

detest:[英 [dɪˈtest] 美 [dɪˈtɛst] ]


过去式:detested;   过去分词:detested;   现在分词:detesting;

detest 基本解释


detest 同义词



detest 反义词


detest 相关例句


1. detest的解释

1. I detest cheese; I can't eat it.



2. We detest his constantly lying.


detest 网络解释

1. 嫌恶:deterrent therapy 制止治疗法 | detest 嫌恶 | detestation 嫌恶

2. 厌恶:resume 重新开始 | detest 厌恶 | celebrate 庆祝

3. detest

3. 憎恶;痛恨;嫌恶:4.delighted 欣喜的;愉快的 | 5.detest 憎恶;痛恨;嫌恶 | 6.disgust 作呕;厌恶;反感 导致反感

detest 双语例句

1. detest

1. I abominated Math. when I was in high school.

高中时代很痛恨数学 3.detest 深深憎恨;憎恶例句1。

2. detest

2. Ith wisdom and love, the human race as a whole will detest war and embrace peace.

ar and Peace,此文章版权归原作者所有!

3. But people never detest and reject him.


4. We condemn, reject and detest, with the approval of this same sacred council, each and every thing done by those sons of damnation, Bernard Carvajal, Guillaume Briconnet, Rene de Prie, and Frederick of San Severino, formerly cardinals, and their supporters, adherents, accomplices and disciples -- who are schismatics and heretics and have worked madly to their own and others'ruin, aiming to split asunder the unity of holy mother church at the quasi-council held at Pisa, Milan, Lyons and elsewhere -- whatever the things were in number and kind that have been enacted, carried out, done, written, published or ordained up to the present day, including the imposition of taxes carried out by them throughout the kingdom of France, or shall be done in the future.

我们谴责,反对和痛恨批准,同样神圣理事会,每个人所做的事情的儿子诅咒,伯纳德瓦哈尔,纪尧姆Briconnet ,雷日Prie ,和弗雷德里克的圣塞韦里诺,原红雀,以及他们的支持者,信徒帮凶和弟子-谁是schismatics和异教徒和已经疯狂到自己和他人的毁灭,旨在分裂四分五裂的团结,圣母教堂的准安理会举行了比萨,米兰,里昂和其他地方-不管事情的数量和种类已经颁布,实施,完成撰写,出版或晋牧至今,包括实行税收进行了他们在整个英国,法国,或应这样做的未来。

5. The first point includes: attach more importance to criminal law than other laws, attach more importance to substantive than procedure, attach more importance to duty than right, detest and reject suit view. The second point includes: the system of selecting judge and public procurator is not reasonable; that the media supervises the judicial powers cant form legal system, the judicial powers have district inclination; judicial office has administration inclination and the politics factors influence the judicial, the bewilderment on the logic comes from the quality and function of the procurator organ.



6. Over 95 per cent of the people, including those who go along in factional activities, detest factionalism.


7. You know I detest it when you lie to me.


8. I detest it, but I permit it for the pleasure of your company.


9. When you use it and only use it when you truly detest something.


10. Bill probably gonna detest it, but can't complain because he has to save his voice.


11. detest的翻译

11. You will learn to hate sin as God hates it. You will detest it and abhor it.


12. As much as I detest it, I'll have to look the other way.


13. Now I am not going to censure or detest it, after all, there is always danger ahead for all of us, which proves to be fair to everyone.


14. detest是什么意思

14. Why is the homeless patient seizing and photophobic? Why does Dr. Foreman detest the homeless?


15. They are one of the sorts that I really detest.


16. When the aerials are down, and your spirit id covered with snows of detest and


17. detest在线翻译

17. Quietly competent, a self-effacing and thoughtful team player, you do not mind being a leader but you detest the waste of human lives in war.


18. Your new moons and festivals I detest; they weigh me down, I tire of the load.


19. I detest/hate/dislike you!



20. He is a person who detest evil.


detest 词典解释

1. 厌恶;憎恶

If you detest someone or something, you dislike them very much.

e.g. My mother detested him...


e.g. Jean detested being photographed.



They were united in their detestation of the government.

他们出于对政府的共同痛恨而联合起来。detest 单语例句

1. " I detest the man and what he's done, " said Independent cartoonist Dave Brown.

2. They are protesting the cultural clash while they should detest the rampant commercialism.

3. That's one of the reasons why some Hong Kong residents " detest " mainlanders, despite the considerable contribution of mainlanders to the local economy.

detest 英英释义


1. dislike intensely

feel antipathy or aversion towards

e.g. I hate Mexican food

She detests politicians

Synonym: hate