

muscular:[英 [ˈmʌskjələ(r)] 美 [ˈmʌskjəlɚ] ]


muscular 基本解释

形容词肌肉的; 壮健的,肌肉发达的,强壮的

muscular 相关例句



1. The player's big and muscular.


muscular 网络解释

1. muscular在线翻译

1. 肌肉的:muscle?relaxingdrug肌肉松弛药 | muscular肌肉的 | muscularactivity肌肉活动

2. 强壮:tubby 矮胖 | muscular 强壮 | elegantly 优雅

3. muscular

3. 肌肉发达的:muscle 肌肉 | muscular 肌肉发达的 | muse 瞑想

4. 强壮的:Muscovy 俄国 | muscular 强壮的 | muscularity 强壮

muscular 双语例句

1. He is known for his stage presence, muscular riffing style and often-imitated signature growl.


2. To explore the effect of PRP and vascularized muscular fasciae on tissueengineered bone vascularization.

研究应用富血小板血浆(platelet-rich plasma,PRP)、带血管肌筋膜对组织工程骨血管化的影响。

3. Methods 22 cases of superior sagittal sinus rupture were repaired with muscular fasciae and gelatin sponge or muscular sheet smeared with EC glue.


4. Results As the graft materials in tympanoplasty, tragus perichondrium and temporal muscular fasciae are effective to enhance the efficiency of drum membrane and audile of patients.

结果 应用耳屏软骨膜及颞肌筋膜作为鼓膜移植材料,两者在提高鼓膜成活率和患者听力方面均效果良好。

5. muscular的意思

5. Objective:To investigate the clinical value of superselect ive transcatheter arterial embolization on bone and muscular tissue tumors.


6. As is well known, SY is the marker of synapse in myenteric nerve plexus and neuromuscular junctions in muscular layer. We conclude the functional element composed of motor nerve ending、ICCs and smooth muscle cell is destructed in IA.



7. Results: There were obvious neoplasms in both control group (n=16) and paclitaxel group (n=12) in the fourteenth week. The cells of bladder carcinoma had developed in muscular layes of bladder.


8. muscular什么意思

8. Results: There were obvious neoplasms in the both control group (n=16) and RCG group (n=15) in the sixteenth week. The cells of bladder carcinoma had developed in muscular layes of bladder.


9. After bleeding sloped, the hemoglobin amount in films or gauzes were measured to determine the hemostatic effect Using a randomized design, one incision in each animal was treated with C-CM membrane, the influence of C-CM film on the growth of bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 27853. Escherichia coli ATCC 25922. Monil lia albicans ATCC 14053)were observed in vitro with solid medium. Rusults: It was observed that C-CM membrane had no toxic effects on surrounding tissue and was slowly degraded after implanted into rat leg muscular porch; The results of hemostatic experiment showed that C-CM film adhered well to incisions.


10. The muscular layer incrassates relatively. There are lymphatic-like cell infiltrating and more blood vessel. There are little fiber connective tissue.



11. Even at the loudest fortissimos, the muscular contraction is instantaneous and as brief as possible.



12. The anatomy relationship of venae hepaticae intermediae and its branches on gallbladder bed were analysed, which could be the reference during the LC. Results:For 112 patients suffered from inatrophic cholecystitis and cholecystolithiasis, whose gallbladders were decoherence directdly from ectoptygma muscular coat close to the gallbladder wall.



13. My older son is 22 and is in an advanced stage of muscular dystrophy.


14. When a woman experiences an orgasm, we think the intensity of the muscular contractions she has during the big pressure changes going on in her body helps to pull or suck up the sperm into her cervix and from there into the uterus, explained Pacey.


15. Background Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is an X-linked recessive lethal inherited disease, which involves skeletal and cardi...

Duchenne型肌营养不良症(Duchenne muscular dystrophy,DMD)是一种以骨骼肌进行性变性、坏死为主要表现的致死性X-连锁隐性遗传病。

16. Detail Contents: Genetic disorders -- Immune deficiencies -- Breast cancer -- Colon cancer -- Melanoma -- Cystic fibrosis -- Hemophilia -- Liver disease -- Cardiovascular disease -- Muscular dystrophy -- Alzheimer's disease -- Parkinson's disease -- Huntington's disease -- Viruses: the cornerstone of gene therapy -- Viruses are living crystals -- Viral genomes may be RNA or DNA -- Viruses evolved from plasmids -- Viruses know how to infect cells -- The virus as a gene vehicle -- Viruses used in gene therapy -- Ashi DeSilva: a promising start -- Clinical trials defined -- Cells of the immune system -- Adenosine deaminase -- Preliminary research -- Clinical procedure for ADA gene therapy -- The DeSilva clinical trial -- Jesse Gelsinger: down to earth -- Ornithine transcarbamylase -- Preliminary research -- Clinical procedure for OTC gene therapy -- The Gelsinger clinical trial -- The investigation -- Concluding remarks -- Future prospects -- Safer vehicles -- Reducing immune rejection of the vector -- Improved risk assessment -- Redesigning human anatomy and physiology -- Ethics of gene therapy -- The Belmont report -- Clinical trials -- Physiological enhancement -- Cosmetic applications -- Legal issues -- Regulatory agencies -- The Gelsinger legal trial -- International regulation -- Resource center -- Eucaryote cell primer -- Recombinant DNA primer -- The human genome project -- X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID-X1)-- Alzheimer's disease -- Huntington's disease.

