

norm:[英 [nɔ:m] 美 [nɔ:rm] ]



norm 基本解释

名词规范; 标准; 准则; (劳动)定额


norm 网络解释

1. 准则:因此,我猜想自由、人权、民主等作为标准和准则(norm) 必然会在中国产生巨大的影响,虽然中国是一个个体,但是仅仅是以国家(State)这个名份(ID)是他无法被隔绝在社会化(socialization)之外.

2. 标准:此系统由戴维斯(TWVES)研制,装在上海桑塔纳2000、桑塔纳3000、捷达、都市先锋、赛欧及奇瑞等汽车上. [运行模式]标准(Norm)、运动(Sport)两种. [运行模式]低(Low)、高(Hight)两种.

3. 范数:q为单位矩阵 (unitary matrix),其范数(norm)为1. r为对角化的上三角矩阵. 例如:对于复杂计算,采用脚本文件(Script file)最为合适. 脚本文件运行后 ,所产生的所有变量都驻留在 MATLAB基本工作空间(Base workspace)中.

4. norm的近义词

4. norm:normal; 正常的

5. norm:naturally occurring radioactive materials; 天然放射性

norm 双语例句

1. The association filed an application to the state General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine to mandate the regulation as a state norm.


2. norm的解释

2. Unit together according to design the diagram paper with the norm to the foundation proceeds reply the test accept, the key item of the check has:a.



3. In addition, we rejected the Unix focus on small memory size, by deciding not to support 16-bit machines (it was clear that 32-bit machines would be the norm by the time the GNU system was finished), and to make no effort to reduce memory usage unless it exceeded a megabyte.


4. Methods: The sample that pass through handled to be abstracted twice by acetonitrile, evaporate the organic phase to dryness following defecated through the Na2SO4, cleaned-up by norm alhexalle, then analysed by HPLC (C18 column) with a gradient system of methanol-water as a mobile phase.

经处理过的样品用乙腈提取两次,将乙腈过无水硫酸钠层后挥千乙腈,正己烷洗涤净化,经过净化后进行高效液相色谱仪测定(C18柱),本方法以甲醇、水为流动相梯度洗脱,柱温35℃,在波长275 nm处测定。

5. His melodic sensibilities, and the ability to blend a variety of styles into a cohesive whole, set him apart from the norm.


6. norm

6. The square sum of the norm of the difference between the experimental values obtained from upsetting experiment and the calculated values obtained from finite element simulation is defined as an objective function.


7. norm是什么意思

7. The adaptive program is calculated by T-B stress recovery scheme and z-z error estimation, the error is estimated by energy norm of difference of recovery stress and meshless stress. If the local relative error exceeds the limit relative error, then new nodes will be generated at the high error area.


8. norm是什么意思

8. Not easy to have the space which artificial creates a false impression. Cash flow indicator reflection enterprise finance condition and profit ability. The article mainly weighed the profit ability from the cash flow indicator five important financial norm such as business profit cash guarantee rate, management cash rate, Sales income cash returns-ratio, property cash repayment rate and cash dividend payment guarantee rate. In order to analysis enterprise will maintain the existing management level and the creation future gains the ability height. Elaborated how to understand the enterprise profit ability through the cash current capacity the process.


9. norm什么意思

9. The development and change of morality is restricted by a variety of factors. Among many stratums of cultural consciousness, the reinforcement of sense of equality plays a very important role. It keeps expanding moral values and morality norm with the quality of morality improved and the distance to the human i...


10. The differences between the internet interation and real interaction are the ones in norm of society, morality obligation, anonymity, virtuality and so on.


11. Poverty could not explain the reason why peasants join revolution, no doubt that revolutionary peasants had an itch for material benefit, but traditional criterion on value and norm of morality and justice were still being considered, and the risk of revolution also often made them dread revolution.


12. Additionally, the paper discusses the essence of contract credit in different aspects: Contract credit reflects the legal norm of credit. Contract credit exceeds the morality norm of credit and reflects the legal norm of credit.


13. Nevertheless, all theologians, also casuists, consider a correct conscience a great boon and hence endeavour, by their casuistic discussions, to contribute towards the formation of correct consciences, so that the subjective estimate of the morality of certain actions may coincide, as far as possible, with the objective norm of morality.

虽然如此,所有的神学家,也casuists ,考虑一个正确的良知带来极大的好处,从而努力,对他们诡辩的讨论,有助于形成正确的良心,使主观估计有关道德的某些行动可能不谋而合,据可能的,目的是规范道德。

14. It plays an important part as norm, guidance and impetus in the development of different nations and countries.


15. A young girl begins to learn what she should be for society and not to deviate from the norm.


16. 3The norm should be revised rationally to meet the need of social development.


17. Third, outright legal exceptions to the norm of separated banking existed.


18. Those year-on-year comparisons are the norm for China and avoid confusion arising from short-term changes in the economy.


19. norm在线翻译

19. The development of market economy is related to norm and restraint of relevant regulations.


20. norm的近义词

20. I think it's because you don't follow the norm and people are uncomfortable.


norm 词典解释

1. 行为准则;规范

Norms are ways of behaving that are considered normal in a particular society.

e.g. ...the commonly accepted norms of democracy.


e.g. ...a social norm that says drunkenness is inappropriate behaviour.


2. 通例;常规

If you say that a situation is the norm, you mean that it is usual and expected.

e.g. Families of six or seven are the norm in Borough Park...


e.g. The changes will lead to more flexible leases, and leases nearer to 15 years than the present norm of 25 years.


3. 标准;规范

A norm is an official standard or level that organizations are expected to reach.


e.g. ...an agency which would establish European norms and co-ordinate national policies to halt pollution.


norm 单语例句

1. This would by no means help transform these SOEs into real business giants in the international market where fierce competition is the norm.

2. School district spokesman Norm Uhl said that the kindergartner could face disciplinary action including being sent to an alternative school for up to 180 days.

3. The severe colonial educational system meant that caning was the norm and prefects ruled the halls.

4. This spirit should be carried forward so that it will become the norm governing relations among the SCO member states in the new century.

5. Rickety hotels with poor plumbing and a lack of certainty in regard to normal amenities like hot water are becoming the norm these days.

6. The norm of its classification and calculation is widely accepted in the international market, and will meet the needs of both domestic and foreign investors.

7. This latter outlook perhaps corresponds better with the Western norm and lifestyle, given the widespread cohabitation there.

8. This is well in excess of the norm experienced by other Asian economies over comparable periods of their economic development.

9. The latest innovation in adult entertainment and the first sex toy with style - the Cone deviates from the norm when it comes to shape.

10. Toddlers throwing tantrums and adolescent sibling rivalry are the norm when children clamor for their mother's attention.

norm什么意思norm 英英释义


1. a statistic describing the location of a distribution

e.g. it set the norm for American homes

Synonym: average

2. a standard or model or pattern regarded as typical

e.g. the current middle-class norm of two children per family