

wild:[英 [waɪld] 美 [waɪld] ]



wild 基本解释


形容词野生的; 野蛮的; 狂热的; 荒凉的

名词荒野; 未开化的地方; 偏远地区; 人烟稀少的地区

副词疯狂地; 胡乱地

wild 同义词



wild 反义词


wild 相关词组

1. run wild : 放肆;

2. go wild : 狂怒, 狂热;

wild 相关例句


1. The deer are rather wild.


2. The girls were wild about the film star.


3. wild

3. She is afraid of his wild looks.


4. Those are wild roses.


wild 情景对话



A:Have any plans for the weekend, Tom?



B:Yeah, I’m going for a hike in the southern Rocky Mountains.


A:Oh, do you go hiking often?


B:I go as much as I can. I love hiking because you can really get in touch with nature.


A:It would be nice to get out of the city. Do you want some company?


B:Sure. But, it will be a long hike, 30 miles in three days. Have you been hiking before?


A:Yeah, I go a lot too. I saw a bear and a mountain lion on my last hike.


B:Wow! You must have been pretty far away from the city.


A:Yeah, my friend and I hiked in a very wild part of the national forest.


B:Well, bring him along too. We’ll have a great time this weekend.


A:Thanks, I’ll ask him.


wild 网络解释

1. wild

1. 野生的:倪亚也买了一块小块的鳕鱼, 她在Iowa(爱荷华州)和休士顿(Houston)住过, 她说这摊的鱼还比临海的Huston便宜些, 而且她说她哥哥也觉得这摊鱼比较好, 比较多天然的海鱼, 即使是常见的鲑鱼鳟鱼, 这里的是野生的(Wild), 不像一般美国超

2. wild

2. 野生:来长期监测其世界范围内的认证体 系,在这种指导方针下,Oshadhi提供给顾客精油的五种分类:*认证有机(certified organic)*有机(organic)*野生(wild)*野生有机(wild organic)*精选(select)在疗效 品质方面,

3. 野的:狂野的(Wild)用来描述埃塞俄比亚/也门咖啡的术语--表示独特的、易变的并且让人好奇的;有时用于辛辣的或是古怪的、刺激的混合味道. 葡萄酒味的(Winey)结合了轻微的果味,口感很滑腻的,有种很真实的葡萄酒味. 是一个应该谨慎地用来表示酸度的术语;

wild 双语例句

1. Remove part of the oil remaining in the pan, add wine, lime juice, lime zest, wild mushroom slices and cream. Cook them at low flame.


2. The world is the world of wild storms kept tame with the music of beauty.


3. Their students did not learn to trade from a screaming mosh pit on the trading floor with wild hand signals, but rather in a quiet office with no televisions, computers and only a few phones.


4. wild的意思

4. His last film as a director was The Fighting Temptations, almost six years ago, so let`s hope that he can shake off some ring rustiness and make Wild Target live up to its name.



5. Golden autumn wind delivered curls darkly fragrant comes in frost chrysanthemum to offer is fragrant one season to kiss setting sun afterglow to like overflowing gentle eye pupil to look at four wild serene the fervor to fly verse to listen to Yellow River to carry innumerable misery history view river sand heavy to accumulate how many recollection sores all over the eye is piece by piece your old times'appearance childhood difficult leaves behind brand mark which did not extinguish wind frost and snow rain the half century to assault deep pool far class long fiveMillennium civilization's trail historical perpetual flow tumbles former days heroic great waves time string to play an instrument and sing today magnificent melody the motherland, I for your proud worked as the palatial engraved pillar, let the tall and straight stature put on the dawn, worked as grand Tiananmen, lets the wind and cloud welcome Dongsheng sun.


6. wild在线翻译

6. The main results obtained were as follow:1 The DN A polymorphism of genome A and genome B between common wheat and wild emmer could be classified into two groups.


7. Wild rice, roasted asparagus and salmon en croute.


8. Of a wild and savage human, emerging from where the head and neck of a great warhorse would be. He bears


9. He has the upper torso, arms and head of a wild and savage human, emerging from where the head and neck of a great warhorse would be.


10. wild的解释

10. The Javan Tiger is assumed to be one of the 4 tiger subspecies believed extinct in the wild.


11. The compositions of fruit types and their differentiation patterns with elevation of 1943 wild angiosperms in Baishuijiang National Nature Reserve in Gansu Province were explored. The results show that the proportion of dry fruits is 65.67% and 24.60% in fleshy fruits in the area. The most three are capsule (26.56%), achene (12.35%) and drupe (12.20%) among 22 basic fruit types. Fruit types and their species numbers increase and then decrease with elevation. The proportion of dry fruits increases and it vanishes at 3800 m or so in fleshy fruit with elevation. The proportion of capsule is dominant in each elevation segment and increases with elevation. It decreases and then increases in achene and caryopsis. It decreases in drupe and berry. It decreases and then increases in pome and samara.

分析甘肃白水江国家级自然保护区1943种野生被子植物果实类型组成及其沿海拔梯度的变化规律,结果表明:本区干果和肉果分别占65.67%和24.60%,在22种基本果实类型中,居前3位的分别为蒴果(26.56%)、瘦果(12.35%)和核果(12.20%);果实类型及其种数随海拔升高呈先增加后减少的趋势;随着海拔升高,干果比例上升,肉果比例下降并消失于3800 m左右,其中蒴果比例在各海拔段均占据显著优势并呈上升趋势,瘦果和颖果比例先下降后上升,核果和浆果比例下降,梨果和翅果比例先上升后下降。

12. wild在线翻译

12. I was the wild boy, twenty-one and completely out of control.

我是一名21 岁的野孩子,完全不受控制。

13. It will grow thorns and thistle s for you, none but wild plants for you to eat


14. wild

14. And there passed by a wild beast that was in Lebanon, and trode down the thistle.


15. wild什么意思

15. But the wild beasts of the Lebanon passed by and trampled the thistle down.


16. Result: The phellem, phloem and xylem of wild bupleurum scorzonerifolium are different from those in the pharmacopoeia.


