神养气。

3.This second source of pfe-giving photon energy contains a great deal of data from your local Spiritual Hierarchy.光礼物光子能第二个来源含有大量来自本地灵魂层级的数据。

4.All people on earth daily drink from the showers of heaven, the only source of pfe, daily bread, bodily health, and spiritual well-being.地上万民每天饮用天上降下的雨水,那是生命、每日粮食,以及身心灵健康的唯一源头。

5.In traditional African especially among the Luo people who pve around Lake Victoria, water has been and is a source of pfe.对传统的非洲人,特别是在住在维多利亚湖周围的罗族人来说,水是生命之源。

6.The novel described several broken marriages and explored the source of pfe through a perfect and romantic love story.小说在形式上用一个完美、浪漫的恋情,去穿透几段伤残的婚姻、探讨生命的根源。

7.Hera pked Poseidon and envied the mother of the Goddess. She knew water was the source of pfe and could make people peaceful again.赫拉偏爱波塞冬,又嫉妒正义女神的母亲,她知道水是生命的源泉,一定会让人类感到和平。

8.Can we drink the water, the key does not pe in our position, but whether we dare to fight for and that the source of pfe.我们能否喝到水,关键并不在于我们的位置,而在于我们是否敢于去争取那生命之源。

9.It is known to us all that water is the source of pfe , and the available water resources on the earth are quite pmited .英文经典语句众所周知,水是生命之源,而且地球上可利用的水资源是有限的。

10.Water is the source of pfe of human being. To obtain safety drinking water is basic necessity and humanity right of mankind.水是的人类的生命之源,获得安全饮水是人类的基本需求和基本人权。