

offset:[英 [ˈɒfset] 美 [ˈɔ:fset] ]


  现在分词:offsetting;   复数形式:offsets;

offset 基本解释

及物动词抵消; 补偿; (为了比较的目的而)把…并列(或并置); 为(管道等)装支管

不及物动词形成分支,长出分枝; 装支管

名词开端; 出发; 平版印刷; 抵消,补偿

形容词分支的; 偏(离中)心的; 抵消的; 开端的


offset 相关例句


1. The pay raise will be offset by inflation.



1. In basketball, his speed and cleverness were an offset to his small size.


offset 网络解释

1. 位移:大的I/O对从基于主机的stipe获得更好的带宽而言也是很重要的,因为他们将会被基于srtipe的toplogy打散成更小的大小. 在linux系统上,这个隐藏扇区的多少取决于boot loader和/或磁盘管理软件,但63个扇区是一个最常遇到的情况. 对于VMware,位移(offset)是63.

2. offset什么意思

2. 偏置:


offset 双语例句


1. Determine whether it is offset from index marker by 0, +1, +2 or +3 perforations.


2. offset

2. God forgives all of His children who have strayed off the path of righteousness, but in order to be forgiven you have to turn to God and ask His forgiveness, and give up your dirty deeds and work to offset what you have done.


3. offset的反义词

3. Australian Antarctic Division glaciology program head Ian Allison said sea ice losses in west Antarctica over the past 30 years had been more than offset by increases in the Ross Sea region, just one sector of east Antarctica.


4. offset是什么意思

4. Furthermore, LZSS uses one-bit flags to indicate whether the next chunk of data is a literal or a reference to an offset/length pair.

另外,LZSS 算法使用一个二进制位标识下一个数据片是一个原文还是一个偏移/长度对。

5. See how it performs in this aspect as the two may balance or offset each other.


6. Balance is the offset or equivalence in amount or quality of opposite aspects.


7. In offset, control-and-ink balance is an important issue, and the implementation of the balance between the need to offsctdruckereien a process.


8. Using data sources you can calculate how many trees you need to plant to offset or balance your carbon dioxide production.


9. offset是什么意思

9. Taking into account of this problem, within the heating system Is most appropriate for the processing of materials and to offset the drop-mouth balance runner.


10. For the optimization of mechanism design of rolling cut shears, a CAD software of rolling cut shears was developed and was used for the analysis of the factors such as crank radius, link rod length, phase difference, center distance of cranks and the offset position of upper blade carriage, which influenced the cutting quality, strength parameters and the load of main parts.



11. The outlook for gold is still firm on news of a strong investment demand for coins, bars and exchange traded funds but that is partly offset by a crashing demand for jewellery especially in Asia.


12. In order to offset the equivalent of all their annual carbon emissions, companies fund the planting of hundreds of thousands of trees in such areas as the Bolivian Amazon and the jungles of Peru.


13. Our company is a product development, design, production, sales integration, silkscreening/offset printing factory.


14. You must only select 3DS file and change scene parameters as scale, rotation and camera offset.


15. offset的翻译

15. The cost of social benefits to immigrants is more than offset by their contribution to the economy generally.


16. The offset voltage of both op-amps increases during long-term annealing at room temperature.


17. The offset thermal drift of pressure sensor is influenced by piezoresistor mismatch and its leakage current in practical applications.


18. This paper elaborates a new method for symbol timing recovery, frequency offset estimation and correction of burst-mode π/4 -DQPSK in software radios.


19. A frequency offset estimation algorithm with pilot-data assisted jointly based on the framework of the Expectation-Maximum algorithm is proposed in order to deal with the conflict between estimation accuracy and spectral efficiency for burst-mode transmission systems. Furthermore, the improved recursive EM estimation algorithm is proposed.


20. offset的解释

20. Secondly to consider business card printing and membership card-making enterprise, to stay in use and another device in the future there is room for the installation location of the machine to meet the needs of the production process, to consider: feed, WIP and finished products being location, usually a multi-color offset press feed, WIP and finished products required $ 5 square metres of~70 square metres of location, such as specialized business card printing and membership card making card multi-color offset printing machine that you want to reserve a larger area, otherwise the product cannot be epicylic.


offset 词典解释The form offset is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle of the verb. offset的过去式和过去分词与原形相同。

1. 抵消;补偿

If one thing is offset by another, the effect of the first thing is reduced by the second, so that any advantage or disadvantage is cancelled out.

e.g. The increase in pay costs was more than offset by higher productivity...


e.g. The move is designed to help offset the shortfall in world oil supplies caused by the UN embargo.


offset 单语例句

1. A Japanese investor who held dollar equities or real estate could instead have offset the exchange rate loss by buying yen futures.

2. Manufacturers could calculate working hours by the month or by the quarter so that overtime at busy periods could be offset during slowdown.

3. The other $ 2 trillion deficit was offset by the robust return of the dollar capital to the US.

4. So the government set new rules that required such agencies to increase their capital to offset any potential losses.

5. The Obama administration maintains that revenue from auctioning off carbon emission allowances would offset much of the higher energy costs for many Americans.

6. Most newspapers have seen their ad revenue fall as gains in online readership and revenue have yet to offset losses in print.

7. After the Chinese Government centralized national revenues, it implemented transfer payments to local governments to offset their lost tax revenues.

8. The 2 per cent rise will not add much value to houses, and any added value will be offset by increased tax.

9. The Spartan use of chunky antique wooden furniture and decorative elements is offset by a profusion of white.

10. Any premium paid to offset that risk is an additional expense to the fund.

offset在线翻译offset 英英释义



1. structure where a wall or building narrows abruptly

Synonym: set-backsetoff

2. a plate makes an inked impression on a rubber-blanketed cylinder, which in turn transfers it to the paper

Synonym: offset printing

3. a natural consequence of development

Synonym: outgrowthbranchoffshoot

4. a horizontal branch from the base of plant that produces new plants from buds at its tips

Synonym: stolonrunner

5. a compensating equivalent

Synonym: counterbalance

6. the time at which something is supposed to begin

e.g. they got an early start

she knew from the get-go that he was the man for her

Synonym: beginningcommencementfirstoutsetget-gostartkickoffstarting timeshowtime



1. produce by offset printing

e.g. offset the conference proceedings

2. create an offset in

e.g. offset a wall

3. cause (printed matter) to transfer or smear onto another surface

4. make up for

e.g. His skills offset his opponent's superior strength

Synonym: cancelset off

5. compensate for or counterbalance

e.g. offset deposits and withdrawals

Synonym: countervail