

jolt:[英 [dʒəʊlt] 美 [dʒoʊlt] ]


过去式:jolted;   过去分词:jolted;   现在分词:jolting;   复数形式:jolts;

jolt 基本解释


及物动词(使)摇动,(使)震惊; 使震惊; 使颠簸


名词颠簸,摇,震惊,严重挫折; 震惊,引起震惊的事情; 突然的猛击; 意外的挫折

jolt 相关例句


1. The horse jolted me terribly when he jumped.


2. She was all jolted within.



1. The car jolted badly over the rough road.



1. The bad news gave us a jolt.


2. The bus stopped with a jolt.


jolt 网络解释

1. jolt在线翻译

1. 颠簸:四轮传动车在滚滚黄沙中颠簸(jolt)了一阵,终於抵达扎营处. 一下车,双脚就些微地陷入丝绸般柔软的细沙中,抬头仰望,无云的天空被黄沙衬得更为湛蓝,渺小的人们在这壮阔的天地之间,果真有沧海一粟之感. 再环顾四周,

2. jolt什么意思

2. 使颠簸,摇晃:strike 突然发生;打击 | jolt 使颠簸,摇晃 | rock 摇,摇动,使振动

3. 震动:jolt 颠簸 | jolt 震动 | jolt 震动;震摇

jolt 双语例句

1. Xu jolt Hing said, because China's capital debt rate as high as 72% of real estate, Only 28% is owned and self-developers, this is not allowed in the world.



2. A jolt of current was through my spine.


3. A dramatic display of political courage by the world's biggest economy and the traditional leader of the multilateral trading system could still jolt the round from apathy to action.


4. This kind of retaliation has sprung up not at a time of need but at a moment where its utility is nil, where the world requires a not a shake but a jolt to awaken the `men of purpose` to be of use to the world.


5. jolt的解释

5. The last time a jolt this size rattled California was the 1994 Northridge disaster, which killed 72 people, injured more than 9, 000 and caused US$25 billion in damage.


6. That news sent a jolt through wholesale marketers around the world.



7. A malfunction in the siren alert system in Jerusalem sent a jolt through the Holy City, highlighting the frayed nerves.


8. The IceController can be connected to any device or structure that can be coated with ice and uses electrodes or a thin film of stainless steel, copper or aluminum foil placed on the surface to deliver a jolt of electricity whenever it senses ice buildup.


9. Richter, or magnitude, is calculated not only by the strength of the jolt but by the area affected.


10. jolt的反义词

10. Lively and bumpy had gone 2005, the civilian battalion aviation of our country still did not feel relaxed, a few air flow to had not disappeared, but we expect plane of civilian battalion aerial is in one year new will no longer acuteness jolt.



11. I was the owner after purchase, think about the future we will live a carefree life, bathed in sunshine and rain, in the master, under the meticulous care of the healthy growth...... but did not expect I had become an unfortunate, due to host negligence, the car tripping over a rock and jolt a moment, I have been left out.


12. To subject to a test. disturbed psychologically as if by a physical jolt or shock.


13. He doesn't need a last jolt of adrenaline or dose of adulation.


14. J. J. Barea has helped bring jolt of scoring and movement to Mavericks offense


15. jolt什么意思

15. In short, Japan needs a double-barrelled big bang to jolt its economy back to life.


16. In your entire life, who has given you the biggest jolt?


17. I feel like i just drank a jolt.


18. I was prepared mentally but it was impossible not to feel a jolt.


19. As the bank passenger--with an arm drawn through the leathern strap, which did what lay in it to keep him from pounding against the next passenger, and driving him into his comer, whenever the coach got a special jolt--nodded in his place, with half-shut eyes, the little coach-windows, and the coach-lamp dimly gleaming through them, and the bulky bundle of opposite passenger, became the bank, and did a great stroke of business.


20. It can send a jolt of as much as eight hundred volts of electricity through the water in which it lives.


jolt 词典解释

1. (使)震动;(使)摇动;(使)颠簸

If something jolts or if something jolts it, it moves suddenly and quite violently.

e.g. The wagon jolted again...


e.g. The train jolted into motion...


2. 使震惊;使惊慌;使慌乱不安

If something jolts someone, it gives them an unpleasant surprise or shock.

e.g. A stinging slap across the face jolted her...


e.g. Henderson was momentarily jolted by the news.


jolt 单语例句

1. It wasn't just the caffeine that gave an Iowa woman an extra jolt after she had her morning coffee.

2. An external jolt of electricity helps generate hydrogen gas at the cathode.

3. The ratings agency Standard and Poor's gave Paris a jolt on Thursday, announcing " in error " it had downgraded France's credit worthiness.

4. The equine got such a jolt from the precipice " it was scared dead ", the story goes.

5. But Wong and other analysts warned the mainland tourists are only providing a temporary jolt and a sustained recovery depends on more fundamental changes.

6. Will The Storm Warriors provide the jolt the industry so desperately needs?

7. Advocates say it's important to jolt a weary public that has been listening to government warnings about the dangers of smoking for nearly 50 years.

8. Analysts said reports the government may consider lowering fees collected on stock trading supplied an additional jolt.

9. NATO has stepped up its military and diplomatic pressure on Gadhafi's regime this week in an effort to jolt the stalemated operation.

10. Returning to Qingdao after a training camp in Beijing, she was fast asleep when a violent jolt woke her up.

jolt 英英释义


1. an abrupt spasmodic movement

Synonym: jerkjerkingsaccade

2. a sudden jarring impact

e.g. the door closed with a jolt

all the jars and jolts were smoothed out by the shock absorbers

Synonym: jarjounceshock


1. disturb (someone's) composure

e.g. The audience was jolted by the play

2. move or cause to move with a sudden jerky motion

Synonym: jar