

reject:[英 [rɪˈdʒekt] 美 [rɪˈdʒɛkt] ]


过去式:rejected;   过去分词:rejected;   现在分词:rejecting;   复数形式:rejects;

reject 基本解释

及物动词拒绝; 排斥; 抛弃,扔掉; 吐出或呕吐


reject 同义词

动词declineeliminatethrow awaybarturn downrefusediscardexpeldispose ofcast offexclude


reject 反义词



reject 相关例句


1. All apples with soft spots were rejected.


2. The plan was rejected.


3. reject的反义词

3. The patient's body rejected the heart transplant.


4. reject

4. He rejected their invitation point-blank.



1. The rejects were stacked in a corner.


reject 情景对话

Quality Control-(品管)

A:Were having some quality-control problems, Jim. We need to go to the source to work them out.



B:What problems are you having, exactly?


A:The complaint rate for our new product line is very high, almost seven percent.


B:Thats high.


A:Yes. We keep finding problems when testing the boards.



B:But your promotional materials claim the boards are the least expensive of their type on the market.


A:The least expensive, but still fully functional. And we think that your factory needs to take measures to improve quality control.


B:That will involve additional expenses for us, which well have to pass on to you as a rate hike.


A:Im afraid thats unacceptable. Your contract says that you will deliver a product with a reject rate of less than five percent.



B:Well, Ill tell you what, Mike. Ill review the contract and talk with management. Then well get together and hash this out.


reject 网络解释

1. 剔除:1. 可用以下命令判断硬盘是否被被阵列(Array)剔除(reject):如果硬盘没有被阵列(Array)剔除(reject)选择相应的阵列(array)和想要更换的硬盘(pdisk#).

2. reject的反义词

2. 驳回:我很遗憾地告诉你,你要参加那个活动的请求被驳回(reject)了. (regret)我很遗憾地告诉你,你要参加那个活动的请求被驳回(reject)了. (regret)我很遗憾地告诉你,你要参加那个活动的请求被驳回(reject)了. (regret)

reject 双语例句

1. reject什么意思

1. But he shall select by lot no person who is seventy years of age or older, or is serving in some magistracy or office, or is presiding over a court of justice, or is curator for the distribution of grain, or is prevented by illness from performing this compulsory public service, after he has taken oath to that effect in the Senate and has given three members of the Senate to swear to his incapacity, or is a cognatic or agnatic kinsman of the defendant, so that he is exempted by the Julian Law on judiciary matters from testifying as a witness in public court against his will, or if the defendant takes oath in the presence of the Senate that such a person is his personal enemy, provided that he does not reject more than three in this way.


2. There are four characters that can be found in this process. Firstly, it is a struggle within the political system. In other words, tenants admit the hierarchical rights of ruling class, but reject excess exploit. Secondly, the resistance has various ways, and law is a frequent resort too. Thirdly, collective resistance comes to be the most common form, wealthy peasants always act as organizers and leaders. Fourthly, tenants` resistance processes exhibits obvious different theme of demands in all phrases. Before mid and latter of 14 century, most requirements aim to reject duty beyond custom; while after, mainly to strive for cutting down the rents and tallage.


3. reject的翻译

3. Causes the marine pollution the reason to have the house sewage, the industrial waste, in the reject emissions sea, the fertilizer and the agricultural chemicals emissions sea and so on, causes the algae to be luxuriant, also increases, the sea accident along with the marine freight volume to keep pouring in creates the massive crude oils and chemical substance divulging, these cause the injury which the marine environment creates does not have may make up.


4. The two countries signed an agreement in Doha last month agreeing to normalize relations and reject support for rebels.


5. reject是什么意思

5. Do Chinese L2 learners show greater tendency to reject the sentences with both Subjacency and the ECP violations than to reject those with only Subjacency violation?


