

lick:[英 [lɪk] 美 [lɪk] ]


过去式:licked;   过去分词:licked;   现在分词:licking;

lick 基本解释

及物动词舔; 打败

及物/不及物动词轻轻拍打; 战胜

名词舔; 一舐的量,少量

lick 相关词组

1. at a great lick : 高速地;

lick 相关例句


1. The flames licked up everything.


2. The flames were licking the warehouse.


3. The cat is licking its fur.




1. The flames are licking out of windows.



1. The car was moving at a great lick.


lick 网络解释

1. 舔:内特犹豫着给妈妈留条子,说自己可能出去也可能不出,如果出去了,一定会回来的......这时他看到思乐正在舔(lick)刚才大家匆忙走时没放进冰箱而融了的冰激淋,想问思乐为什么不帮他,突然想到,思乐或许正在帮他!


2. 你舔舔你的嘴唇:leer 你满意地看着自己,一副陶醉的样子. | lick 你舔舔你的嘴唇. | listen 你安静地聆听.

3. lick是什么意思

3. (舔舌):/laydown (躺下) | /lick (舔舌) | /lie (撒谎)

lick 双语例句

1. On his farm, he noticed one day that his cows had their necks through the fence and were straining to lick the recently graveled road.


2. She is very scared, I Do not be afraid that you, see you the gift of the gab, leaving contact information, there is the matter of child care to find you, they give you more axillary Ruo Jia Tong distracted嗌threshold K II N ü Yi獍file streamer stresses hunchback unloaded spring 6 delicate art exhausted Lu Cong Chen ψ Youtong deceive Tilletia think playing lackey λ Tam Tu Lei lick dumping construction 鐾 Sang-jun street?

她很害怕,我不要害怕,你看你能说会道,留下联系信息,有问题的儿童保育找到你,他们给你更多的腋窝若贾通分心嗌门槛K二ü易獍旆文件强调驼背卸下春季 6 微妙的艺术用尽路琮陈ψ桐欺骗腥想打奴才λ谭涂类舐倾销建设鐾相军街?

3. Everybody is better than me that I am just a weak person, the throat is drying, I must find a hole to dig for hiding to lick my wound.



4. People who bite the hand that feeds them usually lick the boot that kicks them.


5. Lick my bleeding boot!



6. That power produces arrogance and when it is toughened by Tebbitry and flattered and fawned upon by spineless sycophants, the boot- lick ing tabloid Knights of Fleet Street and placemen in the Quangos, the arrogance corrupts absolutely


7. Premature loss of deciduous teeth, children are used to chewing gum, lick and suck, gum hypertrophy become impeded eruption of permanent teeth.


8. What is the matter with you? You could lick this guy with one hand, come on!



9. And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their quee thy nursing mothers: they shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet; and thou shalt know that I am the LORD: for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me.

49:23 列王必作你的养父,王后必做你的乳母。他们必将脸伏地,向你下拜,并舔你脚上的尘土。你便知道我是耶和华,等候我的必不至羞愧。


10. Touch need your hands on me so we can touch i need your lips on me so we can touch boy lick my body weak come and gimme what i need fulfill my fantasies so we can touch ah ah ah touch ah ah ah ah ah ah touch ah ah ah i can't wait no more got this feelin'in my mind baby i'm gonna call you up and yes i know it's late at night but i can't hold back the urge wanna hear you in my ear wanna feel our bodys merge boy i need you lyin'here so we can touch put your hands on me so we can touch put your lips on me wanna feel your touch boy lick my body weak come and gimme what i need fulfill my fantasies so we can touch ah ah ah touch ah ah ah touch ah ah ah touch ah ah ah boy i hope you're ready this gon'be a long night we're gon'do it how you want it'cause i know just what you like got my body feelin'right my emotions runnin'high and i'm feelin'kinda lovely sure there's something we should try we can touch put your hands on me so we can touch put your lips on me wanna feel your touch boy lick my body weak come and gimme what i need fulfill my fantasies so we can touch ah ah ah touch ah ah ah touch ah ah ah touch ah ah ah look ma i'm glad you called me i was just about to turn around anyway i've been thinkin'bout that move that you made up you mean the one i call the stand up huckle buck yeah ma i love it when you do you i know if you hurry up i ma give you part 2 i'm on my way girl can't you hear my car rushin'i'm tryin'to get there fast so we can sart touchin'touch put your hands on me so we can touch put your lips on me wanna feel your touch boy lick my body weak come and gimme what i need fulfill my fantasies so we can touch put your hands on me so we can touch put your lips on me wanna feel your touch boy lick my body weak come and gimme what i need fulfill my fantasies so we can touch ah ah ah touch ah ah ah touch ah ah ah touch ah ah ah touch

