

anomaly:[英 [əˈnɒməli] 美 [əˈnɑ:məli] ]



anomaly 基本解释

名词异常现象; 异常,反常; 不规则; 畸形人(物)

anomaly 网络解释

1. 反常:马歇尔明确主张,在共在情景中,参与者在面对反常(anomaly)、过渡(transitions)或更新(renewals)事件时,他们总得做点什么(同上:363-368). 在仪式实践的表演中,参与者对自身和同伴行为的不当归因(misattribution),


2. 近点角:天体在其轨道上的位置则决定于其偏近点角(anomaly),此位置作为时间的函数是从近重心点行程的时间来计算的. 固体中电子所具有的能量范围. 在单个原子中,电子存在于离散的能级(energy levels)内. 在晶体中大量原子紧密结合在晶格内,

3. 異常點:Nick 和他的小组将在此季中,搜寻异常点 (anomaly)出现的最初起因,同时还要遭遇更艰苦的较量,而对手将不仅仅是在购物中心现身的盗龙,在游乐园出没的剑齿虎,以及在M25 挡道的长毛象...

anomaly 双语例句

1. At present, the researching emphasis of intrusion detection technology centralizes in anomaly detection without instructions.


2. Trace element exhibits enrichment of LREE and antipathic elements. Trace element spidergram of obvious right deviation and extremely high containing of Sr, Zr and Hf are different from the negative anomaly of dunite which lies the bottom of ophiolite, but has weak positive anomaly.


3. By analyzing, an adaptive mode of linear filter based on DCT is given out. The curves of the vertical second derivative of gravity anomaly are matched well with those of the academic second derivative, and the calculating precision is much higher.


4. The results show significant departures of VGP from RGP in some major magnetic anomaly regions.



5. The paper also proposes three models of ground pressure behavior anomaly phenomena and demonstrates each ground pressure mechanism of them.


6. In this dissertation, we introduce the artificial immunity method derived from the immunity system of organism to de-noise and extract the optimum data and outline anomaly accurately.


7. anomaly在线翻译

7. A diagnostic method using TBB pentad anomaly is also introduced to help identify monsoon intensity.


8. Objective To explore the clinical and laboratory characteristics of two acute promyelocytic leukemiapatients with isochromosome 17q-anomaly.


9. However, glucocorticoid could induce many side effects (eg: adermotrophia, pigment anomaly, angiotelectasis) while etofesalamide could avoid them.


10. Geothermal area; Anomaly analysis; Maximum entropy spectrum and band-pass filtration method; Information of seismo-geothermal precursor


11. anomaly的近义词

11. In data packet flow detection, the average data packet flow in every time-interval by every computer in network is acquired with dynamic updating through statistics means, with which the flow anomaly detection is conducted by contrasting the current flow.


12. The average data packet flow received and sent in every time-interval by every computer in network is acquired with dynamic updating through statistics means, with which the flow anomaly detection is conducted by contrasting the current flow. The field test proved that the packet flow monitoring is able to effectively detect the network flow anomaly caused by most of Denial of Services attack, which attacks the network through depleting the band width and system resource and makes up for the deficiency of association analysis algorithm.


13. anomaly的翻译

13. The anomaly in this lunar year is that it includes two first days of spring, one at the very start last January and the other at the very end early next February.


14. The deposit is known for higher resistivity of the ores than the wall rocks, high mean content (1612 x 10 -6) of strontium in the tuff and ever higher (4597 x 10 -6) in the porphyrite, and prominent biogeochemical anomaly associated with the plant ecologic variation in the mining area.


15. The RE E patterns of apatites in porphyrite iron deposits are in general similar to those of apatites in anorthosite, norite andjacupirangite. The apatites are enriched in light REE, with pronounced negative Eu anomaly.



16. All cases of MAS were included except cases of cyanotic congenital heart disease or congenital fetal anomaly.


17. The analysis of time series is a primary method for extracting the anomaly information of earthquake activity.



18. There is an interesting and unexplained anomaly in tamarack from northern localities in west central Canada.



19. The location of the thickest LT1 volcanic succession, which may record the main episode of the basalt emplacement, in the eastern Tianshan may have been centered over the mantle plume or mantle melting anomaly.


20. Using above two methods calculate the thermal infrared information in Sitsang to recognize anomaly and receive ideal production.


anomaly 词典解释

1. 反常(事物);异常(现象)

If something is an anomaly, it is different from what is usual or expected.

e.g. The British public's wariness of opera is an anomaly in Europe.


anomaly 单语例句anomaly

1. Try to remember that it's nothing more than a seasonal anomaly.

2. Prime Minister Tony Blair has gone no further in public than calling the camp an " anomaly " that sooner or later must end.

3. The aim is to reduce injuries occasioned by a structural anomaly that results in a large gap between the platforms and the trains.

4. Officials said the plunge was a statistical anomaly caused by the ongoing suspension in trading of financial firms.

5. Our current bureaucratic system allows people to move up, but not move out because that is still considered an anomaly.

6. Just don't make everything sound like some terrible anomaly that needs fixing by mental surgery.

7. An anomaly indeed, considering the growth in demand and rising wages in jobs related to such specialized training.

8. The local government discharged his position recently after a local newspaper revealed the anomaly.

9. But analysts said that any prime minister would face a challenge in a divided parliament, an anomaly in Japanese politics.

10. But many believe the trade deficit in March was an anomaly, and export growth will continue in the coming months.

anomaly是什么意思anomaly 英英释义


1. (astronomy) position of a planet as defined by its angular distance from its perihelion (as observed from the sun)

2. a person who is unusual

Synonym: unusual person

3. deviation from the normal or common order or form or rule

Synonym: anomalousness