

probable:[英 [ˈprɒbəbl] 美 [ˈprɑ:bəbl] ]



probable 基本解释

形容词可能的; 大概的

名词很可能的事; 可能入选者

probable 同义词



probable 反义词


probable 相关例句


1. He's a probable candidate.


2. His new hypothesis is considered probable.


3. Success is possible but hardly probable.


4. He is a probable candidate.


5. It is highly probable that it will rain today.


probable 网络解释

1. 很可能的:1996年英国中苏格兰地区发生了食源性出血性大肠艾希氏菌o157爆发事件.综合调查结果和根据工作假使,卫生当局确定了最终病例定义如表3,对2427位有可能的发病者(potential case)分级为确定的(confirmed)、很可能的(probable)、可能的(possible)、不是的(not a case)等,

2. 或然:休谟在第四章中指出解证(demonstrative)推理与或然(probable)推理的差别(注意商务中译本有错译):人类推理或探究的一切对象可以自然地分为两类:观念的关系(Relations ofIdeas)和实际的事情(Matters of Fact).

probable 双语例句

1. A Peripety is the change from one state of things within the play to its opposite of the kind described, and that too in the way we are saying, in the probable or necessary sequence of events; as it is for instance in _Oedipus_: here the opposite state of things is produced by the Messenger, who, coming to gladden Oedipus and to remove his fears as to his mother, reveals the secret of his birth.


2. On May 12, WHO reported a cumulative total of 7447 probable SARS cases and 552 deaths in 30 countries, with over 5000 SARS cases occurring in China.

截至5月12日,30 个国家共提出7,447起可能的SARS病例和552起死亡。中国有超过5,000起病例。

3. This latter alternative, which was first propound ed by Pallas, seems by far the most probable


4. You can set the heavy expenses off against a probable increase in sa lary.


5. Furthermore, two forms of coadaptation between sex chromosomes, the interaction between a meiotic driver and its suppressor, and dependence of a Y-like chromosome on its homologue, were also probable reasons why sexual antagonism was not observed on old Y-like chromosomes.

类似 Y 的染色体对它同源染色体的依赖性;都可能是导致性别拮抗因子在晚期观察不到的原因。

6. Objective To study the effects of diallyl trisulfide on apoptosis of human leukemia cells HL-60 and the probable mechanism involved.

目的 研究二烯丙基三硫对HL-60细胞凋亡的影响及其作用机制。

7. Longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow the related tax benefit to be utilised.


8. Small dose Erythromycin and the early stage minim feed can promote gastrointestinal developing ripe, lessen the probable feed probloms, and can shorten the full dose feeding time, alleviate the level of the bilrubin, it is feasible and effective to apply of the early stage minim feed and small dose Erythromycin in the suffocated neonatus.


9. The five players - many of them probable starters in Sir Alex Ferguson's strongest line-up - were absent from the squad flying out of Manchester on Monday afternoon.


10. In combination with seismic reflection features and probable gas resource discussion, it is concluded that there probably exist two kinds of reservoir models in the X Block. In the areas where faults or collapse structures develop, the gas resource is probably composed of thermogenic gas, gas hydrate is characterized by multilayer distribution, while in the inactive areas the gas resource is probably composed of biogenic gas, and gas hydrate is characterized by monolayer, which mainly distributes in a narrow zone on the surface of BSR (bottom-simulating seismic reflector).


11. In combination with seismic reflection features and probable gas resource discussion, it is concluded that there probably exist two kinds of reservoir models in the X Block. In the areas where faults or collapse structures develop, the gas resource is probably composed of thermogenic gas, gas hydrate is characterized by multilayer distribution, while in the inactive areas the gas resource is probably composed of biogenic gas, and gas hydrate is characterized by monolayer, which mainly distributes in a narrow zone on the surface of BSR(bottomsimulating seismic reflector).


12. He is a probable candidate for minister.


13. He's a probable candidate.


14. He is a probable candidate.


15. Probable.1. He's a probable candidate.


16. There are five identified genes including Map3k1 that is associated with eye morphogenesis and eyelid closure of mouse in this region. This suggests that Map3k1 is the most probable candidate mutant gene of B6-Co mice.

结果表明:B6-Co小鼠突变基因定位于13号染色体上112 546 283~113 397 654 bp之间,因该区间内有5个已知基因,其中Map3k1基因与小鼠眼睛形态生成和眼睑闭合密切相关,提示Map3k1是B6-Co小鼠突变的强力候选基因。

17. Lula wants Mr Sarney to swing the weight of the PMDB, and its patronage machine, behind Dilma Rousseff, the probable candidate of the ruling Workers` Party in the presidential election next year.

卢拉想让José Sarney发挥巴西民主运动党和资助其的团体的决定性作用来支持Dilma Rousseff,明年总统选举中有希望获胜的执政党工人党的候选人。

18. In this situation, a strict probable cause requirement could make enforcement inpossible.

在这个情况,一个严密的可能的起因要求能使执行 inpossible 。

19. However, american judiciary strangled this one opportunity, funny is, the reason that this strangles a basis is to should maintain market competition, but its outcome is probable however the biggest competitor that is a Gu Ge forces hopeless situation, this announced to common people again the absurd place of antitrust law.


20. It is much more probable that we get into a car crash on the way home.


probable 词典解释

1. 可能的;也许的;大概的

If you say that something is probable, you mean that it is likely to be true or likely to happen.

e.g. It is probable that the medication will suppress the symptom without treating the condition...


e.g. She does not want to be taken to an optician with the probable result of having to wear glasses...


2. 很有希望的;有可能的

You can use probable to describe a role or function that someone or something is likely to have.

e.g. The Socialists united behind their probable presidential candidate, Michel Rocard.


probable 单语例句

1. By NFL definition, a player listed as probable has a 75 percent chance of playing.

2. By WHO's current definition of a probable case, there must be at least two SARS patients reported in the same hospital environment.

3. LONDON - Like UV rays and diesel exhaust fumes, working the graveyard shift will soon be listed as a " probable " cause of cancer.

4. The agency is reviewing the chemical after the National Institutes of Health, deemed it a " probable carcinogen " in 2008.

5. The institute's Web site states that formaldehyde is classified as a " probable human carcinogen " by the US Environmental Protection Agency.

6. We must resolutely put an end to the erroneous practice of doing things without considering the actual conditions and probable results.

7. His probable demise is a cautionary tale of the multiplying threats to the great sturgeons, sought since Roman times for the wealth they yield in meat and caviar.

8. If the " risk aversion " trade dominates over the coming weeks, it is probable that both gold and silver will face additional selling pressure.

9. The most probable result will be villagers not receiving fair compensation for the loss of their land rights.

10. It has remaining proved plus probable reserves of 489 million barrels of oil equivalent, of which 95 percent is crude oil.

probable 英英释义


1. an applicant likely to be chosen


1. apparently destined

e.g. the probable consequences of going ahead with the scheme

2. likely but not certain to be or become true or real

e.g. a likely result

he foresaw a probable loss

Synonym: likely