

choice:[英 [tʃɔɪs] 美 [tʃɔɪs] ]



choice 基本解释


名词选择; 选择权; 精选品; 入选者


choice 相关词组

1. make choice of : 选定;

2. by choice : 出于选择;

3. of choice : 精选的, 特别的, 自择的;

4. Hobsons choice : 无选择余地的选择;

5. have no choice : 不能选择;

6. for choice : 出于自择, 要选就选;

7. take ones choice : 选择;

8. have ones choice : 有选择权;

choice 相关例句


1. choice

1. He told the story in choice phrases.


2. The shop was selling choice apples, so I bought 3 pounds.


3. She puts on her choicest clothes.



1. I should take this one for choice.


2. choice什么意思

2. We each had to make a choice.


3. She had to make a choice between the two dresses.


choice 情景对话

Getting Cleaned up-(弄干净)

A:Hey, Bob. I cant find my electric shaver.


B:I`m sorry. I used it and I guess I put it on the top shelf with my stuff.


A:Yead,here it is. You might at least clean it up when you use it.The blades dirty ang I still cant find the cord.

嗯,在这里。 你用过以后至少应该把它弄干净。刀片很脏,电线也还没有找到。

B:Stop complaining and start shaving. Breakfastll be ready in about five minutes and you wont if you dont hurry.

别抱怨了, 快刮胡子吧。大约还有五分钟早饭就好了, 要不你就来不及吃早饭了。


A:Your eggs are already beginning to burn.


B:What kind of juice do you want?


A:Do we have a choice?


B:Sure. Tomato or V8.


A:Well you know how I feel about tomato. Surprise me.

嗯,你知道我对番茄汁的态度。 真使我意外!

choice 网络解释

1. 选项:1)在选项(choice)之后加入需要合并后执行的活动节点. 2)在并行流中,从每个需要合并的分支用连接(link)连接到合并后需执行的活动. 1)通过循环(while)来实现,用变量来控制循环的逻辑.

choice 双语例句

1. Arthroscope-assisted technique combined with condylar dynamia nickelclad fixation is an ideal choice for fracture of femoral intercondyles, with the slightest soft tissue injury.


2. Our ContactForm consists of three fields: a topic, which is a choice among three options; a message, which is a character field; and a sender, which is an email field and is optional (because even anonymous feedback can be useful).

我们的 ContactForm 包含三个字段:一个topic,它是一个三选一的选择框;一个message,它是一个文本域;还有一个sender,它是一个可选的email域(因为即使是匿名反馈也是有用的)。

3. I7975 beats everything, but the cost doesn't make it ideal choice.


4. choice的解释

4. Last year, my choice is: Toro Rosso.


5. This paper generally describes the lab research of choice waterplug of grovel packed well of wrapping wire screen in Chengbei Oil Field, and puts forth several research points for reference in waterplug test of Chengbei Oil Field on the basis of summary of B3 well site waterplug test.


6. Characterized by its smooth surface, good permeability and low resistance, Easy cleaning needled filter felt is doubtlessly the best choice.


7. Men armed and be moving forward to erase the rebellion, besides we the majority of the population had no choice to defend the border from barbarian invasion of outsides and gain supporting of insides.


8. North Garden real estate in the city Fenglin and two others will be purchased harmony Chengbei room of choice.



9. Its raw material of choice now is natural rubber rather than synthetic rubber, made from oil.


10. So in our timidity, let each of us make a choice: Whether consciously, to rema


11. Chromatin immunoprecipitation is the technique of choice to study the relationship between histone modifications and gene expression.


12. choice

12. In circumstances 1 and 4, there is no choice in terms of scheduling.


13. Every male person being twenty-one years of age, and resident in any particular town in this commonwealth, for the space of one year next preceding, having a freehold estate within the same town, of the annual income of three pounds, or any estate of the value of sixty pounds, shall have a right to vote in the choice of a representative or representatives for the said town.术. v. the members of the house of representatives shall be chosen annually in the month of may, ten days at least before the last wednesday of that month.术.. the house of representatives shall be the grand inquest of this commonwealth; and all impeachments made by them shall be heard and tried by the senate.术.. all money bills shall originate in the house of representatives; but the senate may propose or concur with amendments, as on other bills.

