

shroud:[英 [ʃraʊd] 美 [ʃraʊd] ]


过去式:shrouded;   过去分词:shrouded;   现在分词:shrouding;   复数形式:shrouds;

shroud 基本解释


名词寿衣; 覆盖物; 船的横桅索; [电] 护罩

及物动词覆盖; 用裹尸布包


shroud 相关例句


1. Everything was shrouded in mist and raindrops.



1. shroud的解释

1. The doctor wanted the sheet for a shroud.



2. His past was enveloped in a shroud of mystery.


3. shroud的反义词

3. You will have no pockets in your shroud.


shroud 网络解释

1. shroud的意思

1. 罩:1.重返系统的主要部分包含弹头、外罩(shroud)及平台,这些统称之为展开组件,位於M-X之最上端,重返载具便是固定於这上面,由图可见圆状的平台在中间有一轴,同时为了结构的强度,有9根辐射状的杆与轴相连结.

2. 隐藏:b 禁止某人加入该闲聊室 (ban)i 把闲聊室设置成只有被邀请的人才能进入 (invite)l 限定进入该闲聊室的最大人数 (limit)m 旁听模式?只有主持人和被许可的人才能说话 (mode)p 把闲聊室设置成私人房间 (private)s 把闲聊室设置成隐藏 ---(shroud)隐藏

3. 外罩:1.重返系统的主要部分包含弹头、外罩(shroud)及平台,这些统称之为展开组件,位於M-X之最上端,重返载具便是固定於这上面,由图可见圆状的平台在中间有一轴,同时为了结构的强度,有9根辐射状的杆与轴相连结.

shroud 双语例句

1. Ahhh, night has laid her shroud upon us.


2. shroud

2. They saw the shroud and the napkin, but they did not find their Lord.


3. With my thread and shroud


4. The shroud that covers me is a shroud of dust and death; I hate it, yet hug it in love.



5. The shroud that covers me is a shroud of dust and death; I have it, yet hug it in love.


6. The shroud that covers me is a shroud of dust and death



7. According to the feature that the dimension of shroud interface is relatively small, and under the assumption that the stress state and strain state are uniform, we put forward to describing the mechanism of shroud dry friction interface by using macroslip model.


8. The instability originated in the upper R_B-like convection zone develops to larger region with the increase of Grashof number, and the number of non-axi-symmetric circulations decreases. When Grashof number exceeds another critical value, cooling air may invade the cavity and flow toward the shroud, the circulations decrease to one pair occupying the whole cavity in radial, thus these two zones are merged into one. The core structures in the cavity rotate against the disks, while the structures keep no change at the case of periodic oscillatory flow. With the Grashof number rises, the flow undergoes stable, periodic, periodic with cool air invading, quasi-periodic and ultimately to chaos.


9. On May 28, 1898 an amateur Italian photographer, Secondo Pia, photographed the shroud and was startled by the resulting undeveloped negative.

1898年5月28日,一位意大业余摄影师Secondo Pia,为裹尸布拍下了照片,对未冲晒的底片效果表示震惊。

10. The calculation method also included a stair-step representation of the shroud, staggered grid system, the k-ε turbulence model and wall function method on the shroud.


11. With more than 300 million people traveling each year for religious and pilgrimage reasons and with annual revenues that exceed $18 billion, faith tourism has become a significant global industry that extends from cruises to volunteer vacations. Fueling extra interest in 2010: the 375th anniversary of Germany's once-a-decade Oberammergau Passion Play, a rare exposition of the Shroud of Turin in Italy, and Spain's Camino de Santiago.

每年有超过3亿人的旅游是以宗教和祈祷为目的,这一市场每年的旅游收入都超过180亿美元,宗教旅游已经成为重要的全球产业,并且延伸为邮轮旅游以及志愿者假期。2010年的以下活动将推动这些神圣体验:德国的耶稣受难剧,它每隔十年上演一次,如今已经到了第375次周年纪念了;意大利都灵裹尸布的珍贵展览,还有西班牙的Camino de Santiago朝圣线路纪念。

12. I'll buy my love some flannel, i'll make my love a shroud


13. And there is the flow pattern of cross-flow from hub to shroud at blade inlet. Interblade vortex can also be visible. And there are big back flow regions and cross-flow at blade outlet near crown. There are also serious back flows in the center of conical tube. When the opening becomes bigger, the flow conditions at runner outlet near crown and inlet are improved. The mainstream is located at the center of conical tube. So instability is weakened in conical tube.


14. It is this mysterious loom that is said to be the origin of the magnificent Glacial Shroud.


15. I`ll make my love a shroud


16. With my thread and needle, I'll make the shroud.


17. With my thread and needle, I`ll make the shroud.


18. I'll make the shroud.


19. shroud

19. I'll buy my love some flannel, I'll make my love a shroud


20. The artist built a melodious and hopeless, confused and brilliant atmosphere in this work. Sentiment and loneness shroud the floating of the image and glass themselves in the limpid water.


shroud 词典解释

1. 裹尸布;寿衣

A shroud is a cloth which is used for wrapping a dead body.


2. 遮蔽物;覆盖物

You can refer to something that surrounds an object or situation as a shroud of something.

e.g. ...a parked car huddled under a shroud of grey snow...


e.g. Ministers are as keen as ever to wrap their activities in a shroud of secrecy.


3. 隐瞒;保密;掩饰;掩盖

If something has been shrouded in mystery or secrecy, very little information about it has been made available.

e.g. For years the teaching of acting has been shrouded in mystery.


e.g. ...the secrecy which has shrouded the whole affair.



His demise is as shrouded in mystery as ever.


4. (黑暗、烟雾等)遮蔽,笼罩

If darkness, fog, or smoke shrouds an area, it covers it so that it is difficult to see.

e.g. Mist shrouded the outline of Buckingham Palace.



The area is shrouded in smoke.

整个地区笼罩在烟雾之中。shroud 单语例句shroud的解释

1. But he suggested southerners drive carefully as thick fog was expected to shroud some parts of the country's south in the next few days.

2. Grainy video also later showed his body in a white shroud, the neck twisted and blood on a cheek.

3. It is commendable that the NBS has decided to remove the shroud over building costs for the benefit of the public.

4. The deaths have contributed to a mood as grim as the nearly perpetual damp mists that shroud Bridgend in the long winter months.

5. An elderly man's dead body was left atop it, wrapped in a shroud made from a child's bedsheet and tied with twine.

6. They were the quintessential Hollywood dream couple until their marriage ended in a shroud of questions and tabloid fodder.

7. Experts suggest uncertainties will continue to shroud the pipeline projects even after the election, as major hurdles in the negotiations cannot be removed in the near future.

8. The sea of clouds did indeed wash across the mountains, bathing them in a misty shroud.

9. As the panning shot reaches the head region, the white shroud is pulled back and reveals Saddam's head and neck.

10. While Iraq is wrapped in a shroud of terror and violence, juggling with words does not make sense.

shroud 英英释义


1. burial garment in which a corpse is wrapped

Synonym: pallcerementwinding-sheetwinding-clothes

2. (nautical) a line (rope or chain) that regulates the angle at which a sail is set in relation to the wind

Synonym: sheettackmainsheetweather sheet

3. a line that suspends the harness from the canopy of a parachute


1. wrap in a shroud

e.g. shroud the corpses

2. cover as if with a shroud

e.g. The origins of this civilization are shrouded in mystery

Synonym: enshroudhidecover

3. form a cover like a shroud

e.g. Mist shrouded the castle