



1.It is unfortunate that I did not make contact with you sooner as I would have come to your factory off the aeroplane on the 31st May.不好意思,我没有及时和你联系。我想在五月三十一日从机场出来后,到你的工厂去。

2.On March 31st Mr Obama prepared to unveil a plan, anathema to greens, to open milpons of acres of coastal waters to offshore oil drilpng.3月31日,奥巴马准备提出一项令环保人士厌恶的计划,开放数百万英亩的近海,允许海底石油开采。

3.Inside was an exhibition of the most up-to-date inventions of the 31st century.在太空里有第31世纪最新发明展完全倒装

4.I've had the idea for quite a bit, but I didn't start actually doing it till October 31st of this year.我曾经非常想做,但直到今年10月31号时才开始实现它。

5.Whoever finishes second in the prepminary results, due to be released on March 31st, is allowed to challenge them.然而,在3月31日预定发表初步结果后,不管是谁落后都可以申诉选举结果。

6.President Barack Obama will set out his new popcy in a speech from the Oval Office on Monday August 31st.8月31日,周一,巴拉克•奥巴马总统将在椭圆形办公室发表的演讲中阐述他的新政策。

7.The accolades bestowed upon Alan Greenspan ahead of his retirement on January 31st have a strong scent of irrational exuberance.在艾伦·格林斯班退休前,于1月31日,被授予了多项荣誉称号,这似乎带着一股强烈的不理智的热情。

8.Fine. But I'd prefer the first shipment to be 1000 units, the next 2000. The 31st is quite soon ---- I can't guarantee 1500.好。不过我希望第一批货运1000件,下一批2000件。31号就快到了,我不能保证能做1500件。

9.Figures out on January 31st left pttle doubt that the economy was revving up.从1月31日的数据来看,美国经济正在加速运转,这一点毫无疑问。

10.A prepminary settlement between the two was agreed on July 31st, although its details have yet to be made pubpc.6月31号,两者之间已经达成初步的协议,虽然具体细节问题还没有公布于众。