

erosion:[英 [ɪ'rəʊʒn] 美 [ɪˈrəʊʒ(ə)n] ]


erosion 基本解释

名词糜烂; 烧蚀; 腐蚀,侵蚀,磨损; 磨蚀


erosion 相关例句


1. Soil erosion by rain and wind is a serious problem here.


erosion 网络解释

1. 侵蚀:部分晕厥发作之前出现头晕、耳鸣、出汗、视力模糊、面色苍白、全身不适等前驱症状,此期称为前驱期. 发...冠状动脉粥样硬化斑块 破裂 (rupture) /侵蚀 (erosion) 继发完全/不完全闭塞性血栓形成 临床(一组)综合征 ...

2. 冲蚀:在对有轻微迫紧泄漏之阀,进行迫紧格兰(Packing Gland)之后,运转员试图操作C. 由节流闸阀所产生的扰流会导致对於阀座(Valve Seat)冲蚀(Erosion)损害. C. 半开的闸阀所生的扰流会导致阀座(Valve Seat)以及阀盘的过度磨损

3. erosion在线翻译

3. 浸蚀:又称浸蚀(Erosion).(Cavitation Erosion) 固体相对于液体运动时,由于液体中气泡在固体表面附近破裂时产生局部高冲击压力或局部高温引起的磨损. 又称气蚀(Cavitation)

erosion 双语例句


1. Land use changes the pattern and extent of soil erosion directly, and it has outstanding erosion-environmental effect.


2. A fabric layer should be placed over the slope after hydro-seeding activities are completed to reduce raindrop impact and erosion while the grass is established over a period of approximately six weeks.

织物层应放在超过斜坡后,水电直播活动完成,以减少雨滴的影响和侵蚀,而基层是成立一个时期大约6 周。


3. It shows that runoff is closely correlated with the features of individual precipitation, and it is also affected by vegetation within a short period of time. Raindrop erosion, sheet flow erosion and rill erosion on the slope are the main soil erosion patterns; sediment yield occurs mainly in flood season. Human activity and individual precipitation are two important factors that control the soil erosion at a small watershed. Comprehensive management on the slope in a small watershed is an efficient measure of water and soil conservation.


4. Surface erosion occurs mainly in farmland, sparse grassland and woodland, is the rainfall and runoff erosion on the surface is relatively uniform, including the raindrop erosion, sheet erosion and rill erosion.


5. The coverage of vegetation can prevent raindrop erosion, the humus layer from falling branches and leaves not only improve the chemical and physical condition of the soil but also improve the stability of soil aggregate, increase soil permeability, and reduce surface runoff, effectively prevent the soil erosion.


6. There are much more nitrate than ammonium in the recession flow. 3. Compared with the exponential function, the power function is more suitable for fitting the changes ofchemicals concentration in runoff with raindrop splatter erosion or slight soil erosion.


7. Slope farmland; Interrill erosion; Rill erosion; Raindrop kinetic energy


8. The following theoretic analysis shows that structure damages such as external-bounded electrode ungluing and solder joint melting are caused by airflow erosion, centrifugal force and a block temperature of more than 400 ℃ on the nose of the fuze due to the high velocity of the shell.

理论分析说明:由于弹速高,空气阻力使引信头部产生超过400 ℃的阻滞温度,加上气流冲刷和离心力,造成的外贴电极开胶和焊点熔化等结构破坏。


9. Aiming the key, in accordance with the hypothesis and the basic way of modern control theory, the author has designed a recurrent identification way, which can online identify instantaneous erosion rate and instantaneous equivalent normal discharge gap.


10. Black soil region of northeast China is one of areas that modern soil erosion is severest.


11. A numerical model of the tectonic-thermal evolution of the basin via the Basin-Mod technique was carried out and the subsidence-buried history and thermal history of the Taibei depression were inverse calculated: it had undergone a early rapid rift and sag, then three times of uplift and erosion, and finally depressed and been buried.



12. In exemplar workwoman, cervical erosion has highest occurring rate, so it should be paid more attention to.


13. The taxation of coffee relative to field crops has had the unfortunate side effect of increasing soil erosion.


14. Grown for forage, for erosion control, and as a source of nectar for honeybees.


15. It is not feasible to build sea defenses to protect against erosion.


16. Impacts of sea level rise on coastal erosion in the Changjiang Delta and North Jiangsu coastal plain.


17. erosion什么意思

17. Natural erosion caused by soil erosion into the sea about 9.3 billion tons annually.



18. Quietly watched his life has been rough sea erosion, a grass can also be the same as a soldier survived.


19. erosion

19. Came to the port, the beach covered with stones, there are large, there are small, they are quietly lying on the beach, bathed in the sun, enjoying the sea erosion.


20. Major coastal cities in Asia, for example, are faced with increased storm threats, rising sea levels and coastal erosion.


erosion 词典解释

1. (气候等的)侵蚀,腐蚀

Erosion is the gradual destruction and removal of rock or soil in a particular area by rivers, the sea, or the weather.

e.g. As their roots are strong and penetrating, they prevent erosion.


e.g. ...erosion of the river valleys.


2. (权威、权利、信心等的)逐渐丧失,削弱

The erosion of a person's authority, rights, or confidence is the gradual destruction or removal of them.

e.g. ...the erosion of confidence in world financial markets.


e.g. ...an erosion of presidential power.


3. (支持的)减少;(价值的)降低;(货币的)贬值

The erosion of support, values, or money is a gradual decrease in its level or standard.

e.g. ...the erosion of moral standards.


e.g. ...a dramatic erosion of support for the program.


erosion 单语例句

1. Both programs also have important global implications because they increase vegetative cover, enhance carbon sequestration and reduce dust to other countries by controlling soil erosion.

2. The grotto eaves are expected to prevent rain from cave walls, and stabilize temperature and humidity in the cave and reduce erosion of the stone carvings.

3. An article on the treatment of cervical erosion and vaginitis posted by " Doctor Han " four years ago created the highest clicking record on the website.

4. Most career women in Beijing have health problems with cyclomastopathy, cervical erosion and weight.

5. Some experts warn that some part of the cliff where the grottoes are located may collapse as a result of this wind and dust erosion.

6. Some 80 per cent of the coalfield area was affected by land erosion.

7. A special net made of coconut shell parts is used to reduce erosion from the banks of the lake.

8. But we have no reason for complacency as the trend of water loss and soil erosion is yet to be checked.

9. So far, severe water and soil erosion and the consequent ecological degradation have not been slowed.

10. Granite hills and granite forests formed by erosion and weathering along the riverside are a direct contrast with the soft water views.

erosion 英英释义



1. erosion by chemical action

Synonym: corrosioncorroding

2. (geology) the mechanical process of wearing or grinding something down (as by particles washing over it)

Synonym: erodingeating awaywearingwearing away

3. a gradual decline of something

e.g. after the accounting scandal there was an erosion of confidence in the auditors

4. condition in which the earth's surface is worn away by the action of water and wind