

placate:[英 [pləˈkeɪt] 美 [ˈpleɪkeɪt] ]


过去式:placated;   过去分词:placated;   现在分词:placating;

placate 基本解释

及物动词安抚,抚慰,使平静; 使和解,平息

placate 反义词



placate 网络解释


1. 常用词还有:soothe v. 缓和,使安静,安慰 | 常用词还有placate, comfort, relieve, ease, pacify, lighten | incommunicative adj.不爱交际的,沉默寡言的

2. 安抚,使和解:Jeopardize 危及,危害 | Placate 安抚,使和解 | Corroborate 使巩固,确证

3. placate

3. 安抚;和解:pinion#束缚 | placate#安抚;和解 | plash#激溅

placate 双语例句

1. However, such a key may be required to placate the database management system, especially if you can legitimately, from a business perspective, load multiple identical rows into the fact table.


2. I need more than that to placate the bloody doves in Cabinet.


3. The ruling class`placate and suppression policies had the negative influence on the communication of the popular fictions. Because the readers of the popular novels had been everywhere, it was impossible to ban its communication.


4. All attempts to placate the passengers weren't working.


5. Placate ˋpiz 平息, Most states have restricted the number of these school (100 in California, 25 in Massachusetts) in an attempt to appease teachers'unions and other opponents.

大部分州都对这类学校的数量设有上线(加州 100,麻省 25),以安抚教师工会和其他反对者。

6. Juliet: i wish that too mylove; but i m afraid you might die under my excessive placate, good night my love, sepreate is always sweet, i really want to say goodnight til morning.


7. placate的近义词

7. I owe it perhaps to the Indian public and to the public in England, to placate which this prosecution is mainly taken up, that I should explain why from a staunch loyalist and co- operator I have become an uncompromising disaffectionist and Non-Cooperator.



8. Even in the wake of such disasters as the Protein Delicacy incident (where Caldari-manufactured luncheonette foods were found to cause mental deficiencies in Gallente schoolchildren) or the Insorum incident (where a chemical compound capable of reversing the effects of one of Amarr`s most relied-upon slave drugs was leaked from a Caldari biolab), the State`s diplomats did little to placate those aggrieved by their mistakes.

即使在后这类灾害的蛋白质精致事件(如Caldari制造的便餐食品被发现导致心理缺陷Gallente学童)或Insorum事件(如化合物能够扭转的影响,A族的一个最依赖,对毒品的奴隶被泄露从Caldari biolab ),该国的外交官并没有安抚那些受屈自己的错误。


9. A new sacrificial stone, quarried at Coyoacan on the southern shore of Lake Texcoco, wsa brought to the city, where it was consecrated with the blood of thousands more. Meanwhile, Moctezuma sent a party of ambassadors to the strangers. They carried with them greetings and gifts that Mocatezuma hoped would placate Quetzalcoatl and persuade him to return home, leaving the Aztecs in peace.



10. You can rarely, if ever, please, placate, change, or mollify an asshole.


11. placate的翻译

11. O You can rarely, if ever, please, placate, change, or mollify an asshole.


12. In the wake of the 8/8 flood in Taiwan, the sense of community in damaged neighborhoods has acted to placate the emotional pain caused by the disaster. It was not until a few days ago that power was up and running again in Baolai Village of Kaohsiung County. In the hard-hit 8th and 9th neighborhoods, villagers spent at least 35 days without any electricity. The post-flood period was marked by a lack of utilities, but residents helped each other through, by sharing their food and water, and encouraging one another on.


13. I do not think China is doing this to placate the West.


14. One is of trying to placate China.


15. China wants to placate the world...


16. You may have to use all your wits to placate a creditor.


17. Sorry. My goal is to make a good game, not placate the community.


18. He is the only one who can keep off a disturbing with a quick step when I met some buffoons. Then he would give a cup of hot chocolate to placate my cool and tired heart. In fact, he is a circumspective man. Only this trait, Premier Wenjiabao is image of my confidant.


19. And that you can never placate yourself fromthat judgment.


20. No one can placate his anger.


placate 词典解释

1. 安抚;抚慰

If you placate someone, you do or say something to make them stop feeling angry.

e.g. He smiled, trying to placate me...


e.g. 'I didn't mean to upset you,' Agnew said in a placating voice.


placate 单语例句

1. Analysts had expected Disney would strip the chairmanship from Eisner, but many doubted that step would be enough to placate investors now.

2. One would think that you now have to go all out to either placate or challenge traditional expectations.

3. He thinks Microsoft will hold firm at $ 31 per share but may try to placate Yahoo by agreeing to pay entirely in cash.

4. Sometimes just this recognition of capability or incapability is enough to placate people into accepting or supporting authority.

5. Airlines promise to open more counters to effectively deal with ticket refunding and rescheduling, keep passengers informed and placate them.

6. An expert group has been sent to Dongguan to help with the medical treatment, placate patients'families and trace the source of the flu.

7. So they made bonfires with bones of animals, and made masks to mimic or to placate the evil spirits.

8. Wen also sought to placate concerns over China's increasing appetite for energy and natural resources.

9. I don't believe the airport did enough to placate the passengers.

10. That did not placate MPs who forced both upper and lower houses of parliament to be adjourned.

placate是什么意思placate 英英释义


1. cause to be more favorably inclined

gain the good will of

e.g. She managed to mollify the angry customer

Synonym: pacifylenifyconciliateassuageappeasemollifygentlegruntle