

cancer:[英 [ˈkænsə(r)] 美 [ˈkænsɚ] ]



cancer 基本解释


名词癌症,恶性肿瘤; 弊病,社会恶习; 迅速蔓延的恶劣的或危险的事物; [天]巨蟹座,巨蟹宫

cancer 相关例句


1. cancer的近义词

1. What was happening was a sickness, a cancer in society that could not be helped.



2. The doctors are making an attempt to prevent cancer cells spreading.


cancer 情景对话


A:Hi, Mr. Smith. I’m Dr. Hawkins. Why are you here today?



B:I thought it would be a good idea to get a check-up.



A:Yes, well you haven’t had one for…five years. You should have one every year.


B:I know. I figure as long as there’s nothing wrong, why go see the doctor?


A:Well, the best way to avoid serious illnesses is to find out about them early. So, try to come at least once a year for your own good.




A:Let me see here. Your eyes and ears look fine. Take a deep breath, please. Do you smoke, Mr. Smith?




A:Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and heart disease, you know. You really should quit.


B:I’ve tried a hundred times, but I just can’t seem to kick the habit.


A:Well, we have classes and some medications that might help. I’ll give you more infomp3ation before you leave.


B:O.K., thanks, doctor.


cancer 网络解释

1. cancer的翻译

1. 巨蟹座:人体彩绘12星座--巨蟹座(CANCER) 巨蟹座(CANCER) 6月22日~7月22日 人体彩绘12星座--金牛座(TAURUS) 金牛座(TAURUS) 4月20日~5月20日 人体彩绘12星座--白羊座(ARIES) 白羊座(ARIES) 3月21日~4月19日 人体彩绘12星座--双子座(GE


2. 星座:北回归线的命名是因为当古人确定夏至时,太阳正好出现在巨蟹星座(Cancer)中. 11、夏至比满月更不吉利吗?在2001年6月20日的夏至,年轻母亲安德里亚.雅茨(Andrea Yates)在浴缸里亲手淹死了自己的五个孩子,原因为产后抑郁症.

cancer 双语例句

1. The disorder is characterized by variation in the size and shape of the proliferating glands and the potential for cytological atypia, which may progress to endometrial cancer.


2. It also seems to play an important role in cancer protection.


3. cancer的意思

3. This webpage systematically introduced Tibet's macro fungi of 45 families, 175 genera and 588 species, including 415 species of edible fugi, 135 kinds of poisonous fungi, 238 species of medicinal fungi, 168 kinds of fungi which proved to boast anti-cancer medical effect, 188 species of ectotrophic mycorrhiza, and 123 species which make trees and wood decomposed and ill.


4. This method is convenient, effective relative safe for the treatment of lung cancer hydropericardium and without apparent complications.


5. Immunohistofluorescent staining was used to identify the binding specificity of GEBP11 in gastric cancer tissues. 5. GEBP11 was labeled with ~(99)Tc~mO_4~- using direct labeling method, and was labeled with ~(131)I using NBS labeling method. Then the labeled peptides were validated for radiochemical yield, specific activity, and in vitro. stability. 6. The bioactivity of ~(99)Tc~m-GEBP11 or ~(131)I-GEBP11 was validated by cell receptor autoradiography in cultured HUVECs. 7. Receptor binding assay was performed in vitro. to analyze quantitatively the binding specificity and affinity of GEBP11 to HUVEC, the receptor intensity on HUVEC, and the difference of affinity of GEBP11 binding to Co-HUVEC and HUVEC. 8. The radioactivity of all organs of nude mice injected with ~(131)I-GEBP11 was determined and the radioactivity of all organs per g was calculated to analyze the specific distribution of ~(131)I-GEBP11.9. Gamma camera images of nude mice bearing tumor xenografts of human gastric carcinoma injected with ~(99)Tc~m-GEBP11 was obtained 0.5-24 h after being injected to identify the targeting ability of labeled peptide to tumor tissues. 10. MTT assay on HUVECs and antitumor assay in nude mice bearing tumor xenografts of human gastric cancer were performed to evaluate the effects of ~(131)I-GEBP11 on HUVECs and xenografts. 11. Immunohistochemical staining was used for MVD counting in tumor. 12. H. E. staining, blood cells analysis and blood biochemical indicator analysis were performed to investigate the injury of liver and bone marrow. 13. Tube formation assay in matrigel, CAM angiogenesis assay and angionenesis induced by matrigel in mice were performed to identify the effects of GEBP11 on angiogenesis.

