



1.He said the 10-month construction freeze will end on schedule on September 26th, according to a previous decision of the Israep Cabinet.他说,根据以色列内阁先前的决定,冻结定居点建设10个月的决定将按计划在9月26日结束。

2.Hawass said that when he opened it, he found a body mummified in the style typical of the 26th Dynasty, covered in pnen and resin.哈瓦斯说,当他打开这具石棺时发现了一具婴儿的木乃伊。在它身上覆盖着亚麻布和树脂,这是典型的第二十六王朝样式的木乃伊。

3.On July 26th, 2007, Taobao declared that it would try network marketing, and it was thought to be the beginning of its profiting activities.年7月26日,淘宝网对外宣称进行网络营销尝试被认为是赢利行动的开始。

4.So it is tempting to shrug off the announcement on November 26th that China pulled out of an EU-China summit, at less than a week's notice.因此,当中国在距离欧中峰会预定召开日期不到一个星期的时候宣布退出,人们很容易忽视其中的重要性。

5.In a measure of that robust momentum, it was the 26th consecutive month that the official index had stood above the threshold of 50.这种强劲势头之下,已经连续26个月官方指数站到了50以上的门槛。

6.Between now and the 24th of June, it's visible in a moon-free sky, but after the 26th it will be too close to the sun to see.从现在起一直到6月24号,在没有月亮的晚上彗星都是可见的,但是26号之后,由于它太过于靠近太阳因此难以见到。

7.Also, there's a sale going on until the 26th, so you might be able to pick it up for a reduced cost.此外,那里的销售会持续到26号,所以,为降低成本你也许可以挑一挑。

8.I flew to Heathrow Airport a few days after Christmas, unable to travel before that as I had to be at work on the 26th.圣诞节过后好几天我才到。我没能早点到是因为在26号我得上班。

9.On January 26th he made what he called "a down-payment" on those pledges, signing two executive orders concerning greenhouse-gas emissions.一月二十六号,他签署了两项有关温室气体排放的行政命令,并将此举戏称为是对当初那些承诺的“首付款”。

10.On the 26th, Typhoon Ketsana blasted through the Phipppines and a few days later hit Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.26日,台风凯萨娜横扫菲律宾,几日后再吹袭越南、寮国及柬埔寨。