

asphyxia:[英 [æsˈfɪksiə] 美 [æsˈfɪksiə] ]


asphyxia 基本解释

名词窒息; 血液中缺氧; 无脉

asphyxia 网络解释


1. 窒息 窒息:什么是新生儿窒息 窒息(asphyxia)是围生新生儿最常见的症状和主要死亡原因. 近年来复苏方法虽有改进,但还不够普及. 预防和操作规范化亟待加强. 什么原因引发新生儿窒息 凡能使血氧浓度降低的任何因素都可以引起窒息.

2. 窒息, 昏厥:bilateral transducer 双方传感器[变换器, 换能器] | asphyxia 窒息, 昏厥 | band limiting 频带限制

3. asphyxia

3. 机械性窒息:Gunshot wounds 枪创 | Asphyxia 机械性窒息 | Hanging 缢死

asphyxia 双语例句

1. ObjectiveThe author reported the first aid nursing of 5 patients with asphyxia caused by acute laryngeal edema while intravenous cefobid was done.

笔者报道 5例患者在静脉注射先锋必过程中,发生急性喉头水肿致窒息的急救护理。

2. Objective To explore the physiologic responses of ampullar endolymphatic potential to ischemia and asphyxia in guinea pigs.

目的 观察前庭壶腹嵴内电位对缺血缺氧的反应,以探讨其生理特性的稳定性。

3. This is our departments, children's rehabilitation unit, we are here primarily treated children with cerebral palsy, their birth, may be due to hypoxia, asphyxia, jaundice caused by brain damage.


4. Methods 109 cases of neonatal asphyxia delivery in our hospital were reviewed.


5. This article discusses the relationship between the causes of fetal distress and the neonatal asphyxia.

目的 探讨胎儿窘迫的原因及新生儿窒息的关系。

6. Objective To investigate the cause of fetal asphyxia of mothers with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy.

目的 探讨妊娠肝内胆汁淤积症胎儿宫内缺氧的原因及机理。


7. Objective To summarize the relationship between diagnostic indexes of fetal distress and neonatal asphyxia and to explore the reasonable diagnosis and treatment.


8. asphyxia的解释

8. BACKGROUND: Orphanin is associated with ischemia/hypoxia, which may play an important role in the production and development of fetal distress and neonatal asphyxia.


9. asphyxia的翻译

9. Intrauterine fetal asphyxia or death is due to nicotine can reduce the oxygen content of the placenta.


10. asphyxia什么意思

10. Moreover, the less amniotic fluid, fetal distress, neonatal asphyxia incidence and perinatal mortality rates are also higher.


11. The fetal BPS is noninvasive and highly accurate for predicting the presence of fetal asphyxia.



12. In the period of 1993 to 1997, such operations were performed on 51 patients, none of them suffered sudden asphyxia.


13. The LPL is effective in relieving pain, it can shorten the labor, and degrade the rate of abdominal delivery and asphyxia neonatorum.


14. Result (1) Successfully separate, purify, culture and identify the newborn porcine RTC; (2) Successfully setup the asphyxia cell-model of newborn porcine RTC and the ATP content decreased progressly; (3) The arrangement of F-actin becomes irregular as hypoxic time elongated.


15. Results: thirty cases were cured and 7 cases were improved, accounting for 83% and 13.7% respectively; 8 cases gave up treatment, accounting for 15.7%; 6 cases died, accounting for 11.8%.of the 6 died infants, 5 cases died of respiratory failure and pulmonary hemorrhage; 3 cases were sclerema neonatorum, 3 cases were very low birth weight infants; 3 cases'gestational age was less than 32 weeks, 1 case had intrauterine growth retardation, 1 case had asphyxia history of birth, 1 case had infection history, 1 case had convulsion history (suspected intracranial hemorrhage).


16. No signs of asphyxia.- He didn't asphyxiate.


17. Methods: Retrospective analysis of 128 cases of neonatal asphyxia lead to obstetric factors.


18. Eight cases were caused by perinatal and neonatal asphyxia, one case had hypoxia of brain at 8 months of life, and eight cases were caused by infantile head injury (2 to 8 months old). Three cases of infantile head injury had serial CT and MRI follow-up, which proved post-traumatic thrombosis. Four cases were the sequela of infantile meningitis (3 days to 7 months old). Despite the different etiologies, the pathogenesis of ulegyria is hypoxic-ischemic insult in the infantile brain before eight months of life.

其中8例之原因为周产期窒息所造成的后遗症;8例为婴儿期头部外伤(20天到8个月大时发生)之后遗症,这8例中有3 系列的CT及MRI证实合并内颈动脉及颅内大动脉栓塞;另4例为婴儿期脑膜炎之后遗症,其引起疤痕状脑回的原因可能是脑膜炎(3天到7个月大时发生)合并动脉炎引起动脉梗塞之脑缺氧。

19. Ulegyria in asphyxia cases occurs in the parasagittal watershed areas, whereas ulegyria in infantile head injury and meningitis occurs in the territory of involving arteries.



20. DISCUSSION The death of sexual asphyxia can be judged according to the comprehesive analysis in scene, clothing, asphyxia way, ordinary expression and by eliminating homicide.

讨论] 性窒息案件不易与其它窒息案件鉴别,所以应以发生现场、窒息者装扮、窒息方式、平常表现等案情综合分析,排除他杀、自杀的情况下才可判定为性窒息死

asphyxia 词典解释

1. 窒息;昏厥

Asphyxia is death or loss of consciousness caused by being unable to breathe properly.

e.g. Death was due to asphyxia through smoke inhalation.


asphyxia 单语例句

1. Union County Coroner Stephen Shouse said the boy died as a result of compression asphyxia, meaning he couldn't breathe after the elevator came down on him.

asphyxia 英英释义


1. a condition in which insufficient or no oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged on a ventilatory basis

caused by choking or drowning or electric shock or poison gas