

why:[英 [waɪ] 美 [hwaɪ, waɪ] ]



why 基本解释


副词为何; (用于问句)为什么; (反问,表示不必)何必; (说明理由)为什么


名词原因; 理由; 说明; 难解的问题

why 相关例句


1. That's the reason why I wrote to him.


2. Why should you be so interested in my affairs?



1. Why, of course, I'll do it.


2. why

2. Why, even a child knows that!



1. I cannot explain why.


why 情景对话



A:Why are you so glum?


B:My girlfriend recently broke my heart.



A:Why don’t you join us?


B:I think it’s a lovely idea.



A:Why don’t you join us?


B:No, really. I’m not in the mood for it.


why 网络解释

1. why什么意思

1. 如何:希望治疗者能拯救他们的幻想. 因此心理治疗的目的并非如传统所言要去医治某人,而是要协助当事人了解他们正在做什幺,使他们摆脱受害者的角色. ◎只要拥有一项生存的理由,就能忍受如何(why)生存的痛苦.

2. 为何这样做:职务分析应该注重对工作六要素进行分析即,工作内容(What)、责任者(Who)、工作岗位(Where)、怎样操作(How)以及为何这样做(Why). 职务分析在企业管理中具有重要作用,它要求企业各岗位必须具有明确的职责和范围,从而合理招聘、选拔和使用所需人才.

3. why的意思

3. why:y; 为什么〖网语〗

4. why:world hunger year; 世界饥饿年

why 双语例句

1. So now, you will understand why our women football team is so good today. 6546456呵5468呵79879不785★要★★复4564制556哦464With a concept inspired by the famed Silk Road, our Torch Relay will break new ground, traveling from Olympia through some of the oldest civilizations known to man-Greek, Indian and Chinese.

与概念由启发famed 丝绸之路,我们的火炬中转将打破新基地,旅行从Olympia 经由一些最旧的文明已知对人希腊语,印地安人和汉语。

2. why

2. And I have no idea why do I learn Wushu just for interest.


3. why什么意思

3. Why was he so bitter against me?


4. I feel cheerless why is that one life can be that bad.


5. Why be the United States, England, the place that includes Singapore to wait inside even is done well electronic government affairs, can you be in China go out of form of a few places, degenerative?


6. why的近义词

6. You know why, I give you my heart.


7. Why is it doled out to us in dribs and drabs?


8. That's why even the Lisboa's time-honored complimentary barbecue pork didn't pull me away.


9. Why don't you remember? I'm your pal.


10. There were only a few people in the viewing room, Michael contends, and why would their father return now, nearly thirty years after he left them?

只有那么几个人在观刑室里,并且 Michael 强调,为什么他们的父亲在离开他们差不多30年后,选择现在这个时间回来?

11. Here`s how to do it, and why it works


12. why的意思

12. Why the dress, you poor dear-the picture you coppice of the girl in the hall.


13. why什么意思

13. God, why is Somebody so stupid? I am a Christian.


14. He wants to know, initially, why mister will continue a defeated general to hold for use?


15. One of the major reasons why so many travelers fly across Dubai's airspace is the duty free goods they can buy from its international airport.


16. why什么意思

16. Lk. 2:49 And He said to them, Why is it that you were seeking Me?

路二49 耶稣对他们说,你们为什么找我?

17. Why—as the motor bike soared into the air, hurtled down, crashed into the tarmac and careered onwards, dragging with it a tumbly, bending human figure whose bones were almost audibly snapping—would any sane man want to do such a thing?


18. If you have to ask why, you never fucked a hot Spanish girl.


19. HH Farmer, Towards Belief in God; R Hazelton, On Proving God; J Hick, The Existence of God; D Hicks, The Philosophical Basis of Theism; AJ Hoover, The Case for Christian Theism; S Jaki, The Road of Science and the Ways to God; CEM Joad, God and Evil; J Maritain, Approaches to God; EL Mascall, The Openness of Being; G Mavrodes, The Rationality of Belief in God; A Plantinga, ed., The Ontological Argument; RC Sproul, If There Is a God, Why Are There Atheists?

个HH农民,对信仰的上帝与r黑兹尔顿,就证明上帝; j hick ,上帝存在; d希克斯,哲学基础的有神论;的AJ胡佛情况基督教有神论; s jaki ,道路的科学和如何向上帝;杰姆joad ,上帝与邪恶; j旦,途径上帝下午马斯科尔,公开性被100 mavrodes ,理性的信仰上帝;普兰丁格,版,本体论的论点;钢筋sproul ,如果有一个上帝,为什麼有无神论者?

20. why的意思

20. Q. Why would it not be acceptable to blend two batches of material, one with a high concentration with one with a low or out-of-spec concentration, if the reason for the low concentration is understood and the batch has no quality-related defects?


why 词典解释The conjunction and the pronoun are usually pronounced /waɪ/. 用作连词和代词时在句中通常不作重读。

1. (用于提问原因)为什么

You use why in questions when you ask about the reasons for something.


e.g. Why hasn't he brought the whisky?...


e.g. Why didn't he stop me?...


2. (用于从句句首)为什么

You use why at the beginning of a clause in which you talk about the reasons for something.


e.g. He still could not throw any further light on why the elevator could have become jammed...


e.g. Experts wonder why the US government is not taking similarly strong actions against AIDS in this country...


3. (用于reason后引导关系从句)

You use why to introduce a relative clause after the word 'reason'.

e.g. There's a reason why women don't read this stuff; it's not funny...


e.g. Unless you're ill, there's no reason why you can't get those 15 minutes of walking in daily.


4. (问句中与 not 连用表示建议)为什么(不)

You use why with 'not' in questions in order to introduce a suggestion.

e.g. Why not give Claire a call?...


e.g. Why don't you come home with me until you sort things out?...


5. (问句中与 not 连用表示恼怒或气愤)为什么(不)

You use why with 'not' in questions in order to express your annoyance or anger.

e.g. Why don't you look where you're going?...


e.g. Why don't they just leave it alone?


6. (表示同意别人的建议)为什么不呢,好,行

You say why not in order to agree with what someone has suggested.

e.g. 'Want to spend the afternoon with me?' — 'Why not?'...


e.g. 'Shall I tell them about poor Mrs Blair?'—'Why not?'


7. (用于句首表示惊讶、震惊或生气)哎呀,哟,嗨

People say 'Why!' at the beginning of a sentence when they are surprised, shocked, or angry.

e.g. Why hello, Tom...


e.g. Why, this is nothing but common vegetable soup...


8. the whys and wherefores -> see wherefores

why 单语例句

1. That's because American English is such a plainspoken dialect, which is probably why it's the international language of business and the Internet.

2. " Poor business is also another reason why we moved out, " he says.

3. That's why any act aimed at sabotaging the country's unity and development is doomed to fail.

4. This explains why the sale and publication of papers has turned into a booming business.

5. At yesterday's luncheon, he explained why it would be in the business sector's interest to follow the government.

6. The hustle and bustle of cities sometimes numbs us to our surroundings, so why not travel a fresh path in 2013 and savor the countryside?

7. But what they did was they kept badgering me, 'Why Dina Lohan?

8. Is that why Barry didn't just shoot it in his butt all the time?

9. But a lot of Chinese people buy into such tricks, which may partly explain why so many Chinese brands have adopted foreign names.

10. People are buying the December contract in Shanghai and I wonder why.

why 英英释义


1. the cause or intention underlying an action or situation, especially in the phrase `the whys and wherefores'

Synonym: wherefore