

devise:[英 [dɪˈvaɪz] 美 [dɪˈvaɪz] ]


过去式:devised;   过去分词:devised;   现在分词:devising;   复数形式:devises;

devise 基本解释


动词设计; 想出; 发明; 策划

名词遗赠; 遗赠的财产; 遗赠的条款


devise 相关例句



1. He devised a new method of teaching writing.


2. The Inquisition of the Medieval Ages devised many demoniac means of torture.


devise 网络解释

1. 设计,发明:develop 开发,发挥 | devise 设计,发明 | direct 指导

2. 设计:deviometer 航向偏差指示器 | devise 设计 | devise 想出设计


3. 设计,发明,创造:deviometer 斜视计,偏向计 | devise 设计,发明,创造 | Dewar bottle 杜瓦瓶,真空瓶(储液氮用)

4. devise的近义词

4. 设计;发明;策划:3.consecutive 连续的;连贯的 | 4.devise 设计;发明;策划 | 5.equipment 装备;设备

devise 双语例句


1. To devise cunning works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass

31:4 能想出巧工,用金,银,铜制造各物

2. To devise artistic designs, to work in gold and silver and bronze


3. To devise artistic designs, to work in gold, silver, and bronze


4. How can jobless older applicants and young graduates devise cards that are successful marketing tools?


5. For erbium ion in light-emitting layer with light activated process and other chemical reaction, it is necessary to anneal the devise with high temperature in fabrication process.


6. The people attending this activity were all the core leaguers from circulate center, learning communion department, devise department of MSTC and some brother corporates. The members first tailored the song, the guidon and the catchwords of their team, then brought forth their construct achievement. In the following 3 activities, they showed their forces and comitys to us. This activity finished in triumphal hurrah.


7. devise的意思

7. The conclusions drawn from the research can provide the reference to further research and devise the bistatic sonar.


8. devise

8. The grown junction transistor becomes the first devise with enough predictability and dependability to use in a range of consumer goods.


9. When all else fails, list the main frustrations of consumers in your industry and devise a USP to blunt them.

在其他所有人都失败的情况下,收集你所在产业的主要消费者意见,设计出一种足以抚慰他们的 USP 。

10. devise

10. A small devise is provided and when you stick this pole into the ground where you believe your moles may be hiding out, it will let out a vibration of sonic shock waves that will send your moles running as fast as they can.


11. We need to stand in sociological angle to examine a lot of issues, devise the strategy with future of this have sth in mind.


12. devise的翻译

12. Bid her devise Some means to come to shrift this afternoon; And there she shall at Friar Laurence'cell be shrived and married.


13. No, in your heart you devise injustice, and your hands mete out violence on the earth.


14. At present it has 250 sets of high-speed drawing machine in all varieties. And 60 sets of domestic advanced enamelling machine are also equipped. By holding a high-quality professional team and the first class special equipments as well as the complete production control mechanism including test and inspection devise, the company annually manufactures all kinds of enamelled wire to provide winding wire which are 5000 tons of enamelled copper wire, 8000 tons of enamelled aluminum and 1000 tons of aluminum coated with copper for electric mechanical product and electric appliance.


15. 1 Son of a Danite woman and of a father from Tyre; he knows how to work with gold, silver, bronze and iron, with stone and wood, with purple, violet, fine linen and crimson, and also how to do all kinds of engraved work and to devise every type of artistic work that may be given him and your craftsmen and the craftsmen of my lord David your father.


16. Their solution was to devise a dual process by which the Constitution could be changed.



17. There solution was to devise a duai process by which the Constitution could bechanged.

目前的解决办法是制定一个双进程的宪法能bechanged 。

18. Then, we define the process compatibility based on the three exception properties and devise a process compatibility check algorithm.


19. devise的翻译

19. For thin film products, separations special treatment on and devise a reasonable process, the advantages of the Conference.


20. The one I love, desire, devise, rescue, all to my heart`s own sorrow


devise 词典解释

1. 设计;发明;策划;想出

If you devise a plan, system, or machine, you have the idea for it and design it.

e.g. We devised a scheme to help him...


e.g. New long-range objectives must be devised.


devise 单语例句devise什么意思

1. What we know for sure is that any motivational plans we devise should avoid inadvertently institutionalizing a dunce cap mentality among some of our students.

2. The government sources stated that the flexible fare mechanism had been designed to help the new railway company to devise a competitive market strategy.

3. The State Council can devise administrative regulations in accordance with the Constitution and laws.

4. To control the total amount of pollutant emissions, authorities will devise a license system for emitters of wastewater containing toxic or radioactive materials.

5. The first is that the EU must devise its own effective rescue package, said the Tsinghua University economics professor and policy adviser to China's central bank.

6. The Postmaster General has been urged to devise an effective system for detecting and deterring underpayment of postage.

7. It brings famous tourist destinations together and at annual symposiums will devise practical methods and policies to facilitate worldwide tourism.

8. The State can devise policies to encourage the efficient use of energy and other resources, and make those enterprises that waste pay a heavy price.

9. And utilities and researchers are working to devise equipment and procedures to better enable transmission systems to survive a major event.

10. We should draw upon each other's successful experience and devise new modalities of cooperation through exchanges on food security and poverty reduction.

devise 英英释义


1. (law) a gift of real property by will

2. a will disposing of real property


1. come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort

e.g. excogitate a way to measure the speed of light

Synonym: inventcontriveexcogitateformulateforge

2. arrange by systematic planning and united effort

e.g. machinate a plot

organize a strike

devise a plan to take over the director's office

Synonym: organizeorganiseprepareget upmachinate

3. give by will, especially real property