

foyer:[英 [ˈfɔɪeɪ] 美 [ˈfɔɪər] ]



foyer 基本解释


名词休息室; (戏院或旅馆的)门厅,前厅


foyer 网络解释

1. 门厅:出门沿着走廊走到尽头,进入左边门来到门厅(Foyer),剧情发生. (按Tab键可查地图)到大厅的另一边(用桌子掩护)进门(或者从排气孔进入). 顺着走廊到尽头进门. 往左看,你会看见一名警卫,使用超能力telekinesis,举起某一物品吓他,

2. 玄關:通过对每一个空间的功能设定然后加以划分与归类,沐桥精准地依据美式住宅而设计,实现了合理地利用空间并以此营造出美好的居住氛围:入户门厅(Entry Hall)与玄关(Foyer)组成礼仪区;用于招待客人、朋友的客厅(Living Room)自然是公共区;

3. 门斗:8.门斗 (foyer) 在建筑物出入口设置的起分隔、挡风、御寒等作用的建筑过渡空间. 9.建筑物通道 (passage) 为道路穿过建筑物而设置的建筑空间. 10.架空走廊 (bridge way) 建筑物与建筑物之何,在二层或二层以上专门为水平交通设置的走廊.

4. foyer的近义词

4. 休息厅:地下室还有个小卧室,加上个两车车库,这在半年冬天的芝加哥可是求之不得的,才卖19万. 我们兴冲冲的去看,却发现这个房子的布局很有问题,起居室丁点大,大点的电视都挤不下,搞得和进门的休息厅(foyer)差不多,难怪这么贱都卖不出去.

foyer 双语例句

1. The room situated above the foyer, has been specially designed for Cy Twombly`s famed Lepanto Cycle.


2. Noticeboards located in front foyer and on the function room door with the seminar title on them.

Celsius; and 在休息厅门前放置一块指示牌并在多功能厅门上贴上研讨会的名称。

3. The main entry is a very small foyer which creates a sense of compression before entering the main gallery, where the living spaces, kitchen, dining and living, are separated from the master bedroom by a lacquered block.


4. Lyle established the tone of his brother and sister-in-law`s home at the entry, bracketing the foyer between a glossy black archway and an expanse of ebony wallpaper.


5. The information desk, marked with the small letter i on your plan is located right here in the foyer, so if you get separated from your friends, I suggest you make your way back to the information desk because we`ll be returning to this spot at the end of the tour.


6. Beyond these doors and through a foyer visitors reach the most important room in the Archives: the Rotunda.


7. foyer

7. Water that is in the foyer, of course.


8. foyer的意思

8. You need to come to the foyer.


9. Would you mind if I left them here in the foyer?


10. When you walk into the foyer you just love this hotel.


11. So it`s as if three orbs are floating in the foyer.


12. He was rejoining the prince when, passing in front of the foyer, he heard Satin screaming out


13. He had grabbed his jacket in the foyer and there was a gun in a secret dashboard compartment of the car, the car registered in the name of a member of his regime, so that he personally could not get into any legal trouble.



14. Property Services Department First, to defend the safety aspects: 1, security and foreign staff out of registration, further information and paging; 2, the day-to-day laboratory, the Treasury security inspection; 3, the night laboratory safety inspection; 4, to help clean up the waste solvents and laboratory reagents empty bottles; 5, waste solvents and solid waste treatment; 6, weekends and holidays security on duty; Second, health, green areas 1, experimental building within the foyer, corridors, staircases, conference rooms, lecture hall, bathroom and outdoor road cleaning; 2, garbage collection, clean up, Qing-Yun; 3, the dressing and green lawn, weeding, fertilizing, pruning, such as pest Third, logistics services 1, conference rooms, lecture hall and the registration of the use of projectors 2, the conference room tea service; 3, attendance statistics and switchboard services; 4, send and receive mail and express delivery, such as reservations, please help; 5, A4 traffic to the park and recharge cards of various checks Field Service; 6, with environmental protection sewage, exhaust fumes and noise of occasional spot checks; 4, equipment maintenance: 1, the safe use of utilities and maintenance; 2, central air conditioning heat pump units of safe use and maintenance; 3, VRV central air-conditioning, points of air conditioning (26 Taiwan dollars) in the safe use and daily maintenance (cleaning filters, check cooling agent 4, central air conditioning heat pump units of the circulating pump and fire pumps (8) and the safe use of the annual replacement of mechanical seals, bearings, motor maintenance and increase lubricants; 5, VAV system once a month of fresh air filter cleaning (to ensure the smooth flow of fresh air laboratory), a quarterly Tong Fenggui surface wind speed of the test, once a year, the frequency converter Inspection and Maintenance.

