

objective:[英 [əbˈdʒektɪv] 美 [əbˈdʒɛktɪv] ]



objective 基本解释

形容词目标的; 客观的,实体的; [语]宾格的; [医]他觉的

名词目标,任务; [光]物镜; [语]宾语,宾格; [事]出击目标

objective 同义词


objective 反义词


objective 相关例句


1. A judge must give an objective opinion.




1. My objective this summer will be learning to swim.


2. A college education is my objective.


3. His objective was to finish by October.


objective 网络解释

1. 物镜:3.4.1 物镜(Objective) 物镜是成像质量关键要素之一. 荧光进入物镜的通透量的多少与物镜的光透射率有关,而物镜的光透射率与数值孔径(NA)的4次方成正比,与物镜的放大倍数的平方成反比,因此应尽量选择高数值孔径的物镜,

objective 双语例句


1. Objective To establish and optimize the two-dimensional gel electrophoresis separation of proteome in human pancreatic juice.


2. Objective To construct an expression profiling of human pancreatic juice protein.

目的 建立人胰液蛋白表达谱。


3. Objective To evaluate the clinical effects and mechanism of anticholinergics in treating high altitude pulmonary edema.

目的 评估抗胆碱药对高原肺水肿的临床疗效及探讨其作用机制。

4. Objective To ascertain the cardiovascular risks of inhaled anticholinergics, including cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, and stroke.

目的 明确吸入抗胆碱能药物发生心血管不良反应(包括心血管病死亡,心肌梗死以及卒中)的风险。

5. Objective To study the second molar transition mesially with Edgewise technique.

目的 研究第一磨牙拔除后用方丝弓技术近中平移上下颌第二磨牙的临床效果。

6. Objective To study the leucocytes infection statistics of the tiny organism eperthrozoon and analysis on the people who just reached the highland and who inhabited the highland for half a year at least. Methods Take one portion of anticoagulation that contains abundant leucocytes, two portions of distilled water or1%HCl2liquores for dilution, and mix them up to hemolyze for ten minutes. Take15ul of the mixture to make a silce, and then observe by oil microscope.

目的 研究从内地不同地区急进高原人群和其在高原环境中居住半年后白细胞内感染附红细胞体的对比分析方法取富含白细胞的抗凝血液1份,加蒸馏水或1%HCl2份稀释混匀,使其溶血10min,取15μl制作压片然后用油镜观察。

7. Objective To investigate the therapeutic efficacy of using AO/ASIF collar-bone hook nickelclad while carring out ORIF operation to TossyⅡ type acromioclavicular dislocation and NeerⅠ type distal end of collar bone fracture.

目的 观察应用AO/ASIF锁骨钩钢板对TossyⅡ型肩锁关节脱位和NeerⅠ型锁骨远端骨折进行切开复位固定手术的治疗效果。

8. The completely new systems theory from kybernetics, information theory and system science has revealed in different aspects the law of link in things and the law of movement in objective world.


9. Objective To investigate the clinical applicable value of multislice spiral CT in Debakey Ⅲ aortic dissection.


10. OBJECTIVE: To establish a method of dosage regimen design of multiple dosing extravenous administration of one-compartment model.


11. objective

11. Objective To investigate the value of chest radiographs and spiral CT in the diagnosis of silicosis.

目的 评价X线胸片与螺旋CT在矽肺并发肺癌影像诊断中的价值。

12. Objective To study the reason and treatment for difficulty in head birth of improved cesarean section.

目的 探讨新式剖宫产术娩头困难的原因及其对策。


13. Objective To explore the optimal dosage, timing and cytotoxicity of bromodeoxyuridine labell


14. objective什么意思

14. Objective: To observe the effect of rhubarb on 89 patients with upper digestive tract bleeding after severe cerebral injury.


15. objective

15. Objective:To research the effect of capsicin on the NOS in rat facial skin, and to explore the analgesic mechanism of CAP in treating prosopalgia thereby.


16. Objective: To study the chemical constituents with antiviral action from Yinqiaosan on influenza virus.


17. Objective: To investigate the antiviral action of traditional Chinese medicine Radix Isatidis and Folium Isatidis.



18. Objective:To approach the immunity status of pulse magnetic field treatment on treating Paediatric Lobular Pneumonia.


19. All the time since, search engine boasts the search result justice of oneself is objective, but before numerous fact, its view collapse of itself.


20. objective

20. The thesis discusses the traditional opinion about the objective of women who received the education in the article of 〈He Dong Shi Zi Hou〉, subsequently extends the discussion to cover the sexual relationships of society at that time.


objective 词典解释

1. 目的;目标;宗旨

Your objective is what you are trying to achieve.

e.g. Our main objective was the recovery of the child safe and well...


e.g. His objective was to play golf and win.


2. (信息)客观的,基于事实的

Objective information is based on facts.


e.g. He had no objective evidence that anything extraordinary was happening.



We simply want to inform people objectively about events.


The poll, whose objectivity is open to question, gave the party a 39% share of the vote.


3. (观点)客观的,不带个人感情的,没有个人偏见的

If someone is objective, they base their opinions on facts rather than on their personal feelings.

e.g. I believe that a journalist should be completely objective...


e.g. I would really like to have your objective opinion on this.



Try to view situations more objectively, especially with regard to work.


The psychiatrist must learn to maintain an unusual degree of objectivity.

精神科医生务必要学会保持超乎寻常的客观态度。objective 单语例句objective的翻译

1. Its main objective was to unify China under the Kuomintang banner by ending the rule of local warlords.

2. He said that the government's objective of the securitization is to facilitate further development of the local capital market.

3. We believe that Capstone Turbine Corp will provide perfect solutions to meet that strategic objective.

4. Low carbon and energy saving are key ingredients to move towards this objective, an expert said on Thursday.

5. The basic objective of the CEPA deal is to bring about common development by upgrading the economic partnership between the mainland and Hong Kong.

6. A Washington Post commentary openly suggested that the objective of Obama's trip was to check China's growing influence in that part of the world.

7. The chief objective of China's ODI is to strengthen the competitiveness and sustainability of domestic production.

8. Chino said the bank would pursue its main objective of halving Asian poverty by 2015.

9. The objective of the annual reviews would be to provide information for investments in cleaner products and services and the elimination of market distorting subsidies.

10. Since rational income redistribution is essential for maintaining social stability in China, the government has to have a clear objective and method of income distribution reform.

objective是什么意思objective 英英释义


1. the lens or system of lenses in a telescope or microscope that is nearest the object being viewed

Synonym: objective lensobject lensobject glass

2. the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable)

e.g. the sole object of her trip was to see her children

Synonym: aimobjecttarget


1. belonging to immediate experience of actual things or events

e.g. objective benefits

an objective example

there is no objective evidence of anything of the kind

2. undistorted by emotion or personal bias

based on observable phenomena

e.g. an objective appraisal

objective evidence

Synonym: nonsubjective

3. emphasizing or expressing things as perceived without distortion of personal feelings, insertion of fictional matter, or interpretation

e.g. objective art

Synonym: documentary

4. serving as or indicating the object of a verb or of certain prepositions and used for certain other purposes

e.g. objective case

accusative endings

Synonym: accusative