1、通过蓝色噬斑形成实验及GEBP11、IN11噬菌体在荷瘤裸鼠体内的竞争抑制实验检测噬菌体体内归巢的特异性;2、免疫荧光技术检测GEBP11在荷瘤裸鼠体内的结合特异性;3、免疫细胞化学或荧光检测GEBP11在Co-HUVECs中的定位及内化;4、免疫组织荧光检测GEBP11在人胃癌组织中的结合特异性;5、采用直接法~(99)Tc~mO_4~-标记GEBP11,采用NBS法~(131)I标记GEBP11,纸层析法测定标记率、放射化学纯度等;6、放射自显影鉴定GEBP11同位素探针的结合活性;7、受体放射配基结合分析实验鉴定受体亲和力及受体细胞密度;8、同位素示踪技术检测~(131)I-GEBP11在荷瘤裸鼠体内的生物学分布;9、SPECT成像技术进行荷人胃癌裸鼠体内~(99)Tc~m-GEBP11显像;10、MTT细胞增殖实验、荷瘤鼠抑瘤实验评价~(131)I-GEBP11对内皮细胞及荷瘤鼠肿瘤的抑制能力;11、免疫组织化学染色计数瘤组织MVD;12、病理学HE染色、血液血细胞分析及生化指标检测观察肝脏损伤及骨髓抑制情况;13、Matrigel管状结构形成实验、鸡胚绒毛尿囊膜血管生成抑制实验、小鼠体内Matrigel Plug诱导血管生成实验分析GEBP11对血管生成的影响;14、MTT细胞增殖实验、细胞周期及凋亡分析、细胞侵袭迁移实验、细胞粘附实验探讨GEBP11抑制血管生成的细胞机制;15、基因表达谱芯片技术筛选GEBP11短肽作用Co-HUVECs后的差异表达基因。

6. Lymphoedema is difficult to diagnose, particularly if it is not related to cancer treatment.


7. Now, scientists are closer to discovering what triggers cancer on a cellular level.


8. cancer

8. New York can hold an audience of 700 people. Donation collected is all for the Children's Cancer Fund.

后天早上,纽约戏院中的两间影院将同时播映《金枝玉叶 2 》,合共有七百个座位,观众一律免费入场,但院内设有慈善箱,观众可随意捐款,筹得款项将全数拨捐儿童癌病基金。

9. Pulmonary fibrosis can be divided into two types of syndrome which should be treated oppositely. Asthma and COPD include two parts of period which need different therapy. Lung cancer needs a combined therapy besides TCM.


10. ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE:To provide reference for scientific research and lung cancer operation by studying the staining condition on mediastinal lymph node with chlorophyllin disclosing solution.


11. cancer的近义词

11. Objective To study the effect of tetrandrine on proliferation and apoptosis of ovarian cancer cell HO - 8910 in vitro.


12. Objective To introduce a new operative technique of the sphincter saving in low rectal cancer.

目的 介绍 1种低位直肠癌保留肛门括约肌的手术方法。

13. Abstract] Objective To investigate anus sphincter preserved surgical method and indication for low rectal cancer.

目的 探讨低位直肠癌保留肛门括约肌功能的手术方法和手术适应证。

14. Objective To study the relationship between levels of serum erythropoietin and haemoglobin in patients with anemia of cancer.

目的 研究癌性贫血患者血清促红细胞生成素水平及其与血红蛋白含量之间的关系。

15. cancer的翻译

15. Distressingly, the incidence of liver cancer went up.


16. Results: There was significant inhibition of the cell survival and protein synthesis of cancer cells at dose of 10^-1 g/ml of the extracts.


17. Objective: To investigate the clinical significance of VEGF expression in human breast cancer.



18. BACKGROUND: In October 1999, we began to measure the effect of a single round of screening by testing for human papillomavirus, cytologic testing, or visual inspection of the cervix with acetic acid on the incidence of cervical cancer and the associated rates of death in the Osmanabad district in India.



19. A partial gastrectomy may be necessary in people with stomach ulcers or stomach cancer.


20. Nonlymphomatous esophageal cancer is especially rare, the most common types being squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, leiomyosarcoma, and osteogenic sarcoma associated with the parasite Spirocerca lupi.


cancer 词典解释

1. 癌;癌症

Cancer is a serious disease in which cells in a person's body increase rapidly in an uncontrolled way, producing abnormal growths.


e.g. Her mother died of breast cancer...


e.g. Jane was just 25 when she learned she had cancer...


cancer 单语例句

1. Acrylonitrile primarily affects the nervous system and lungs, can cause death and may cause cancer.

2. Lakers owner Jerry Buss has been hospitalized with cancer, the Los Angeles Times reported on Thursday.

3. But it has been found to increase the risk of breast cancer.

4. There is emerging evidence that cancer tumors are started and sustained by a small group of cancer cells - cancer stem cells.

5. I read about his story in a bilingual book published by the Children Cancer Fund of Hong Kong.

6. Studies have shown that people who eat cabbage once a week compared to once a month slash their colon cancer risk by a third.

7. But studies have also shown that a skin cream spiked with caffeine lowers the risk of skin cancer in mice.

8. Heim said he visited his father regularly in Cairo and had taken care of him after an operation related to his cancer in 1990.

9. Hazlewood was diagnosed with kidney cancer in 2005 and released his final album, " Cake or Death " in 2006.

10. It charged that several of the calcium tablets contained large traces of hydrogen peroxide, which the paper claimed had the potential to cause cancer.

cancer 英英释义


1. any malignant growth or tumor caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division

it may spread to other parts of the body through the lymphatic system or the blood stream

Synonym: malignant neoplastic disease