物业部服务内容一、保卫安全方面:1、安全保卫、外来人员进出登记、问询及传呼; 2、日常实验室、库房的安全巡检; 3、夜间实验室的安全巡检; 4、协助清理实验室的废溶剂和空试剂瓶; 5、废溶剂和生活垃圾的处理; 6、周末、节假日的安全值班;二、卫生、绿化方面 1、实验大楼内部门厅、走廊、楼梯、会议室、报告厅、卫生间以及室外道路的清洁工作; 2、垃圾的收集、清理、清运等; 3、草坪及绿化的修整、除草、施肥、剪枝、除虫等三、后勤服务方面 1、会议室、报告厅以及投影仪的登记使用 2、会议室的茶水服务; 3、考勤统计及总机服务; 4、收发快递及邮件、协助订餐等; 5、A4交通卡充值及应付园区各种检查等外勤事务; 6、配合环保方面污水、废气、噪音的不定期抽查;四、设备维护方面:1、水电的安全使用及维修; 2、中央空调热泵机组的安全使用及维护; 3、VRV中央空调、分体空调(计26台)的安全使用及日常维护(清洗过滤网、检查制冷剂等); 4、中央空调热泵机组的循环水泵以及消防水泵(8台)的安全使用及年度更换机械密封、轴承、马达保养及加润滑油; 5、变风量系统每月一次的新风过滤网清洗、每季度一次的通风柜面风速测试、每年一次的变频器点检及保养。

15. The main floor is composed of a bamboo flanked foyer, a landscaped lobby with lush planting and flowing water and a VIP lounge complete with live piano music, television/video corner and refreshment bar which serves a series of private conference rooms.


16. foyer的意思

16. An auditorium is a main program (hall + foyer) and a series of complementary programs generally in order of magnitude much smaller.


17. Unless I hear further from you, I`ll plan to meet you in the foyer of the Holiday Inn about twelve-thirty.


18. Unless I listen furtIT from you, I`ll plan to meet you in the foyer of the Holiday Inn about twelve-thirty.


19. The hotel entrance is from a central undercover driveway which leads by escalater, stairs or elevators to the mezzanine foyer reception hall.


20. Now I can throw out that rug|in the foyer.


foyer 词典解释

1. 门厅;大厅;休息室

The foyer is the large area where people meet or wait just inside the main doors of a building such as a theatre, cinema, or hotel.


e.g. I went and waited in the foyer.


foyer 单语例句foyer

1. " There's quite a few good characters for novels walking around the foyer, " Brown said.

2. In 1981, the Royal Academy of Dance placed a bust of her in its London foyer.

3. The foyer of the Jin Jiang International Hotel measures 152 square meters, giving your event a sophisticated image from the moment your guests arrive.

4. The hotel is a neoclassical affair, with marble columns and a troop of elephants lining the path to the foyer.

5. " There is no major project anywhere which is concluded to perfection, " Sharma told reporters in the foyer of Canada's parliament.

6. I've seen them for sale in the foyer of a hospital specializing in the treatment of cancer - and nearly fainted at the sight.

7. Clarkson was found slumped dead in a chair in the foyer, her teeth blown out by a gunshot to her mouth.

foyer 英英释义


1. a large entrance or reception room or area

Synonym: anteroomantechamberentrance hallhalllobbyvestibule