

deliberately:[英 [dɪˈlɪbərətli] 美 [dɪˈlɪbərɪtlɪ] ]


deliberately 基本解释


副词故意地; 深思熟虑地; 从容不迫地

deliberately 相关例句


1. I believe the house was deliberately set fire to.


deliberately 网络解释

1. 慎重地:上个月,日本慎重地(deliberately)在与它的盟友美国的一份联合声明中,更少模糊地宣布它对台湾的立场,就是台湾是一个军事安全顾虑(concern). 在中方看来,这不但是干涉中国的内政,还显示日本更进一步放弃对军事行动的宪法限制. 在去年12月,

2. deliberately

2. 蓄意地:本节从审计观点,将管理舞弊定义为管理阶层蓄意地(Deliberately)虚报财务报表,以达到获取不法利益的目的. 一般员工舞弊的形态都涉及直接挪用公款窃取财产,而中上管理阶层的舞弊形态,则并不一定使公司的现金或其他财产受到损害,

3. 故意地:delete 删去 | deliberately 故意地 | delicate 精巧的,精致的

4. (强调深思熟虑后)故意的:on purpose: 故意,强调目的性 | deliberately (强调深思熟虑后)故意的 | in consequence, in consequence of 由于什么的缘故

deliberately 双语例句

1. When we consider what, to use the words of the catechism, is the chief end of man, and what are the true necessaries and means of life, it appears as if men had deliberately chosen the common mode of living because they preferred it to nay other.



2. When we consider what, to use the words of the catechism, is the chief end of man, and what are the true necessaries and means of life, it appears as if men had deliberately chosen the common mode of living because they preferred it to any other.


3. When we consider what, to use the words of the catechism, is the chief end of man, and what are the true necessaries and means of life, it appears as if men had deliberately chosen the common node of living because they preferred it to any other.


4. The Abstract Expressionists worked in different styles, yet they shared a more or less similar aesthetic. Linking their works not only to each other but to East Asian art and philosophy is the concept of the union of humanity and nature; a palette consisting mainly of black and white; and a painting method characterized by gestural painting methods such as pouring paints or wielding the brush at arm`s length-techniques that deliberately cultivate spontaneity and eliminate human control.


5. I deliberately liberated the man who was in despair and desperately struggled for liber ation and liberty.


6. I hope that from now on you will just be more and more well-behaved and obedient so that I'll love you more and more. Just don't do anything deliberately to annoy me for it only let my heart farther away from yours. I wish my baby could be a consious and obedient one.


7. deliberately的解释

7. I've seen sweet couples who had deliberately built their relationships for a long time, but eventually ended up with departure for either nameable or unnameable trivia; I've also known people who, by the first time they hold each other's eyes, knew that that's the person they want to enjoy their lives with.


8. deliberately

8. McCain may fall into the narrow minded thinking and deliberately pick a minority or woman just to fend against Obama`s being black.


9. A truly eccentric person never deliberately draws attention to himself.


10. To do this, they use a range of basic techniques that allow them to move precisely and deliberately.



11. In fact, there are occasions when our friend, knowing us as well as they do, seem as if they are deliberately trying to drive us crazy.



12. I believe he confused the accounts deliberately.


13. In the second place, why do our adversaries exaggerate the obligation or effect of a vow when, at the same time, they have not a word to say of the nature of the vow itself, that it ought to be in a thing possible, that it ought to be free, and chosen spontaneously and deliberately?


14. She never dresses up deliberately to draw attention to herself, but she always looks so gentle and graceful.


15. deliberately在线翻译

15. Mr Baker's report deliberately refrained from assigning blame for the explosion at the refinery, in the small American town of Texas City.


16. Dragon Xiao Feng's father's life are deliberately planned to kill Bo to report his wife's revenge.


17. His humorous tone of that truth, as if deliberately to weaken the importance of his discovery, only to let it enter the real Salon ears.


18. With palm shells point of cheekbone, nose to the ear temples with four fingers, deliberately alienate a little push from the inside.


19. While paying a tribute to the feelings of man and woman, Hongsheng deliberately secreted the scenario of Yangyuhuan is Shou Princesses and identify Anlushan as son, beautifying the love of Lilongji and Yangyuhuan.


20. deliberately

20. There was a squeal against the window—someone deliberately scraping their steel nails across the glass to make a horrible, cover-your-ears, goose-bumps-down-your-spine noise.


deliberately 单语例句

1. It was not immediately clear if they were deliberately targeted or simply caught in a random act of violence.

2. In such instances, one cannot help but suspect that the retailer is deliberately trying to defraud the customer.

3. Space debris means artificial objects or fragments cast off in the space, whether deliberately or unintentionally.

4. Into this category fall the people now detained or arrested on charges of deliberately adding melamine to fresh raw milk.

5. Those who magnify such minor issues and deliberately raise a wave of nostalgia for the colonial era bring only chaos and disorder to our society.

6. A slander charge can be brought against anyone who French prosecutors believe deliberately filed a false complaint with authorities.

7. Some writers deliberately add pornographic descriptions in their works, but such moves are risky because of online censorship.

8. He normally takes the deliberately chosen music and a defined theme as his starting point when creating a new choreography.

9. Zhang said the chromium and neodymium were not deliberately added but occurred naturally.

10. But if it can be proved that the damage was deliberately caused by the victim, he shall not bear civil liability.

deliberately的翻译deliberately 英英释义


1. with intention

in an intentional manner

e.g. he used that word intentionally

I did this by choice

Synonym: intentionallydesignedlyon purposepurposelyadvisedlyby choiceby design

2. in a deliberate unhurried manner

e.g. she was working deliberately

Synonym: measuredly