触摸需求你的人手右手击球员的左后方场地自我如此我们罐触摸i需求你的嘴唇右手击球员的左后方场地自我如此我们罐触摸男孩舔我的躯体弱来和乞讨的什么 i需求履行我的幻想曲如此我们罐触摸啊啊啊触摸啊啊啊啊啊啊触摸啊啊啊i不能等候不再得到这个feelin在朝派我的介意当作婴儿般对待我是去向打电话你向上的移动和同意i知道它's迟在晚上但是i不能支持住后退成为驱动力想要向听见你在朝派我的耳朵想要向感觉我们躯体合并男孩i需求你lyin'这里如此我们罐触摸放你的人手右手击球员的左后方场地自我如此我们罐触摸放你的嘴唇右手击球员的左后方场地自我想要向感觉你的触摸男孩舔我的躯体弱来和乞讨的什么 i需求履行我的幻想曲如此我们罐触摸啊啊啊触摸啊啊啊触摸啊啊啊触摸啊啊啊男孩i希望你公亩敏捷的这个gon'是a长时间晚上我们公亩gon'社交聚会它怎样你想要它'原因i知道仅仅什么你爱好得到我的躯体feelin权利我的情感runnin高度和我是 feelin可爱的人的一种可靠的那里's某样东西我们是将去请尝试我们罐触摸放你的人手右手击球员的左后方场地自我如此我们罐触摸放你的嘴唇右手击球员的左后方场地自我想要向感觉你的触摸男孩舔我的躯体弱来和乞讨的什么 i需求履行我的幻想曲如此我们罐触摸啊啊啊触摸啊啊啊触摸啊啊啊触摸啊啊啊看妈我是很高兴你打电话自我i was差不多向转变不管怎样我富人是讨论会'较量那个移动那个你制做向上的移动你用意一 i打电话竖立向上的移动髋部反对是的妈i爱它什么时候你社交聚会你i知道条件你匆忙向上的移动i妈让步你分开2我是右手击球员的左后方场地我的方式女孩不能你听见我的小汽车rushin'我是tryin'向到达那里斋戒如此我们罐sart touchin'触摸放你的人手右手击球员的左后方场地自我如此我们罐触摸放你的嘴唇右手击球员的左后方场地自我想要向感觉你的触摸男孩舔我的躯体软弱情欲高潮和乞讨的什么样的i需求履行我的我们能触动表达的幻想曲如此你的我们能稍微谈到一点自我如此的人手放你的我的幻想曲啊啊啊稍微谈到一点自我贫穷,感受到你的触摸男孩舔我的i需求履行什么软弱情欲高潮和乞讨的躯体,所以我们罐的嘴唇 touch ah ah ah touch ah ah ah touch ah ah ah touch

11. So Randal was supposed to lie down, lick his palms and allow Rebecca to ride his coattails to victory?


12. The walls were made of sugar-cane, and he could lick them, but he was not a sweet-tooth.


13. I think it is better to change from imposing a fine to… let the spitter just lick it back ….


14. Get/knock/lick sth into shape.


15. The fashion design of the restaurant is simplicity of style and very petty bourgeoisie taste. Here you will lick your lips with the delicous food, whether it is chicken neck or Kabob with special spices.


16. lick

16. Barney Kessel started noodling along with it and then leaned over to tell Tal about how it was when he met Charlie Christian and he taught him that lick.


17. He will lick the wounds and sores that come in encounters with the roughness of the world.



18. She said she wants to slather my body with stuff and then lick it off.


19. Joey: She said she wants to slather my body with stuff and then lick it off.


20. lick的意思

20. She wants to slather my body with stuff and lick it off.


lick 词典解释


When people or animals lick something, they move their tongue across its surface.


e.g. She folded up her letter, licking the envelope flap with relish...


e.g. The dog rose awkwardly to his feet and licked the man's hand excitedly.


2. 轻易打败;轻松战胜

If you lick someone or something, you easily defeat them in a fight or competition.

e.g. He might be able to lick us all in a fair fight...


e.g. The Chancellor's upbeat message that the Government had licked inflation for good was marred by more job losses.


3. (火焰)触及,吞卷

When flames of a large fire lick somewhere or something, the fire begins to reach that place or thing and the flames touch it lightly and briefly.

e.g. The fire came roaring through the kitchen ceiling and sent its red tongues licking into the entrance hall...


e.g. The apex of the flames licked the crimson sky.


4. 少量;一点

A lick of something is a small amount of it.

e.g. It could do with a lick of paint to brighten up its premises.


5. 小过门(吉他演奏的歌曲);(即兴插入的)爵士乐装饰乐句

A lick is a short piece of music which is part of a song and is played on a guitar. A lick is also a short section in a piece of jazz, which the musician invents while they are playing.

e.g. ...the screeching licks of heavy metal guitar.



to lick your lips

lick 单语例句

1. It started dictating pastel shades when many buildings were being given a new lick of paint for the Roman Catholic church's jubilee celebrations in 2000.

2. A looping forehand down the line sealed a comprehensive victory for Nadal, while Djokovic left to lick his wounds after a disappointing Masters Cup debut.

3. Obama fans can drink to and lick in the new president, too.

4. This was already a new experience because where I come from you lick a stamp and put on the envelope to send it out.

5. Portugal will now face the Czech Republic on Thursday in Warsaw while the Dutch will go home to lick their wounds.

6. He said he then saw Jackson lick his brother on the head for about six seconds.

7. For now, she can lick her wounds at her luxurious hideaway in Marbella.

8. When I wept, he would come to me and lick my cheeks.

9. That made it immediately apparent he was from out of town and perhaps didn't even speak a lick of Putonghua.

10. You'll want to lick it off the plate but may have to settle for scooping it onto your rice instead.

lick的近义词lick 英英释义


1. (boxing) a blow with the fist

e.g. I gave him a clout on his nose

Synonym: punchcloutpokebiffslug

2. touching with the tongue

e.g. the dog's laps were warm and wet

Synonym: lap

3. a salt deposit that animals regularly lick

Synonym: salt lick


1. find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of

e.g. did you solve the problem?

Work out your problems with the boss

this unpleasant situation isn't going to work itself out

did you get it?

Did you get my meaning?

He could not work the math problem

Synonym: solvework outfigure outpuzzle outwork

2. take up with the tongue

e.g. The cat lapped up the milk

the cub licked the milk from its mother's breast

Synonym: laplap up

3. beat thoroughly and conclusively in a competition or fight

e.g. We licked the other team on Sunday!

Synonym: creambatclobberdrubthrash

4. pass the tongue over

e.g. the dog licked her hand

Synonym: lap