6. Based on the obtained data and evidence, this research project draws the following conclusions: Chinese L2 learners of English are sensitive to Subjacency and the ECP, thus sensitive to UG; Chinese L2 learners`sensitivities to different constraints are different; Chinese L2 learners tend to reject a lower rate of the sentences with both Subjacency and the ECP violations than those with only Subjacency violation; and there is no significant difference in L2 learners`sensitivity to UG as far as the learners`starting age of learning a L2 is concerned.


7. reject的近义词

7. This equipment is composed by the straw stalk grinder and the charcoal shaper, reject and so on this machine use renewable straw stalk number cotton plant stalks straw sawdust makes the charcoal or the straw stalk coal.


8. If μ0 lies in this interval, then we fail to reject H0 at the 5% level.

如果μ0 在95%置信区间内,则在5%显著性水平上我们不能拒绝原假设。

9. Owing to the greatness of hydraulic turbine structure, the noisy energy is great and is difficult to reject.


10. If a state name is too short or common a sentinel is likely to reject it.


11. To examine and endorse or to reject the enterprise's programmes for wage adjustment, programmes for bonus distribution, measures for labour protection, measures for awards and penalties and other important rules and regulations


12. To examine and endorse or to reject the enterprises programmes for wage adjustment, programmes for bonus distribution, measures for labour protection, measures for awards and penalties and other important rules and regulations


13. reject什么意思

13. HKPC reserves the right to reject any application in any circumstances and for whatever reasons.


14. The results indicate that female wasps deposit HMPs on the chorion of host eggs with her ovipositor near the end of egg-laying process. Na ye females do not posses the ability for recognizing the marking pheromones and have to obtain the ability though the learning process, in which the wasp inserts her ovipositor into a host egg to determine whether the egg has been parasitized followed by antennal drumming on the exterior. Once the learning process is completed, the female wasp will be able to discriminate between parasitized and unparasitized hosts and reject a parasitized egg by simply drumming on the exterior of the egg. Learning plays an important role in reducing initial rejection time when an unsuitable host is encountered. Female wasps of T. astriniae can quickly learn to associate the presence of a HMP on host egg chrion with the internal status of the egg.


15. If old boiler will be reject or transferred, a form for applying to log-out shall be attached here.


16. Essentially, the most powerful ideas are painfully obvious, but people reject those because they are too simple.


17. But people never detest and reject him.



18. We condemn, reject and detest, with the approval of this same sacred council, each and every thing done by those sons of damnation, Bernard Carvajal, Guillaume Briconnet, Rene de Prie, and Frederick of San Severino, formerly cardinals, and their supporters, adherents, accomplices and disciples -- who are schismatics and heretics and have worked madly to their own and others'ruin, aiming to split asunder the unity of holy mother church at the quasi-council held at Pisa, Milan, Lyons and elsewhere -- whatever the things were in number and kind that have been enacted, carried out, done, written, published or ordained up to the present day, including the imposition of taxes carried out by them throughout the kingdom of France, or shall be done in the future.

我们谴责,反对和痛恨批准,同样神圣理事会,每个人所做的事情的儿子诅咒,伯纳德瓦哈尔,纪尧姆Briconnet ,雷日Prie ,和弗雷德里克的圣塞韦里诺,原红雀,以及他们的支持者,信徒帮凶和弟子-谁是schismatics和异教徒和已经疯狂到自己和他人的毁灭,旨在分裂四分五裂的团结,圣母教堂的准安理会举行了比萨,米兰,里昂和其他地方-不管事情的数量和种类已经颁布,实施,完成撰写,出版或晋牧至今,包括实行税收进行了他们在整个英国,法国,或应这样做的未来。

19. The first point includes: attach more importance to criminal law than other laws, attach more importance to substantive than procedure, attach more importance to duty than right, detest and reject suit view. The second point includes: the system of selecting judge and public procurator is not reasonable; that the media supervises the judicial powers cant form legal system, the judicial powers have district inclination; judicial office has administration inclination and the politics factors influence the judicial, the bewilderment on the logic comes from the quality and function of the procurator organ.


