

ruinous:[英 [ˈru:ɪnəs] 美 [ˈruənəs] ]


ruinous 基本解释

形容词破坏性的; 耗资巨大的; 无法承担的; 导致严重问题的

ruinous 相关例句


1. The cost will be ruinous.


ruinous 网络解释

1. 破坏性的:世界上到处是这种未经请求的行为;但是如果不是有法律这一规则,就会有更多的破坏性的(ruinous)诉讼,个人的权利和人民的自由就会被彻底否定. 法律绝不容许友善的行为,或者像这样原打算作为善心和慷慨的行为,事后变成金钱上的要求;

2. 毁坏的;荒废的:renowned#著名的 | ruinous#毁坏的;荒废的 | rustic#乡村的

3. 零落的:ruincorruptunderminepollution 败坏 | ruinous 零落的 | ruinous 招致毁灭的

4. 招致毁灭的:ruinous 零落的 | ruinous 招致毁灭的 | ruinously 破坏性地

ruinous 双语例句

1. The right ones (a Michael Kors dress or a rare lipstick) mean deliverance, while the wrong ones (a Laura Ashley dress or a fat arm) can be ruinous.

于是,布希内尔本人就赋予某些东西以超凡的力量;那些可心的(比如Michael Kors女装或珍品口红)就意味着超脱,而不如意的(比如Laura Ashley女装或者肥臂)则近乎灾难。

2. The house was in a ruinous condition.


3. If I were expected to point out the most ruinous expression of fantasy, I would impute it to media.


4. Justina at Padua, which had formerly been Cluniac, was in a very corrupt and ruinous state in 1407 when Gregory XII bestowed it in commendam on the Cardinal of Bologna.

在修道院的圣太在帕多瓦,其中原先Cluniac ,是在一个非常腐败和毁灭性的国家在1407年时,格雷戈里十二赋予它commendam的枢机主教的博洛尼亚。

5. ruinous的意思

5. It replaces a ruinous building formerly used as a storage facility and fills in the gap between two historic premises.


6. ruinous

6. O thou that dost inhabit in my breast, Leave not the mansion so long tenantless, Lest, growing ruinous, the building fall And leave no memory of what it was.


7. Those that have Saturn and Mars in the same part of the Zodiac will be liable, in the course of their lives, to many misfortunes; and if they shall both be in Taurus, and posited in the fourth house, when the Ascendant, by direction comes to their rays, the Natives will have some severe falls, or be in danger by reason of some ruinous building falling on them.


8. Lest, growing ruinous, the building fall


9. Lest, growing ruinous, the building fall E!az


10. Such a sharp fluctuation usually means a server is malfunctioning-a potentially ruinous problem.


11. ruinous

11. The whole world watched on television as Iraqis rushed forward, trampled over the fallen 20-foot high metal statue on Wednesday and dragged its decapitated head through the streets in contempt for the man who had led the country into three ruinous wars resulting in massive human losses and economic damage.


12. ruinous

12. He gave notes, took up ruinous obligations, dealt with usurers and all the race of lenders.


13. He gave notes of hand, entered into ruinous agreements, did business with usurers and the whole tribe of money-lenders.


14. ruinous

14. Excessive(extravagant, exorbitant, unreasonable, famine, ruinous) price


15. Ricke vowed the company won't be sucked into a ruinous price war.

Ricke 许诺公司不会被卷入一场毁灭性的价格大战。

16. The real attractions of the Hollowell farm, to me, were: its complete retirement, being, about two miles from the village, half a mile from the nearest neighbor, and separated from the highway by a broad field; its bounding on the river, which the owner said protected it by its fogs from frosts in the spring, though that was nothing to me; the gray color and ruinous state of the house and barn, and the dilapidated fences, which put such an interval between me and the last occupant; the hollow and lichen-covered apple trees, nawed by rabbits, showing what kind of neighbors I should have; but above all, the recollection I had of it from my earliest voyages up the river, when the house was concealed behind a dense grove of red maples, through which I heard the house-dog bark.



17. So at seemingly ruinous cost, he razes the cornfield and builds a ball field, and is rewarded with an endless stream of ticket buyers stretching to the rural Iowa horizon.


18. ruinous的近义词

18. But, if carry prepares misgovern, fictitious economy grows generation possibly also to hypostatic economy the ruinous action with negative huge even effect, its model causes bubble economy namely.


19. And this fact is reflected how ruinous is our civilization.


20. The blasting effects of the intense cold on the budding fruit; the blasting force of the wind blowing sharp needles of sleet in our faces; a ruinous war.


ruinous 词典解释

1. (花费等)极其昂贵的,贵得离谱的

If you describe the cost of something as ruinous, you mean that it costs far more money than you can afford or than is reasonable.


e.g. Many Britons will still fear the potentially ruinous costs of their legal system.



...a ruinously expensive court case.


2. 毁灭性的;导致毁灭的

A ruinous process or course of action is one that is likely to lead to ruin.

e.g. The economy of the state is experiencing the ruinous effects of the conflict.



...cities ruinously choked by uncontrolled traffic.

由于交通未受管制而严重阻塞的城市ruinous 单语例句

1. Ignoring it or assuming that it does not matter can be ruinous to corporate health.

ruinous 英英释义



1. causing injury or blight

especially affecting with sudden violence or plague or ruin

e.g. the blasting effects of the intense cold on the budding fruit

the blasting force of the wind blowing sharp needles of sleet in our faces

a ruinous war

Synonym: blasting

2. extremely harmful

bringing physical or financial ruin

e.g. a catastrophic depression

catastrophic illness

a ruinous course of action

Synonym: catastrophic