

ingenuity:[英 [ˌɪndʒəˈnju:əti] 美 [ˌɪndʒəˈnu:əti] ]



ingenuity 基本解释

名词独创性; 足智多谋,心灵手巧; 独出心裁,设计新颖; 巧妙,精巧

ingenuity 相关例句


1. The boy showed ingenuity in making toys.


2. ingenuity的解释

2. She had the ingenuity to succeed where everyone else had failed.


ingenuity 网络解释

1. 機巧:祗限新颖(newness)与机巧(ingenuity)的创造 - 必须有创意及新意专利是指对某项商品的专卖权, 与创造发明无关. 著作财产权是政府把人民的利益授权给商人, 再用公权利保护之, 不是保障创造发明者的利益,

2. 机灵:ingather 收集 | ingenuity 机灵 | ingest 摄食

3. 随机应变:个性化Individuation | 随机应变Ingenuity | 内心冲突Inner Conflicts

ingenuity 双语例句

1. ingenuity的反义词

1. Kircher lack many aspects of his universality and ingenuity.


2. ingenuity

2. In this welcome addition to the old days, people all around the world for its ingenuity and distinctive way to welcome the New Year's arrival.


3. It took some ingenuity to squeeze all the furniture into the little room.


4. Its ingenuity and resource are without limit.


5. Such ingenuity allows you to stand your iPod upright whenever you are watching videos.


6. In ancient times, young women performed certain activities on this special festival, such as threading a needle with their holiday best while facing the moon to pray for various kinds of ingenuity and celebrate the annual meeting of the cowherd and the Girl Weaver.


7. Reviewers evoked Anthony Hopkins'Hannibal Lecter — the same mock-ingratiating tone, same sadistic ingenuity — but this Joker is the bigger, gaudier showman, with a sick kid's need to watch the damage he's caused.


8. Display meaning house auspicious color pictures, the girls ingenuity beautiful window cut out and pasted on the windows, red lanterns hanging in front of or affixed to the word-fu and the God of Wealth, statues, such as doors, can also lose the word fu, passers-by a read-fu inverted, it is a blessing to all of these activities are enough for the festive holiday atmosphere.



9. The German Packaging Institute Inc., Berlin, recently recognised the ingenuity of the Pull Pack by awarding it the prestigious award for Best Sales Packaging.


10. ingenuity的近义词

10. After all, man`s greatest asset is his ability to harness that one natural resource that remains infinite in quantity: human ingenuity.


11. Imagine if everyonemustered up the courage to use their God-given ingenuity inwhatever their giftings. What new things would the world seecreated?


12. Imagine ifeveryone mustered up the courage to use their God-given ingenuity inwhatever their giftings. What new things would the world see created?


13. ingenuity的翻译

13. This is novel with a narrative plot of great ingenuity.


14. ingenuity什么意思

14. C. describe the inadequacies of small firms in dealing with the important matter of research and innovation. D. show that Americas strength depends upon individual ingenuity and resourcefulness.

答:如果导师对你有意思的话,一般会很快回信(1到2天),如果很久没有回信,一般是不太感兴趣,如果你不死心的话,可以继续发 email 催促下,实在不行,再打电话直接沟通,让他给个准信。

15. Monder mass-production methods lower the cost of makeing goods, and thus give us better values, At the same time, American ingenuity and science are constanly at work improving the quality of producets.


16. Her research was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and Alberta Ingenuity.


17. ingenuity的意思

17. His style is benefited both from his art ingenuity and from his considering himself and going beyond it. It is clearly showed by his using the method of counter-comparison, These comparisons are the following three combination:a picture of insignificant individual combined with vast space -time; flowery language with sorrowful feeling; collision of different emotions. And all that make Dus poems style become solemn and stirring with sorrowful meaning and majestic words.


18. The reader is urged to use his ingenuity and initiative in the construction of his own wood gas generator.


19. Tell them what to do, and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.


20. However, the ingenuity of the design makes it possible.


ingenuity 词典解释

1. 心灵手巧;善于创造发明

Ingenuity is skill at working out how to achieve things or skill at inventing new things.

e.g. Inspecting the nest may require some ingenuity.


ingenuity 单语例句ingenuity

1. Many housewives prefer to carve pictures on the figurines to display their ingenuity and to win praise from relatives and friends.

2. But they tell the powerful story of the adaptable and the ingenuity of the people of Hong Kong.

3. In times of adversity, initiative and ingenuity come to the fore.

4. " The Proposal " seemed to be getting there with some spark and ingenuity, led by a couple of actors with solid comic chops.

5. " This is a new case of criminal ingenuity, " said police commander Jose Angel Mendoza.

6. The value of such a design suited the natural living conditions of the area and was the result of the ingenuity of generations.

7. And it aims to safeguard the dignity and freedom of everyone so that he or she may pursue happiness with ingenuity and hard work.

8. Dripping wet and clad only in their undergarments, they were applauded for their ingenuity.

9. And our society has great ingenuity and great empathy and we could create more change.

10. The comedians are attracting an increasing audience not only with low prices but also with their ingenuity in poking fun at everyday incidents.

ingenuity 英英释义


1. the property of being ingenious

e.g. a plot of great ingenuity

the cleverness of its design

Synonym: ingeniousnesscleverness

2. the power of creative imagination

Synonym: inventivenessingeniousnesscleverness