17. With oil reserves headed inexorably for depletion, shortages and more wild price swings very likely loom ahead.



18. Results of endurance on temperature indicated that both wild and domestic pigs have different reaction of none adaptation below-13℃ or above 27℃, but wild pig has stronger endurance to high and low temperature than Bamei. It shows that the range of temperature from -13℃ to 27℃ is relatively fitting the growth and activities of wild pigs. 8 Analyzing synthetically the effects of light intensity on activity frequency and intake of wild pig, Bamei and Landrace, the range of light intensity adapted to wild pig is smaller than the domestic, but the variance of light intensity has more effects on wild pig within a fitting range of light intensity.


19. Women do not rely on force, but rather rely on tricks, which they rely on instinct and Jiaxia hypocritical nature, like a lion Lichi sharp claws, like a wild boar with fangs, cattle have Kok, a smoke-like squid ink, naturally God gives women a defensive weapon is the perplexing changes in disguise.


20. The only study I know that has tried to measure the rate of injury in the wild focused on Brazilian lizards and concluded that 12 percent of them were missing at least one toe.


wild 词典解释

1. (动植物)自然生长的,野生的,野的

Wild animals or plants live or grow in natural surroundings and are not looked after by people.

e.g. We saw two more wild cats creeping towards us in the darkness...


e.g. The lane was lined with wild flowers.


2. (土地)天然的,荒芜的,荒凉的

Wild land is natural and is not used by people.

e.g. Elmley is one of the few wild areas remaining in the South East.



...the wildness of the mountains.


3. 荒野;远离城镇的地区

The wilds of a place are the natural areas that are far away from towns.


e.g. They went canoeing in the wilds of Canada.


4. 有暴风雨的;多风暴的;狂风暴雨的

Wild is used to describe the weather or the sea when it is stormy.

e.g. The wild weather did not deter some people from swimming in the sea.


5. 疯狂的;狂热的

Wild behaviour is uncontrolled, excited, or energetic.

e.g. The children are wild with joy...


e.g. As George himself came on stage they went wild...



As she finished each song, the crowd clapped wildly.


6. 难以约束的;不受控制的;放荡的;无节制的

If you describe someone or their behaviour as wild, you mean that they behave in a very uncontrolled way.

e.g. When angry or excited, however, he could be wild, profane, and terrifying...


e.g. She lived a wild and incredible life...



Five people were injured as Reynolds slashed out wildly with a kitchen knife.


He had come to love the danger and the wildness of his life.


7. 愤怒的;狂怒的

If someone is wild, they are very angry.

e.g. For a long time I daren't tell him I knew, and when I did he went wild.


8. (因恐惧、愤怒或精神失常而)双目圆睁的,眼睛瞪大的

If you say that someone has wild eyes or a wild look, you mean that their eyes are wide open and staring because they are frightened, angry, or insane.

e.g. She could see his face now, his eyes wild and his skin glistening with perspiration...


e.g. I could not forget the wild look in his eyes.



She stared at him with wildness in her eyes.


9. (想法)非同寻常的,极端的;(猜测)未经思索的,胡乱的

A wild idea is unusual or extreme. A wild guess is one that you make without much thought.

e.g. I was just a kid and full of all sorts of wild ideas...


e.g. Browning's prediction is no better than a wild guess.



'Thirteen?' he guessed wildly.


10. see also: wildly

see also: wild child

11. 狂热地迷恋;极为喜欢

If you are wild about someone or something, you like them very much.


e.g. I'm just wild about Peter, and he's just wild about me...


e.g. Irene was wild about the play.


12. 在自然环境中;处于野生状态

Animals that live in the wild live in a free and natural state and are not looked after by people.

e.g. Fewer than a thousand giant pandas still live in the wild.


13. (事物)疯狂发展;(尤指小孩)恣意妄为,失去控制

If something or someone, especially a child, runs wild, they behave in a natural, free, or uncontrolled way.

e.g. Everything that could grow was running wild for lack of attention...


e.g. Molly has let that girl run wild.


14. beyond your wildest dreams -> see dream

in your wildest dreams -> see dream

to sow your wild oats -> see oats

wild 单语例句

1. While taming Little Wild Man has proven a tricky business, we've had better luck in training him.

2. The bust came two days after the police had learned that a Myanmar gang had snatched wild animals near Myanmar's border with China.

3. Researchers suspected he had taken refuge in a tree after a fight with wild pandas, but then had fallen to his death.

4. In the wild, they leave scent marks with urine and glands on their buttocks.

5. Wild swings between low and high fuel prices have crippled the US industry by erratically shifting buyer preferences - to and from SUVs.

6. And the crowd erupted in a wild applause when the buzzer went on.

7. But watching on as their crops and properties are devastated by wild boars seems like a terrible choice for villagers.

8. George Michael has been warned he will be sacked by his record label unless he curbs his wild behaviour.

9. More than a dozen university students took part in the demonstration, funded by local animal rights group Wild Aid.

10. Going into Monday's action, the Dodgers led the NL wild card race by a game over the Phillies.