

alms:[英 [ɑ:mz] 美 [ɑmz] ]


alms 基本解释




alms 网络解释

1. 施舍:所以基督徒务必小心不让慈惠(charity)腐化成施舍(alms). 前者令人从权力中得释放,后者不单用人情债筑起恩庇侍从的主客网络(patron-client relationship),甚至将上主无价的恩典牵涉入金钱的买卖关系. 慈惠彰显上主无条件的恩典,

2. 施舍, 救济物(钱,食物,衣物等):central spindle 中心纺锤体, 心轴 | alms 施舍, 救济物(钱,食物,衣物等) | floridity 鲜丽, 脸色好

3. 施舍,捐献,救济金:alms 施舍,捐献,救济金 | Amendment 修正案 | amount 数量,数额,总数 vi.合计,共计


4. 赈济物资:allowance welfare 福利津贴 | alms 赈济物资 | altruism 利他精神

5. alms:analytic language manipulation system; 解析语言操作系统

6. alms:american le mans series; 小时耐力系列赛

alms 双语例句

1. The imperialists reckon that eventually we will beg alms from them in order to live.


2. And a man crippled from birth was carried and placed at the gate of the temple called " the Beautiful Gate " every day to beg for alms from the people who entered the temple.


3. One who solicits alms for a living.


4. After teaching this Dharma-gate, the Buddha announced that he would enter into seclusion for half a month, with the exception of the bhikkhu who brought him alms food, he expressed his wish not to be disturbed, and everyone complied with the Bhddha`s wish, nobody disturbed him during his seclusion.


5. alms的解释

5. He jerked short before the convent of the sisters of charity and held out a peaked cap for alms towards the very reverend John Conmee S.


6. Likewise, glorious gifts and foundation are like sacrifices without salt, and but the painted sepulchers of alms, which soon will putrery and corrupt inwardly.


7. Clad in a loin-cloth, he spent his days under the canopy of the sky alike in storm and sunshine, feeding his body on the slender pittance of alms.



8. They have also threatened, in effect, to excommunicate the junta by refusing to accept alms from them.


9. alms的翻译

9. Now after many years, I came to bring alms to my nation, and offerings, and vows.



10. After many years, I came to bring alms for my nation and offerings.


11. But if he does not know the psalms and cannot fast, let him, instead of one year on bread and water, give twenty-six solidi in alms, fast till None on one day of each week and till Vespers on another, and in the three Lents bestow in alms half of what he receives.

但是,如果他不知道诗篇,并不能快速,让他,而不是一年就面包和水,让26 solidi在施舍,快速,直至没有对一天的每一个星期,才让晚祷另外,在三场lents赐给在施舍一半的是什么,他收到。

12. Muslims are guided by the Five Pillars of Faith: the acknowledgment of Allah as the one true deity; the performance of prayer rituals at least five times a day; the giving of alms; refraining from eating, drinking, smoking, and sex from dawn until dusk during the month of Ramadan; and making at least one pilgrimage to Mecca (in modern-day Saudi Arabia) during one's lifetime.


13. alms

13. 12033 Great alms-giving. le e no man's living.


14. alms的解释

14. They had to beg alms in order to feed their children.


15. He thinks it's a shame to beg others for alms.


16. She was like a mendicant of wretchedness this time and went to the United States to beg for alms to go to.


17. His parents disowned him and turned him out of the house to beg for alms on the streets of the city.


18. And he said unto him, Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God.


19. alms的近义词

19. The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich man's abode


20. alms的意思

20. Now, the result of his action in having provided alms for the Private Buddha named Tagarasikhi was that he appeared seven times in a good destination, the heavenly world.


alms 词典解释

1. 救济金;救济品

Alms are gifts of money, clothes, or food to poor people.

e.g. Alms were distributed to those in need.


alms 单语例句alms的翻译

1. He went out to beg alms and raise funds in the daytime.

2. A monk recently went to the courtyard of the Wenshang county Party committee in Shandong province to collect pious alms.

3. But some gangs physically disabled many others to attract pity and therefore more alms.

4. Contained in a special utensil which resembles a Buddhist alms bowl, the fish looks like the real thing.

5. We will always remember with gratitude the beggar who donated all the money he had received in alms.

6. Some of these had once followed their mother to seek alms 30 years ago.

7. He thought the tour was like giving alms to the poor and that it was not enough.

8. Wang insists he is not, and his move is not merely a ploy to collect alms.

9. Many Iranians believe that giving alms is a charitable act that prevents mishaps.

10. To give or not to give alms to beggars, that is the question.

alms 英英释义


1. money or goods contributed to the poor