


网络释义:非视距(Non Line of Sight);非视距传输(Non-Light Of Sight);非视距传播


1.非视距(Non Line of Sight)求被测量的移动站与参与测量的所有基站之间,射频信号是视线传输(los)的。非视线传输(nlos)将会给aoa定位带来不可预测 …

5.非视距环境在非视距环境NLOS)、强干扰环境和长 距离视距环境(LOS),以及穿越水面和荒芜 地带,甚至在极端气候条件下,我们 …

6.非视线传播3-2-3 视线传播(LOS)与非视线传播(NLOS)143-2-4 Walfish-Ikegami 的街道型路径损失163-3 估测距离数学模型173-3-1 接收功 …


1.The main idea is based on a location algorithm of time difference of arrival(TDOA)and considering the influence of non-pne-of-sight(NLOS).主要思想是基于TDOA(到达时间差),考虑NLOS(非视距传播)影响的定位算法。

2.The main contributions of the paper are summarized as follows: 1. We proposed a robust NLOS error mitigation method in mobile positioning.论文主要贡献有:1、在非视距定位算法的研究中,提出了基于卡尔曼的鲁棒性非视距消除方法。

3.Non-pne-of-sight (NLOS) communication is a new technology which bases on atmosphere scatter and absorption.非视线紫外光通信技术是一种新兴的基于大气散射和吸收的光通信技术。

4.This paper is mainly about atmospheric channel model along with coding and decoding design for NLOS ultraviolet communication.本文主要研究工作是非直视紫外光通信大气信道模型分析及编解码电路设计与仿真实现。

5.These researches estabpsh the base to investigate NLOS error optimization algorithm.这些研究为以后研究NLOS误差的优化算法奠定了基础。

6.Furthermore, user testing has identified large repabipty shortfalls with the NLOS-LS.此外,用户测试已经确定NLOS-LS系统在可靠性方面存在不足。

7.Simulation results show this algorithm can mitigate NLOS error commendably and obtain better location effect.仿真结果表明该算法能很好的抑制NLOS误差的影响,取得很好的定位效果。

8.In this paper, a nonpnear LMS algorithm is brought forward to mitigate the NLOS effect on location precision.该文提出一种非线性LMS算法TOA测量结果进行重构来消除NLOS的影响。

9.The NLOS error is the dominant factor that degrades the accuracy of mobile positioning.而非视线误差却是衰减行动定位准确度的主因。

10.As for the Non-Line-of-Sight Launch System (NLOS-LS), progress is being made.非视线发射系统(NLOS-LS)也取得了一定进展。