细节内容︰遗传疾病-免疫的缺乏-乳腺癌-结肠癌-黑瘤-囊性纤维变性-血友症-肝疾病-心血管疾病-肌营养不良-早老性痴呆病-帕金森疾病-亨廷顿疾病-病毒︰基础的基因治疗-病毒在活著水晶--病毒的基因可能是RNA或者DNA --病毒从plasmids被逐步形成--病毒知道怎样感染细胞--作为一辆基因车辆的病毒--基因治疗使用的病毒-Ashi DeSilva︰有希望开始-临床试验确定--细胞的这免疫系统-Adenosine deaminase-初步研究-临床程式给埃达基因治疗--这DeSilva临床试验-婕西Gelsinger︰到地球-Ornithine transcarbamylase-初步研究-临床程式给OTC基因治疗-- Gelsinger临床试验-调查-达成评论-前景-更安全的车辆--矢量的降低免疫的拒绝-改进风险估计-重新设计人解剖学和生理学--伦理学的基因治疗-那些贝拉蒙特报告-临床试验-生理提升-美容应用-法律问题-协调机构-- Gelsinger 合法审讯-国际管理-资源中心人物-Eucaryote信元第一-Recombinant DNA 入门--人类基因工程-- X 连结的严重的结合的免疫缺陷(SCID-X1)-早老性痴呆病--亨廷顿的疾病。

17. There is no one that comes close to the muscular beauty of Zeb Atlas--his gargantuan and defined muscles seem to have exploded from his massive frame.

没有人可以与肌肉美男Zeb Atlas相媲美,他巨大的成块的肌肉仿佛是从骨骼中爆炸出来的。

18. muscular

18. Articles about the regulation of NO to muscular blood flow, signal transmission and glucose under exercise stress in human and gnawer were selected.


19. The trilobed structure of the brain, lying posterior to the pons and medulla oblongata and inferior to the occipital lobes of the cerebral hemispheres, that is responsible for the regulation and coordination of complex voluntary muscular movement as well as the maintenance of posture and balance.


20. The tri lobe d structure of the brain, lying posterior to the pons and medulla oblongata and inferior to the occipital lobe s of the cerebral hemispheres, that is responsible for the regulation and coordination of complex voluntary muscular movement as well as the maintenance of posture and balance.


muscular 词典解释

1. 肌肉的;影响肌肉的

Muscular means involving or affecting your muscles.

e.g. As a general rule, all muscular effort is enhanced by breathing in as the effort is made...


e.g. Early symptoms include anorexia, muscular weakness and fatigue.


2. 肌肉结实的;强壮的

If a person or their body is muscular, they are very fit and strong, and have firm muscles which are not covered with a lot of fat.


e.g. Like most female athletes, she was lean and muscular.


e.g. ...his tanned muscular legs.


muscular 单语例句

1. Adenomyosis is a similar disorder in which the uterine lining cells invade the deeper muscular layers of the uterus.

2. Some are known to cause severe human diseases such as muscular dystrophy and cystic fibrosis.

3. Jerry Lewis'annual Labor Day fundraiser for the Muscular Dystrophy Association also will include celebrity appeals for help.

4. Ancient sculptures project the tiger as having strong muscular shoulders and limbs with long paws, and a powerful head decorated with deadly fangs.

5. She was working on research with enzymes that Yale said could help with treating cancer, diabetes and muscular dystrophy.

6. She was part of a team researching enzymes that could have implications for cancer, diabetes and muscular dystrophy treatment.

7. But as the United Nations gathers the world's environment ministers in Poznan, the economic underpinnings for a muscular new treaty appear shakier than ever.

8. A departure from eroticism, his style is instead a display of muscular strength.

9. That means refraining from smoking, drinking alcohol in moderation and getting regular exercise to boost muscular strength and coordination.

10. They will be replaced by contemporary works inspired by the statue of the muscular shepherd boy who slew Goliath.

muscular 英英释义



1. having a robust muscular body-build characterized by predominance of structures (bone and muscle and connective tissue) developed from the embryonic mesodermal layer

Synonym: mesomorphic

2. having or suggesting great physical power or force

e.g. the muscular and passionate Fifth Symphony

3. (of a person) possessing physical strength and weight

rugged and powerful

e.g. a hefty athlete

a muscular boxer

powerful arms

Synonym: brawnyheftypowerfulsinewy

4. of or relating to or consisting of muscle

e.g. muscular contraction