

glucose:[英 [ˈglu:kəʊs] 美 [ˈglu:koʊs] ]


glucose 基本解释



glucose 网络解释

1. 尿糖:举例来说,尿液中的尿糖(Glucose)以及酮体(ketone)含量,可以反映出糖尿徵兆. 消费者只要把试纸浸入清晨起床的第一泡尿内,观察呈色结果即可. 尿液检测也可判断肾脏健康. 李怀德表示,主要是检测尿中的蛋白质(Protein)以及潜血(Blood)的含量.

2. glucose什么意思

2. 血糖:但会被不正常血色素影响Fructosamine 醣化蛋白质 mg/dl 205-285 (A)糖尿病控制血糖2-3周的平均值. (B)比血糖(Glucose)测定稳定,因血糖(Glucose)易受饮食影响. 09特殊生化检查 (BLOOD GAS) 血液气体分析 血液中酸碱度及气体含量测定

3. 葡萄糖,血糖:)、CEA(癌胚抗原)、CA19-9、PSA(前列腺特异性抗原)、胰岛素、甲状腺全套:T3、T4、FT3、FT4、TSH、rT3 雌激素全套:泌乳素、雌二醇、睾酮、孕酮、促黄体生成素、促卵泡成熟素 化验项目 1.葡萄糖/血糖 (Glucose) 血糖是组成人体的重要成分之一,

4. glucose:glu; 葡萄糖

glucose 双语例句

1. glucose的解释

1. It has been suggested that Cr may be a component of glucose tolerance factor in vivo.


2. An increasing number of epidemiological studies have shown that type 2 diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance is an independent risk factor of cardiovascular diseases.


3. Chromiun is an essential trace element for anlmals, and it is a significant component of Glucose Tolerance Factor.


4. glucose在线翻译

4. Chromium is the most important component of glucose tolerance factor, and it can strengthen the function of the insulin. It is one of the necessary micro-elementary to human and animal.

摘 要:三价铬离子是构成葡萄糖耐量因子的重要组成部分,能够增强胰岛素的作用,是人和动物不可缺少的微量元素之一。

5. Glucose tolerance factor is a complex of chromium and protein.


6. Chromium is one of the essential trace elements and the most important component of glucose tolerance factor.

铬是人体必需的微量营养元素之一,是人体内葡萄糖耐量因子(glucose tolerance factor,GTF)的重要组成成分。


7. The optimal conditions were obtained, which were as follows:the mass fraction of glucose was 35%, the input rate of O2 was 80 L/h, and the mass ratio of Pd-Bx/C to glucose was 2%.

通过实验得到了合成葡萄糖酸钾的工艺技术条件,适宜的工艺参数为葡萄糖的质量分数35%;氧气输入速率80 L/h;催化剂Pd-Bx/c的质量为原料葡萄糖的2%。

8. Chemical composition analysis of these polysaccharides by PC and GC showed that both YCP〓 and YCP〓 are composed of D-glucose and Glucceronic acid.


9. His blood is found to have a low concentration of glucose but a much higher than normal concentration of reducing sugars.


10. Administration of insulin and glucose or analeptic drugs is of little practical value.



11. In order to investigate the mechanisms of pregnancy associated with diabetes harm to gravida and fetal, The Kunming mice models for pregnancy associated with diabetes were simulated, The effects of glucose in different concentrations was detected on the growth of embryo cells in vitro culture.


12. The catalytic properties of the catalyst in the glycosidation of D-glucose and methanol, ethanol, n-butanol, n-pentanol and n-dodecanol have been studied by using TCL.



13. Objective To investigate the impact of insulin resistance and insulin secretion on the development of glucose intolerance in Chinese.



14. The direct bioconversion process of cellulosic materials into ethanol involves the enzyme synthesis, cellulose and semicellulose hydrolysis, and ethanol fermentation using glucose and xylose.


15. After moving into ICU, former diseases, invasive testings and treatments, daily nursing, long-term immobilization can causepain to the patient; continuous noisy, continuous surrounding light, various stimuli, sleep disturbances, worry about his own disease can cause anxiety to the patient; extreme anxiety, pain, phrenitis, side effects of drugs or interaction of drugs, anoxia, low blood pressure, low blood glucose, drug or alcohol withdrawal response cancause mania, which all can result in strong stress response, human-machine resist, removal of devices and canals involuntarily.


16. Highly stable glucose oxidase multilayer films were fabricated on cystamine modified gold electrode surfaces by layer-by-layer self-reaction of periodate-oxidized glucose oxidase.


17. Abstract] Objective: To observe the effect of glucose electrolyte effervescent tablets in treatment of child rotavirus enteritis.


18. The degradation of trehalose into smaller molecules such as glucose or fructose under the catalysis of trehalase is the biochemical base of the germination of aquatic microsporidian spores.

内部渗透压的升高是微孢子虫孢子发芽的直接驱动力,海藻糖酶催化海藻糖水解为葡萄糖或果糖是水生型微孢子虫孢子发芽的生化基础,p H值、离子种类及浓度、温度、射线等均能影响孢子发芽。


19. AIM: To investigate the effect of high glucose with various concentration on apoptosis of human lens epithelial cells.


20. glucose是什么意思

20. The glucose transport pathways were predicted by a novel docking scheme, SLITHER, which was modified from AutoDock 3.05. It can locate a series of juxtaposed ligand binding sites within such membrane channels, along with the most favorable conformation at each binding site.


glucose 词典解释

1. 葡萄糖

Glucose is a type of sugar that gives you energy.


glucose 单语例句

1. The source said Edwards had inadvertently taken a form of glucose that unknowingly contained nikethamide, a stimulant that can affect the central nervous system.

2. The father of a patient holds a bottle of clindamycin phosphate glucose at the No 2 Hospital Affiliated to Harbin Medical University on Thursday night.

3. Jing was given clindamycin phosphate glucose to treat a wound which became infected after she underwent stomach surgery.

4. A Medtronic's representative shows a continuous glucose monitoring device at the company's display during the Cleveland Clinic's 2010 Medical Innovation Summit in the US.

5. The researchers then used statistical techniques to control for women's oral glucose tolerance test results.

6. They covered his eyes with a towel to avoid vision impairment from the daylight, and gave him an injection of glucose.

7. But clearly more affected is a silent dysfunction of glucose control, not something that suddenly begins after diabetes is diagnosed.

8. It is said to be easily digestible and absorbed as rapidly as glucose.

9. While I walked toward the health center, every other person was walking out with a drip of glucose bottle.

10. And they had to immediately have intravenous glucose drip treatment in hospital.

glucose 英英释义


1. a monosaccharide sugar that has several forms

an important source of physiological energy