

czar:[英 [zɑ:, tsɑ:] 美 [zɑr, tsɑr] ]


czar 基本解释

名词沙皇; 独裁者; (帝俄的)皇帝; 独揽大权者

czar 网络解释

1. 地区监督:Cz 新生代 | Czar 地区监督 | CZT 线性调频Z变换

2. (俄国的)沙皇:cystitis 膀胱炎 | czar (俄国的)沙皇 | daily range of temperature 日温差

czar 双语例句


1. However, in 1856 after the Crimean War, Russia badly hurt and Czar Alexander II`s determination not to sell this piece of land to make money.


2. Peter is the first Czar to go to sea. On this day, he has charted a new course for Russia.


3. I have goods palming off more similarly. That is this Victoria, worn by Czar Tsar of Russia.

我还有仿冒得更像的喔,就是这条 Victoria ,曾由俄国沙皇佩戴过,E。

4. czar在线翻译

4. In one respect, Madame Chiang was very much like the consorts of Czar Nicholas and Louis XVI. Not actually foreign born like Alexandra and Marie Antoinette, the madamissimo was nevertheless somewhat of an alien among her own people.


5. At Cairo he stopped at a monastery belonging to the same monks (they were of the Orthodox Greek Church) and succeeded in having the manuscript sent to him there for transcription; and finally, in obtaining it from the monks as a present to the Czar, Tischendorf's patron and the protector of their Church.



6. any of several S Slavonic rulers, such as any of the princes of Serbia in the 14th century tzar, czar


7. What the car czar really ought to do.


8. That summer, I could see why the Czar sent his men to give her a prize.


9. czar的翻译

9. And Chekov is like, 'And I am the czar of all Russias.


10. czar在线翻译

10. In 1859 he made a third visit, this time under the patronage of the Czar, Alexander II.



11. She posed as the Czar's daughter.


12. In return, the Czar sent him a troop of his best soilders.



13. Cherubini, the musical czar of Paris and the link between classic idealism and modern romanticism.


14. Timmerman filled Peter with dreams of the sea and the Czar never looked back.


15. czar的反义词

15. When, at last, the czar raised the cup to his lips, the hawk flapped his wings and spilled all the water.


16. What bliss! Yet it led to the wish to obtain a similar satisfaction at the expense of the Czar, and this led to Saint Helena.


17. North Korea has long been the Czar of Russia and northeast China as its exclusive domain, and conspiracy in these areas, the establishment of the Czar's colonial rule.


18. The second part of Obama`s plan is the creation of an auto czar with vague duties.


19. The Winter Egg, produced by Carl Faberge and given by Russian Czar Nicholas II to his mother on Easter 1913, will be sold on April 19 at Christie's New York auction house.


20. In return, the Czar sent him a troop of his best soldiers.


czar 词典解释

1. -> see tsar

czar 单语例句

1. Halfway through his tenure as general counsel, he became Microsoft China's " piracy czar ".

2. Any auto czar or committee would presumably have the job of overseeing a restructuring of the auto industry.

3. Feinberg became pay czar earlier this year as Congress was responding to outrage about huge bonuses being paid to AIG.

4. Republicans said the House measure wouldn't give the czar enough authority to order cost cuts and other changes.

5. The Michigan Democrat says the Treasury secretary likely would become the'car czar'and oversee restructuring the automakers.

6. There are also reports that Obama will move to appoint a czar or board to oversee the companies.

7. He said the Treasury secretary likely would be tapped as a " car czar " to oversee restructuring of the companies.

8. The czar would have the power to veto automaker expenditures over $ 100 million.

9. Russian " diving czar " Dmitry Sautin has declared the Beijing Games will be his last Olympics, as he has decided to retire from competitive diving.

10. The executives targeted by " pay czar " Kenneth Feinberg are among the most talented and productive at their companies.

czar 英英释义



1. a person having great power

2. a male monarch or emperor (especially of Russia prior to 1917)

Synonym: tsartzar