

argumentation:[英 [ˌɑ:gjumənˈteɪʃn] 美 [ˌɑ:rgjumənˈteɪʃn] ]


argumentation 基本解释

名词论证; 论点; 争论; 讨论

argumentation 网络解释

1. argumentation的解释

1. 争论:公众参与使复杂的问题、不同的声音得到充分地讨论、辩论和分析,自1950年代开始至今,这种听取广泛争论的规划方法在不断发展,并被应用到战略性的规划上,即争论(argumentation)、分析(analysis)和评定(assessment)(AAA)的方法.


2. 争辩:那么一个有缺陷的申请(afaultyrequest)后来也不能,被申诉方在其向专家组提交的第一次书面提呈(firstwrittensubmission)或是其后来在专家组程序中作出的任何其他提呈或声明中的争辩(argumentation)所纠正(cur

3. 议论文:结尾部分阐述论证的实质和重大意义,这部分常常以强劲有力的句子结束来加深读者的印象. 常见的英语作文包括记叙文(Narration)、描写文(Description)、说明文(Exposition)议论文(Argumentation)和应用文(Practical Writing).

argumentation 双语例句

1. The fourth chapter presents a concept of infinite population according to the features of CCGA, and designs some particular methods for adversarial problems solving based on this concept. These methods include shared fitness, gene linkage, self-adapted mutation, phantom parasite, elitist population, shared sampling and brood selection. Then we give the explanation and argumentation of these methods in theory and in experiment.



2. Chapter Two, through analyzing of jurisprudence of land contracted management rights and agronomics, Author concludes an argumentation on the feasibility of rural farmland transfer.


3. According to the characteristics of the fuse industry and the research condition, We applied ZPrinter310 system to produce the fuze prototypes and used these prototypes to help design in the project argumentation phase, got the final project; Then we applied AFS-320 rapid prototyping system to produce the noumenon, analyzed the noumenon`s precision、surface quality and performance of material mechanics in detail, based on these analytic results, we considered to use the noumenon in the fuze local performance test and some laboratory experimentations; At last we discussed how to combine the rapid tooling and precision foundry to produce batch of samples, we can apply these samples in the fuze system and ball cartridge experimentation.


4. It`s the main part of the thesis, in which the author analyses the current condition of market positioning of news weekly in China with statement and argumentation. The part is divided into four sections:(1) the basic theory of market positioning.(2) The structure of market positioning.(3) The rules of market positioning.


5. Through the argumentation on the water resources in the project of fuel oil produced by hydrogenation of coal tar in Shanxi Zhendong Group, this paper expounds the feasibility and necessity of this project.


6. With studying communicational signals`automatic modulation recognition base on decision theory and parameter statistics, we should be paid attention to some questions such as choosing the sampling rate, calculating the instantaneous frequency, estimating the carrier frequency and deciding the level of the characteristic parameter etc, the paper has done the detailed argumentation and proposed better solution too.


7. The innovation of the chapter is primarily the argumentation of the viewpoint, adopting the method of denying before point making to demonstrate first the infi:asibility of current system, and then to demonstrate from three aspects of legal principle, the situation of our country and legislative trends of nations all over the world, and to establish the viewpoint of its own.


8. Sing art in main folk song related to our country in originally some argumentation.


9. of Fan Wen-lan argumentation in studying Chinese history is a precious wealth on the history of Marxism hisoric theory. The argumentatio n of FanWen-lan not only had produced a positive influence on the developme nt of Chinese Marxism history, but also give significant enlightenment for us in constructing Chinese Marxism history.



10. The method of Fan Wen-lan argumentation in studying Chinese history is a precious wealth on the history of Marxism hisoric theory. The argumentatio n of FanWen-lan not only had produced a positive influence on the developme nt of Chinese Marxism history, but also give significant enlightenment for us in constructing Chinese Marxism history.


11. There is a lack of correct...... to support ur argumentation


12. In this thesis, the emphsis is put on the composition structure of the production planning system, especially on the main module: MPS, MRP, BOM, etc. The thesis illustrates explicitly each module's function, algorithm and the form of input and output, driving mechanism of each module, and the relation of them. It set up comparatively exhaustive argumentation in theoretical foundation and parameter in the systematic operation course that the plans at all levels are made.


13. Facing up to these questions, this article put forward a viewpoint of merging the Chinese culture into modern production design and argue about the potential, necessity and measure of this argumentation.


14. In ancient Chinese tradition, note is a typical writing genre that crosses the border of literary and historical texts and blends narration and argumentation.


15. argumentation

15. In ancient Chinese tradition, note is a typical writing genre that crosses the border of literary and historical texts and blends narration and argumentation. It can be literary sketches and miscellaneous anecdotes, or, research and discriminations.


16. The new problems arised along with the development of their argumentation.


17. A new engineering project financing checking system and checking software are exploited with plenty of survey, study and argumentation.


18. Many of his treatises are written to defend his position and his rigorist doctrines, and he does so with considerable violence and with the clever and hasty argumentation which is natural to him.


19. However, he did not have to be careful analysis and argumentation.


20. Brief:This article is about the technical parameters, technical performance and installation of FRP cullis by Yangzhou Wansheng Industry Co., Ltd and compare with steel plate in performance, according to the research argumentation by expert and manufacture experience by steel structure factory, describe FRP cullis application prospect and high cost performance in the workshop of steel structure.


argumentation 词典解释

1. 争论;辩论

Argumentation is the process of arguing in an organized or logical way, for example in philosophy.

argumentation 单语例句

1. The center will offer legal consultation, organize argumentation and give suggestions to qualified applicants.

2. This is on reason more to dissociate oneself from the US government and be very weary about the argumentation of some writers.

3. The reasoning and argumentation of all documents in relation to judgments, procuratorial work and public security affairs will be strengthened.

argumentation 英英释义



1. a course of reasoning aimed at demonstrating a truth or falsehood

the methodical process of logical reasoning

e.g. I can't follow your line of reasoning

Synonym: logical argumentargumentline of reasoningline

2. a discussion in which reasons are advanced for and against some proposition or proposal

e.g. the argument over foreign aid goes on and on

Synonym: argumentdebate