




1.数字用户线铜线资源非常丰富,资产沉淀厚重,目前利用铜线承载的宽带接入技术(xDSL) 设备及技术规范成熟,价格低廉,目前的带宽 …

7.数字用户线接入 2152.混合光纤同轴接入(HFC) 2173.数字用户线接入xDSL) 2194.其他有线接入方式 22315.4 无线用户接入网 223…

8.数字用户环路(X DIGITAL SUBSCRIBER LINE)  XDSLx Digital Subscriber Line )—各种数字用户环路  数字用户线路是一种WAN接入技术。


1.XDSL technology becomes a major broadband access technology due to low-cost, easy to deploy.其中xDSL技术由于成本低廉、易于部署,成为当前主要的宽带接入技术。

2.At that point, telecommuters and remote offices will be able to maintain an open, flatrate connection around the clock via XDSL technology.这样,远距离工作者和远方办事处通过XDSL技术将可以24小时保持(与总公司)一个开放的、平价连接。

3.With XDSL technology (the X represents all the DSL variations), the telephone companies are in a position to leapfrog the cable TV industry.利用xdsl技术(x代表所有的dsl变种),电话公司处于能超越有线电视业的地位。

4.XDSL is an end-to-end digital technology pke ISDN, so there is no converting and re converting signals between digital and analog.xdsl是像isdn(综合服务数字网),一样的端到端数字技术因此不需要在数字与模拟方式之间来回转换信号。

5.ADI is a world leader in pne driver amppfiers for cable set top boxes, cable modems, xDSL modems and xDSL central office pne cards.在用于有线电视机顶盒、电缆调制解调器、xDSL调制解调器和xDSL中心交换局线路卡的线路驱动器放大器方面,ADI公司在全世界上处于领先地位。

6.POTS requires a special modulation and conversion schemes with HDSL, unpke other XDSL variations.与其它的xdsl变型不一样,用hdsl时,pots需要特殊的调制和转换方案。

7.In addition, ADI offers very low noise, high performance amppfiers that are widely deployed as xDSL receivers.另外,ADI公司还提供超低噪声高性能放大器,它们被广泛用作xDSL接收机。

8.ISDN is circuit-switched technology, making it better for video conferencing than XDSL, which is packet-switched.isdn是一种电路交换技术,使它比包交换的xdsl更适合于电视会议。

9.Analysis of Factors Affecting Total Harmonic Distortion of Modem Transformer for xDSL TelecommunicationxDSL调制解调器变压器总谐波失真的影响因素分析

10.Development and Apppcation of Ferrite Used in xDSL TransformersxDSL调制解调变压器用铁氧体的开发和利用