术。。议院应选举,返回最后法官,和自己的成员资格,正如在宪法,并应于上周三5月,每年确定和宣布谁是eah区内选出是参议员由多数票,并在有不得返回的参议员的总人数,由各区民政票多数当选,供应不足,应以下列方式,即:房子的成员代表,例如参议员的应被宣布当选,应作为应发现在这类地区的票数最高的这些人的姓名,并没有当选,相当于两倍的参议员人数的希望,如果有这么许多赞成,并指出,这些应以抽签方式选出的参议员人数不足以填补这些地区的空缺; inthis的方式对所有这些职位空缺,须填写的每一个联邦区设立,并以同样的方式在所有空缺在参议院,由去世而出现的,从国家或其他地方进行,应提供可尽快将这些空缺之后发生。

14. The choice of this matter has a powerful symbolism and a character of metaphor. Curtains and cages match the traditional Chinese classical culture directly.


15. The article argues against the viewpoint and suggests that Free Choice Any belongs to the category of universal quantifier with the property of universality.


16. choice的意思

16. This part tries to explore several key issues in Ideological and Political Dialogue Teaching from three aspects; i.'e.; creating dialogue environment; role play of dialogist; design of topics and choice of content. It also points out several misunderstanding and alienation phenomenon that should be avoided when applying Ideological and Political Dialogue Teaching.


17. choice是什么意思

17. It is a perfect choice for me to combine work and personal interest together.


18. choice的意思

18. To be a best choice as police dog, its frame is geting better and better.


19. Did you regret making a wrong choice?


20. I have said if given a choice, I would prefer vege than meat.


choice 词典解释

1. 选择范围;选择余地

If there is a choice of things, there are several of them and you can choose the one you want.

e.g. It's available in a choice of colours...


e.g. At lunchtime, there's a choice between the buffet or the set menu...


2. 选定的人(或物)

Your choice is someone or something that you choose from a range of things.

e.g. Although he was only grumbling, his choice of words made Rodney angry.


3. 优选的;高品质的

Choice means of very high quality.

e.g. ...Fortnum and Mason's choicest chocolates.


4. 不得不;只好

If you have no choice but to do something or have little choice but to do it, you cannot avoid doing it.

e.g. They had little choice but to agree to what he suggested.


5. …选中的;…看中的

The thing or person of your choice is the one that you choose.


e.g. ...tickets to see the football team of your choice...


e.g. In many societies children still marry someone of their parents' choice.


6. 首选的;广受欢迎的

The item of choice is the one that most people prefer.


e.g. The drug is set to become the treatment of choice for asthma worldwide...


e.g. The drink of choice seems to be vodka.


choice 单语例句choice

1. He described " The Man behind the Courtyard House " as a movie in which a casual choice leads to an unexpected outcome like the butterfly effect.

2. China can better tap its inner dynamism to become a global consumer market than simply remain a buyer of little choice.

3. He still drives his old pickup and wears a mesh farm cap - but it's by choice.

4. He admits he would not normally feast on such creatures by choice.

5. On Friday members of the business community said they were disappointed by the choice of industry and commerce ministers.

6. The report also highlighted the tax implications brought about by the choice of business models of luxury companies.

7. Each of the cocktails cost 82 yuan and are well complemented by the choice of Spanish and Japanese snacks.

8. They won't add to that total this year, by their own choice.

9. " I felt frustrated by the lack of choice of clothing for men, " he told AFP.

10. Personal budgets will also be set up for younger disabled people frustrated by their lack of choice.

choice 英英释义



1. the act of choosing or selecting

e.g. your choice of colors was unfortunate

you can take your pick

Synonym: selectionoptionpick

2. the person or thing chosen or selected

e.g. he was my pick for mayor

Synonym: pickselection

3. one of a number of things from which only one can be chosen

e.g. what option did I have?

there no other alternative

my only choice is to refuse

Synonym: optionalternative


1. of superior grade

e.g. choice wines

prime beef

prize carnations

quality paper

select peaches

Synonym: prime(a)prizequalityselect

2. appealing to refined taste

e.g. choice wine