

expound:[英 [ɪkˈspaʊnd] 美 [ɪkˈspaʊnd] ]


过去式:expounded;   过去分词:expounded;   现在分词:expounding;

expound 基本解释




expound 相关例句


1. The priest expounded his religion.



1. I would like you to expound.


expound 网络解释

1. 解释,说明:expose 暴露,揭穿 | expound 解释,说明 | express 表达,正确; 明确的,快速的

2. 陈述:exposition 展览(会),陈列,说明,解释 | expound 陈述 | adversary 对手,仇敌

3. 解释:exposure 暴露 | expound 解释 | express as 表示成

4. 详细说明:exposure 暴露;曝光;陈列;露头;出刃 | expound 详细说明 | express lift 快速电梯

expound 双语例句

1. expound的意思

1. The paper attempts to investigate the relations between the Case and the Qianlong Dynasty political affairs, expound the Case`s historical background. course and significance.


2. expound的翻译

2. Through initial analysis of model emulation result, expound interreaction of all influence factor further.


3. The paper makes the change of politics, economy and culture of Qin history as the center to expound and prove forming reasons of ancient city culture, regales SHI JING as material to expound spirit journey and era characteristics of ancient city culture.


4. The article attempts to expound the importance of semantic meaning in word learning from the angle of the semantic relation of word.


5. What he has tried to expound in this article bears on a key problem in our economic reform.


6. expound的反义词

6. Main points to cover are...and I'm going to expound on them by...


7. He expound his view on education to me at great length.


8. He was the first to systematically expound on the idea of a constitutional scholar.


9. The First part expound the question of famine relief.


10. On the basis of the past research results and the comprehensive survey of many counties, the local government liability risk will be reflected by use of the two levels of indicator systems through empirical analysis and the 40 counties of Hunan province are classified. The liability risk classification and six main factors are attained for some counties of Hunan province by means of the main component analysis method, and the local government liability risk discriminant model and the logistic regression model are established. We expound the modeling process of the two methods and their deviation rates and then attain the prewarning section.


11. The paper first introduce the measure method of generally distortion meter of internal and overseas and the application of the meter and secondly compare several measure methods, then choose the best method and expound how to carry out this measure method in hardware and software. Using matlab emulate the method and show the result. At the last give the error analysis of hardware and software during the measurement and the summarize.


12. They broke down the venture capital activity into five continuous basic sections, including Deal Origination、Screening、Evaluation、Deal Structuring、Post investment Activities, and also expound the matter of each section.


13. In this article the writer tries to explore, analyze, and expound the taboos in Chinese traditional costume.


14. expound

14. In the first chapter of this paper, I define the main concept of this paper and expound the background, the meaning, the mothod, and essencial frame of this research.


15. According to the development of human backbone, the course of whole form anatomy and sport mechanics, expound the fact backbone vertebra body size, epiphysis surround form, space of interval vertebrae, vertebra forming of curve.

近年来 ,不少学者尝试用现代局部解剖学、微细解剖学和运动力学、生物力学的理论去解释中医的整脊技术,取得了一定的进展,例如对悬吊复位法的研究,腰背垫枕法的研究和旋转复位法

16. East of the Jordan in the territory of Moab, Moses began to expound this law, saying


17. expound

17. PURPOSES IN DETAILS The first purpose is to expound the similarities and differences together with the relation between Liang Qichao's educational thought and Park Eun Sik's by contrasting and analysing them.


18. expound的翻译

18. Expound the design and realization of the spatial data mining system with clustering analysis.


19. It is introduced about policy-related demand schematically in the text. That is protect ozonosphere international movement and wash out Halon national project. It expound to put out a fire`s principle、capability of Halon extinguishing agent and the destroyed mechanism to ozonosphere. It is necessary to propound to wash out Halon extinguishing agent, give rise to study Halon substitutes as also it`s application present in the world.



20. This thesis clarified the concept of technology, evolution and value; expound technology is a dynamic procedure and in the knowledge and improve the nature activity of human.


expound 词典解释

1. 详述;阐述;详细说明

If you expound an idea or opinion, you give a clear and detailed explanation of it.


e.g. Schmidt continued to expound his views on economics and politics.


expound 单语例句expound

1. Moreover, it will further expound the rich implication of our theme slogan " One World One Dream ".

2. The principle of equity is so obviously interrelated that there is hardly any need to expound it in any great detail.

3. Chinese leaders have also actively participated in regional and international meetings both to expound China's stance on various issues and make contributions.

4. The newspaper asked Wen to expound on China's recent revision of its Constitution to protect human rights and private property.

5. Regrettably, policymakers have so far failed to explicitly expound the purpose of the property tax.

expound 英英释义


1. add details, as to an account or idea

clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing

e.g. She elaborated on the main ideas in her dissertation

Synonym: elaboratelucubrateexpatiateexpositenlargeflesh outexpanddilate

2. state

e.g. set forth one's reasons

Synonym: set forthexposit