

derivation:[英 [ˌderɪˈveɪʃn] 美 [ˌdɛrəˈveʃən] ]



derivation 基本解释

名词引出,导出; 衍生,衍生物; [语]词源,派生; 出处,由来,起源

derivation 网络解释

1. 派生:根据构词法中词的转换(conversion),派生(derivation),合成(compounding)来猜测词义.在上精读课时,强化词汇分析技能,使学生掌握基本的构词方法,扩大词缀范围,掌握一些常用的前缀、后缀.


2. 导出:它的一个同义词是导出(derivation). 演绎是相对于系统的概念,说一个公式(或语句)是演绎的只是相对于一不定的公理和推理规则的具体系统而言的. 演绎概念是证明概念的概括. 一个证明是语句这样的有穷序列:它的每个语句或是公理或是根据推理规则由前面的语句得出的.

derivation 双语例句

1. Lorentz transformation is merly the derivation result of the logical relation among the mathematical symbolscreated by human, and don`t relate to the relation between its concept and an experience object.


2. The first method adopts different kind microbes to ferment buckwheatextraction. The method can increase DCI and its derivation content in buckwheat seed solution, while itreduces sugar content in extraction. The research adopts Saccharomyces cerevisia, Mucor, Bacterium coli, Torulopsis apicola, Aspergillus oryzae Bacillus subtilis, Candida mycoderma, Black mold that inoculate inbuckwheat extraction. Determine content change of various compotent with tracing.


3. derivation

3. We describe the derivation of human iPS cells with the use of nonintegrating episomal vectors.



4. A single-stage high-power-factor converter composed of the buck-boost and flyback converter is investigated in this thesis. The topology derivation, operation principle and design consideration of the considered converter are presented in detail.


5. In the case time-varying demand is deterministic and there exist alternative supply source, based on model derivation, this paper firstly obtains analytic models of supplier-buyer parties'optimal shortages times and service level, and analyses local and global optimization of reorder cycle by comparison. The main conclusions are: global optimization of shortages times effectively decreases supply chain inventory cost; global optimization of reorder cycle makes supply chain inventory cost decreasing, and decrease of inventory cost increases with demand time-varying.


6. During the derivation, it is assumed: the liquid phase is incompressible Newton fluid; there is no mass transfer between phases; it is homothermal and steady state flow; the flow rate of gas phase and that of the liquid phase are the same without the consideration of slippage effect; the density of gas phase and that of the liquid phase in the wellbore are constants; the mixed loss caused by inflow from wellbore is ignored.


7. derivation

7. The reason and pattern of affecting recovery heat flux are found out by means of theoretical analysis and mathematical derivation.


8. derivation什么意思

8. But I do not approve of this derivation, which seems to be a little strained.


9. The word orphan is a Greek derivation meaning a child who has lost both parents through death.


10. A simpler derivation of the general form of the regularized solution is also obtained.


11. Based on the results from an extended derivation of Weibull Model, the methods to predict remaining reserves and reserve-production ratio of oil and gas fields are proposed in t...


12. And variations in any element of the context may cause the change of semantic features as well as the derivation of the language, and in turn, result in different registers.


13. Is a safe, stable and simple, elegant, by C ++ and the derivation of object-oriented programming language.

NET Framework之上的高级程序设计语言。

14. Morphology: The study of the structure and form of words in language or a language including inflection derivation and the formation of compounds.


15. Kangarilla Road is the main road running past the vineyard towards the small village of Kangarilla, the name a derivation of the Australian Aboriginal language and refers to the abundance of resources locally.


16. This process of adding more than one affix to a free morpheme is termed complex derivation.


17. A derivation is given showing that Bose-gas in state of aggregation in critical temperature is a phase transition of third order.


18. Firstly, the thesis completely analyzed present research conditions domestically and internationally, emphasized on discussing the influence of corrosion of steel on the mechanics function of concrete members, and then put forward to the leading parameter-corrosion rate of steel by analyzing the bearing and derivation of curved pieces., which was thorough studied from the aspect of materials.


19. Through formula Derivation and Helmholtz reciprocity theorem, devices for parallel beam of P polarized light could be designed.


20. derivation的解释

20. Then its rigorous derivation from electromagnetic boundary conditions, based both on reciprocity theorem and the concept of reaction, is presented.


derivation 词典解释

1. 起源;由来;(尤指)词源

The derivation of something, especially a word, is its origin or source.

e.g. The derivation of its name is obscure...


e.g. The word is of old French derivation.


derivation 单语例句derivation是什么意思

1. Jiangsu province is the derivation of Wuyue and Yangtze River culture of ancient China.

2. The style of the series combines a derivation of Qi's fanciful watercolor figures and contrasts this with voluptuous and at times lewd images of Marilyn.

derivation 英英释义


1. the act of deriving something or obtaining something from a source or origin

2. drawing off water from its main channel as for irrigation

3. drawing of fluid or inflammation away from a diseased part of the body

4. inherited properties shared with others of your bloodline

Synonym: ancestrylineagefiliation

5. a line of reasoning that shows how a conclusion follows logically from accepted propositions

6. (historical linguistics) an explanation of the historical origins of a word or phrase

Synonym: derivingetymologizing

7. the source or origin from which something derives (i.e. comes or issues)

e.g. he prefers shoes of Italian derivation

music of Turkish derivation

8. (descriptive linguistics) the process whereby new words are formed from existing words or bases by affixation

e.g. `singer' from `sing' or `undo' from `do' are examples of derivations