20. In charge of on line reject material verify and control.


reject 词典解释The verb is pronounced /rɪ'dʒekt/. The noun is pronounced /'riːdʒekt/. 动词读作/rɪ'dʒekt/。名词读作/'riːdʒekt/。

1. 拒绝考虑;不接受;不同意

If you reject something such as a proposal, a request, or an offer, you do not accept it or you do not agree to it.

e.g. The British government is expected to reject the idea of state subsidy for a new high speed railway...


e.g. Seventeen publishers rejected the manuscript before Jenks saw its potential.



The rejection of such initiatives indicates that voters are unconcerned about the environment.


2. 摈弃,抛弃,不接受(信仰或政治制度)

If you reject a belief or a political system, you refuse to believe in it or to live by its rules.


e.g. ...the children of Eastern European immigrants who had rejected their parents' political and religious beliefs.



...his rejection of our values.


3. 不录用;不录取

If someone is rejected for a job or course of study, it is not offered to them.


e.g. One of my most able students was rejected by another university.



Be prepared for lots of rejections before you land a job.


4. 冷漠对待;拒绝…的爱意

If someone rejects another person who expects affection from them, they are cold and unfriendly towards them.

e.g. You make friends with people and then make unreasonable demands so that they reject you.


e.g. ...people who had been rejected by their lovers.



These feelings of rejection and hurt remain.


5. 排斥(移植器官);对…产生排斥反应

If a person's body rejects something such as a new heart that has been transplanted into it, it tries to attack and destroy it.

e.g. It was feared his body was rejecting a kidney he received in a transplant four years ago.



...a special drug which stops rejection of transplanted organs.


6. (投币设备)拒绝接受(硬币)

If a machine rejects a coin that you put in it, the coin comes out and the machine does not work.

7. 残次品;等外品

A reject is a product that has not been accepted for use or sale, because there is something wrong with it.

reject 单语例句reject

1. If we agree that consumers are rational spenders, we cannot see any reason for them to reject Chinese goods across the board.

2. You can choose to reject the call by pressing one of the keys.

3. British and Irish leaders on Monday called on the Irish Republican Army to unequivocally reject violence and commit to the democratic process.

4. " Such sincerity and candor is hard to reject, " one netizen wrote.

5. Those involved will have their fingerprints imprinted on a canvas to signify their commitment to use copyright products and reject pirated ones.

6. Democratic congressional aides said they anticipate that Bush will reject the Iraq funding bill Wednesday after receiving it from Capitol Hill on Tuesday.

7. Republicans generally reject this form of spending reduction, because it results in additional tax revenue.

8. Reject the example of local grooms and best men who appear at their wedding as they do when meeting a particularly influential client.

9. If India were a client state of the US, it would not have taken the decision to reject America's offer so easily.

10. The official would not say what the information was, but he said it allowed interrogators to confirm some suspicions and reject other information.

reject的近义词reject 英英释义



1. the person or thing that is rejected or set aside as inferior in quality

Synonym: cull


1. dismiss from consideration or a contest

e.g. John was ruled out as a possible suspect because he had a strong alibi

This possibility can be eliminated from our consideration

Synonym: rule outeliminatewinnow out

2. refuse to accept or acknowledge

e.g. I reject the idea of starting a war

The journal rejected the student's paper

3. reject with contempt

e.g. She spurned his advances

Synonym: spurnfreeze offscornpooh-poohdisdainturn down

4. deem wrong or inappropriate

e.g. I disapprove of her child rearing methods

Synonym: disapprove

5. refuse to accept

e.g. He refused my offer of hospitality

Synonym: refusepass upturn downdecline

6. refuse entrance or membership

e.g. They turned away hundreds of fans

Black people were often rejected by country clubs

Synonym: turn downturn awayrefuse

7. resist immunologically the introduction of some foreign tissue or organ

e.g. His body rejected the liver of the donor

Synonym: resistrefuse