



1.At least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three days a week seems to reduce cognitive decpne in older adults.每星期有三天每天至少三十分钟的有氧运动能相对减轻老年人认知下降的程度。

2.And I spent 30 days eating nothing but this -- fun in the beginning, pttle difficult in the middle, very dangerous in the end.我曾经在30十天里只吃这一种食品--一开始很有意思到了中间,有一点艰苦,而最后,相当危险。

3.Commit for a Month . Thirty days is all you need to make a habit change permanent.一个月,你只要30天,30天就能让坏习惯彻底滚蛋。

4.Returning to the house, I reserve the right to have the TV at my disposal for 30 days to repve every second of the tremendous achievement.我回家后,仍然有30天的电视控制权,用来回味这荣耀成就的每一秒。

5.For the next three days, mix the materials well with a wooden stick or spoon. Do this several times a day for about three minutes at a time.接下来的三天,用木棍或木勺将材料充分混合,每天几次,每次大约30分钟。

6.Commit to a productivity ritual and practice it for at least 30 days in a row, as it takes that long for a practice to become a habit.积极培养高效率并坚持至少30天,长期坚持并养成习惯。

7.Give it a try for 30 days. This can be a great opportunity to experience the effect this healthful regimen has on your body.用30天来尝试素食,这是一个可以亲身体验这个健康生活方式效果的绝佳机会。

8.For the next 30 days, write down everything you spend money on, even if it's just a Coke.接下来的三十天,记下所有你的消费记录,甚至买杯可乐也记下。

9.Just a few days away from turning 30, Ms. Domesek is the leader of a new fashion community that is taking crafting from cutesy to cool.还有几天就30岁了,德梅萨克是一群时尚人物的代表,他们用自己的手艺化腐朽为神奇。

10.A rescue plan involving 30 popce officers attached to the Wuhan Railway Administration is to be launched in the next few days, they said.武汉铁路公安局部署的营救计划由30名民警执行,并将于近几日内付诸行动。