

logic:[英 [ˈlɒdʒɪk] 美 [ˈlɑ:dʒɪk] ]



logic 基本解释

名词逻辑,逻辑学; (做某事的)道理; 推理方法; 威力,压力,强制(力)


logic 相关例句


1. There is no logic in what she says.


2. logic在线翻译

2. He argues with learning and logic.


3. logic什么意思

3. At this point your logic is at fault.


4. Your friend doesn't seem to be governed by logic.


5. logic

5. I can not understand her logic.


logic 网络解释

1. 逻辑学:宽泛地讲,这些方法论所处的现代传统是语文学的理性主义所处的传统,15以及普遍语法的各系统所处的传统,从波瓦雅学派(Port Royal)1662年的(Logic)到康德(Kant)、利布尼兹(Leibniz)、胡塞尔(Husserl)和弗雷格(Frege).

2. 逻辑的:总之,这三个类别说出了人类语言的三种基本功用:美标的(aestetic),逻辑的(logic),力与伦理的(energetic-ethic). 文学中的这三个类别,抒情、叙事、戏剧,是人类处世说话的基本方式,因此为研究圣咏,为沿用圣咏,也都有它们的价值.

logic 双语例句

1. logic的近义词

1. Sensor data and user profile information are fed to the inference engine on-demand, they are accessed by logic predicates, returned as their parameters and abstracted by axioms which may also make use of external services.


2. logic

2. Any logic which uses the existential quantifier or the universal quantifier is said to be a predicate logic.


3. logic

3. Logic 1 state indicates 10 bit times of idle line, logic 0 indicates detection of carrier or non-idle line.


4. The elevator as amodern high-rise building the vertical transport, and is closely related to people`s lives, as people raise their requirements, the lift has been the rapid development of its technology has developed to drag the PSA Frequency Control, the logic control Also by the PLC to replace the original relay control.


5. Filters and congruence relations of the residuated lattices are studied by employing muti-valued logic algebra's methods in this paper.


6. This now classic text is his treatment of symbolic logic.


7. Johnvlissides对socceracer说: IT appears to be one of the most popular logic notations out there.



8. The third chapter is entitled as out of the critical logic of Marxism: signs production and symbolic exchange.


9. Part 2: symbols for supply and exhausts as related to logic symbols.


10. Figure 4-5 compares these two sets of symbols for the most common logic functions encountered in logic control design.


11. But when there is a system by which we can create symbols, the system is what is important for logic and not the individual symbols.


12. logic

12. Unchain your brain with Chainz, a challenging new puzzle game of colorful logic.



13. As for the research method, the author employs the method combining concreteness and generalization, history and logic, by breaking the bounds between traditional modern and contemporary subjects.



14. The reason why the former collapse has been happening is that current financial accounting conceptual framework is not internally coherent in logic, and it is not thoroughly applied in the current financial accounting regulations and practice framework, so the latter framework is also confused in logic.



15. Inductive logic set out to define the probabilities of different theories according to the available total evidence.


16. There have been many effective methods, such as Ban logic, CSP, strand spaces, Paulson's inductive set of rules, and Petri nets methods, etc.


17. At one po in t in the metaphysics, Aristotle seems to dist in guish between empirical studies and deductive logic


18. logic

18. Chess is an important field of Artificial Intelligence. As the progress of logic and memory in computer technology, the level of chess program has been promoted.


19. MICROPROCESSOR 微处理器Usually a single integrated circuit on a chip; Logic circuitry of

通常指一个芯片内的单一的完整的电路;微型计算机的逻辑电路;和microcomputer 同义。

20. logic的翻译

20. The Chinese language grammar simple is flexible, the word unit size and the nature often do not have an established rule, may needs freely to utilize along with the about linguistic environment and the logic.


logic 词典解释

1. 逻辑(学)

Logic is a method of reasoning that involves a series of statements, each of which must be true if the statement before it is true.

e.g. Apart from criminal investigation techniques, students learn forensic medicine, philosophy and logic.


2. 逻辑性;条理性

The logic of a conclusion or an argument is its quality of being correct and reasonable.


e.g. I don't follow the logic of your argument...


e.g. There would be no logic in upsetting the agreements.


3. (某类人或某个活动领域特有的)推理方法,思维方式

A particular kind of logic is the way of thinking and reasoning about things that is characteristic of a particular type of person or particular field of activity.

e.g. The plan was based on sound commercial logic.


logic 单语例句

1. The underlying logic to putting a ceiling on the number of hours worked is the need for balance.

2. Such outbursts not only defy logic or even common sense, but also trample on basic human decency and ethics.

3. So let's remind ourselves how compelling the logic of the financial innovation that led us to our current predicament seemed not too long ago.

4. Chang said it would take three to four quarters to complete the conversion of its production equipment from memory chips to logic chips.

5. Courses like advanced maths, logic and computer science are posing the biggest headache for the girl.

6. The most notable facet reflecting the report's politicized human rights logic lies in its conclusion that " the human rights environment in China is deteriorating ".

7. The entire logic of colonial conquest was based on " the enlightened liberating the savages ".

8. " Our conversion from DRAM to logic remains on track, " he added.

9. By the same logic, it is possible therefore to spell out different conversion factors for different units.

10. The convoluted logic behind this strategy is quite disturbing - not only for the US, but also for the global economy.

logic 英英释义


1. reasoned and reasonable judgment

e.g. it made a certain kind of logic

2. a system of reasoning

Synonym: logical systemsystem of logic

3. the principles that guide reasoning within a given field or situation

e.g. economic logic requires it

by the logic of war

4. the system of operations performed by a computer that underlies the machine's representation of logical operations

5. the branch of philosophy that analyzes inference