

assent:[英 [əˈsent] 美 [əˈsɛnt] ]


过去式:assented;   过去分词:assented;   现在分词:assenting;   复数形式:assents;

assent 基本解释

不及物动词赞同; 赞成:赞成,如某建议


assent 相关例句


1. The judge assented to allow the prisoner to speak.


2. assent

2. I won't assent to her plan.



1. He assented to my view.


2. The government gave its assent to the new project.


3. assent是什么意思

3. They had my assent.


assent 网络解释

1. 同意,赞同:assemble 集合,聚集 | assent 同意,赞同 | assert 断言

2. 赞成:assent to 同意 | assent 赞成 | assentation 同意

assent 双语例句

1. It is a necessity of the assent of all to a judgment regarded as exemplifying a universal rule incapable of formulation.


2. Authorities are to be found on both sides, the intrinsic evidence is not convincing, but something is to be gained by assenting to one view rather than the other, and this appeals to the will, which therefore determines the intellect to assent to the view which promises the most.


3. assent什么意思

3. In the same way, when we analyze an act of intellectual assent to any given truth, we must distinguish the intellectual faculty which elicits the act the intelligible object towards which the intellect is directed, and the evidence whether intrinsic to that object or extrinsic to it, which moves us to assent to it.


4. I nodded assent immediately and said that such things would not happen again.


5. Mutual assent (2) legally adequate consideration (3) contractual capacity (4) lawful purpose



6. Four requirements for the formation of a valid insurance contract are as follows: mutual assent, legally adequate consideration, contractual capacity, and lawful purpose.


7. Before any legislative proposal, known at that stage as a Bill, can become an Act of Parliament it must proceed through and be approved by both Houses of Parliament and must receive the Royal Assent.



8. It is a manifestation of the mutual assent of the parties.


9. assent什么意思

9. An agreement is a manifestation of mutual assent on the part of two or more persons.


10. assent

10. I won`t give my assent to her plan because it is not well prepared.


11. Unless otherwise provided by such arrangements a meeting of directors may be held at the close of every annual general meeting of the Company without notice; notice of every other directors'meeting shall be delivered or mailed or telegraphed or telephoned to each director 48 hours before the meeting is to take place; a meeting of directors may be held without formal notice if all the directors are present, or if those absent have signified their assent to such meeting or their consent to the business transacted at the meeting; the accidental omission to give any such notice to any of the directors or the failure of any director to receive such notice shall not invalidate any resolution passed at any such meeting.

2,除非由这样安排否则提供主任会议也许不预先通知召开在公司的每个年度总会结束; 48个小时,在会议是发生之前,其他主任的会议通知将被交付或被邮寄或者打电报或者打电话对每位主任;主任会议也许召开,不用正式通知,如果所有主任存在,或者,如果那些缺席符号化了他们的同意到这样会议或他们的同意到事务被办理在会议上;给任何如此通知的偶然遗漏任何主任或任何主任的疏忽接受这样通知不会无效任何决议通过在任何如此会议上。

12. The new law has received the royal assent.


13. Now that Bill 50 has received Royal Assent, can I claim to be a regulated health professional?



14. She gives Royal Assent to Bills passed by parliament.


15. assent

15. The amendments described above have received Royal Assent, but have not yet been proclaimed in force.


16. Great minds think alike, 'she ogles to him expressing her assent.


17. assent

17. Write one's name in token of assent, responsibility, or obligation.


18. And yet we assent to it by faith, consequently upon evidence which is extrinsic and not intrinsic to the truth we are accepting.


19. When, then, we ask whether we are to give in our free assent to any particular statement or not, we feel that in the first place we cannot do so unless there be strong extrinsic evidence in its favour, for to believe a thing merely because we wished to do so would be absurd.


20. assent是什么意思

20. A statement made by or other conduct of the offeree indicating assent to an offer is an acceptance.


assent 词典解释

1. 同意;准许;批准

If someone gives their assent to something that has been suggested, they formally agree to it.

e.g. He gave his assent to the proposed legislation...


e.g. Without their assent a political settlement cannot be reached.


2. 同意;赞成

If you assent to something, you agree to it or agree with it.

e.g. I assented to the request of the American publishers to write this book...


e.g. 'But it's good grub,' he added. 'You're right,' Pantieri assented.


assent 单语例句

1. The legislation allowing universities to charge received the Royal Assent last week.

2. Lawmakers urged President Bush to get their support before any invasion, even though White House advisers say congressional assent is not legally required.

3. He said his government understood that " the policy on sensitive offensive operations will require the assent " of a new Iraqi ministerial committee.

4. He claims that before giving his assent, he asked the student whether he wrote the paper himself.

assent 英英释义


1. agreement with a statement or proposal to do something

e.g. he gave his assent eagerly

a murmur of acquiescence from the assembly

Synonym: acquiescence


1. to agree or express agreement

e.g. The Maestro assented to the request for an encore

Synonym: accedeacquiesce